What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


Well-known member

Feb 13, 2022
New Hampshire
Kind of crappy weather today. Sat in the tractor cab for a few hours today. Had light rain on and off all day.
I used the stump grinder to remove eight medium size stumps (around 12 inches in diameter) and ten stumps that were 24+ inches in diameter.
Also ground probably 20 small stumps 8 inches or less.
I should have taken a before and after picture but I didn't.

I also worked on my road a little bit also. Ground a couple stumps in the road. Cut some branches and downed trees also.
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Lifetime Member

Dec 10, 2014
Ste Geneveive county, MO
Put the grapple on the L3901DT and move a couple 80" logs from a Blonded Ash that I cut down a couple of weeks ago. It's a little muddy here and had a little fun getting out of the area that the logs were. Blocked the logs up and got them split and stacked.


I then used the grapple to gather some leaves that I had blown together last month. Moved them down in the woods.
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Well-known member

L3010DT, M5640SUD, Dresser TD7G
Feb 3, 2023
NE Vermont
Put the grapple on the L3901DT and move a couple 80" logs from a Blonded Ash that I cut down a couple of weeks ago. It's a little muddy here and had a little fun getting out of the area that the logs were. Blocked the logs up and got them split and stacked.

View attachment 119120

I then used the grapple to gather some leaves that I had blown together last month. Moved them down in the woods.

Curious - how do you do this with your grapple ?



Well-known member

2020 BX23S, BX2822 Snowblower, Curtis Deluxe Cab,
Nov 8, 2015
North East CT
Used it as a learning experience for him on fixing a tire in the woods…

View attachment 119104
View attachment 119105
View attachment 119106
There is an easier way to replace the valve stem than taking the tire off the tractor and breaking the tire bead. I had the tire valve stem fail on my water storage tank and there is no way to get into the tank to repair it. I learned about this tool that replaces the valve stem from the outside. You install the valve stem onto the tool, and lubricate the valve stem first with tire lube (dishwashing soap). Next, put the plastic tube over the valve stem hole and push the new valve into the hole using the tube. When I did this job, I pushed the valve stem too far, so I had to hold the valve stem with my fingers and unscrew the tool to get the "funnel" out of the way. Then I put the tool back onto the valve stem and pulled up on the stem until it seated into the hole properly. I think that the reason it went too far into the tank was because I didn't have enough strength in my hands to put the valve stem into the hole, so I used my rubber small dead blow hammer. Took all of 10 minutes including reading the instructions.

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Lifetime Member

Kubota L2501DT BH77 VIRNIG URG60-CT 1950 8N
Mar 26, 2021
central ny
There is an easier way to replace the valve stem than taking the tire off the tractor and breaking the tire bead. I had the tire valve stem fail on my water storage tank and there is no way to get into the tank to repair it. I learned about this tool that replaces the valve stem from the outside. You install the valve stem onto the tool, and lubricate the valve stem first with tire lube (dishwashing soap). Next, put the plastic tube over the valve stem hole and push the new valve into the hole using the tube. When I did this job, I pushed the valve stem too far, so I had to hold the valve stem with my fingers and unscrew the tool to get the "funnel" out of the way. Then I put the tool back onto the valve stem and pulled up on the stem until it seated into the hole properly. I think that the reason it went too far into the tank was because I didn't have enough strength in my hands to put the valve stem into the hole, so I used my rubber small dead blow hammer. Took all of 10 minutes including reading the instructions.

View attachment 119150
I am having a lot of arthritis and trigger finger problems, I have a weak grip too. But his tool looks like something I might have to have!
I have a handle for pulling in valve stems and an assortment of stems on hand. It is that little funnel thing I lack.

Thanks for posting it.
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Well-known member

B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
I like the saw box setting on your ballast box (y)

Thanks. I built the top box a while back (link below)…it slips on and off without any fasteners.

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Gary Olson

Active member

L2501 w/FEL and grapple, 3pt auger
Mar 10, 2022
Mark Twain Forest
Cleared out some cedar, hickory, oak, and trash trees. A couple of stands of black walnut have grown; and I am clearing out the competing undergrowth so the black walnut can flourish. Although gooseberry is growing with the black walnut. Trying not to rip those out is challenging.
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ken erickson

Well-known member

B7100 hst, 2650 front mount snowblower, L2501 hst qa loader
Nov 21, 2010
Waupaca Wisconsin
Cleared out some cedar, hickory, oak, and trash trees. A couple of stands of black walnut have grown; and I am clearing out the competing undergrowth so the black walnut can flourish. Although gooseberry is growing with the black walnut. Trying not to rip those out is challenging.
I see you’re located in the Mark Twain national forest. I had 35 acres off the Berryman rd, north of Hwy 8, west of Potosi, Washington county with two sides bordering the Mark Twain. I now live in Central Wisconsin and think back just How remote my land was in Missouri compared to my land now. Missouri is a beautiful state and I still miss it after 22 years!
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Currently own- B2601, LX4020. Previously owned- BX1870, B2601
Apr 28, 2019
Couple of simple additions to the LX4020... Added a little extra weight to the box blade for more traction, 👍. And, added an ammo box toolbox onto the slow moving vehicle bracket, 👍.


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