They lied about the death rates of covidThere are two routes to heard-immunity…. the slow way (let everyone naturally acquire the disease from each other it plenty of opportunity to mutate)…and risk some of us dying over it)…. or the faster and more methodical route… expose everyone in such a way that they acquire the immunity in a much less deadly fashion…. vaccination.
I’m not confused by anything except by the numbers of otherwise logical and smart people who think they’re being ”controlled” by their own popularly elected gov’t Of, By, and For the people following scientifically-acquired and sound medical advice.
“Trust….but Verify” …and I trust my Doctor (who recommended the Pfizer or Moderna as soon as I could get either). …and it’s been verified those vaccines Work in the 90-95% safe and successful range.
Yes, eventually. EVENTUALLY…. “this too shall pass”. We can get there faster and safer if fake-conspiracy-theorists would keep it to themselves and, as this thread was entitiled, “Let ‘em Die!”
But I’d prefer my friends to quit imagining the gov’t is “out to get them” if for no other reason than gov’t needs it’s people and is anxious to save them from themselves.
They lied about the transmissibility of covid
They lied about the origin of covid
They lied about the case numbers of covid
They lied about the efficacy of masks
They lied about what the “vaccination” is (It’s a new “therapy” not a traditional vaccination
They Lied about the efficacy of HCQ
They Lied about the efface of Ivermectin
They lied about the lies they told
I’m sure we can trust them now though.
*Based on their transmissibility assessment, both mathematically, and by appearance, many major population centers were approaching herd immunity about the time the “vaccine” was becoming readily available.
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