Let'm die!

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Jun 15, 2021
I'm vaccinated, as I have some at-risk characteristics, starting with my age.

I occasionally do business with an unvaccinated person at 6'+ distance.

Couple weeks ago the person was in my office, and symptomatic. I found out the symptomatic part later.....

They were later tested COVID negative, but I informed them they wouldn't walk into my office again until they were fully vaccinated.

I was pissed, and they knew it....trust me.....they knew it.....All I could do not to knock their F@$% lights out.....

I spent a lot of years in communicable disease control. Salmonella, Clostridium, Rabies, Hep A, West Nile, Giardia, Herpes Simplex B, Norwalk, etc., etc. ...

40 years ago, terrestrial rabies was rampant in raccoons in the mid-Atlantic. Very few people were known to die from the epizootic.

However, at the same time, several were known to die from an arboreal bat rabies variant. Nearly all without any bat or raccoon interaction history.

Variants can be scary. Whether antibiotic resistant bacteria, super-virulent rabies viruses, treatment-resistant Giardia, or a new COVID variant, I'm not willing to take my chances.....YMMV
So if they show up vaccinated, asymptomatic, and with a high load/shed you’re cool with that?
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Jun 15, 2021
That statement is just so much BS. When your 'freedom of choice' endangers the lives of people around you your 'freedom of choice' should end.
I and 10 million other Americans have compromised immune systems. You probably know some - you may not know they are immunocompromised though. I took 2 shots. I'm fully vaccinated. My body will not produce antibodies. I am vulnerable. If I contract the disease the outcome is not very bright.
For someone to say "its my choice" is the epidemy of selfishness or a total lack of understanding.
So it’s your right to inflict an unproven medical procedure, that is lacking any long term data on everyone else because you think they’re selfish?
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Has anyone considered the thousands of folks entering the USA from the southern border carrying who knows what, no test and disciminated to other states?

Yes, get this injection to protect us, we'll even pay you $100 to get it done, but let more come in.

Why have the exterminator come and treat the house for roaches and then bring open boxes of them in to feed your pet lizards?

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Active member

Jun 15, 2021
Has anyone considered the thousands of folks entering the USA from the southern border carrying who knows what, no test and disciminated to other states?

Yes, get this injection to protect us, we'll even pay you $100 to get it done, but let more come in.

Why have the exterminator come and treat the house for roaches and then bring open boxes of them in to feed your pet lizards?

Yet another example of how “unserious” they are about actual threats, while being insistent on violating the rights of citizens.

Most are not vaccinated, many are confirmed positive, yet they are dispersed around the country and unmonitored by the same government that shut down the economy, and wants to force a vaccine on you because of a dangerous virus.

If that doesn’t make you go ”Hmmmm?” I’m not sure what will.
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Lx2610 HSDC. BH77 backhoe
Jan 1, 2021
New jersey
Yet another example of how “unserious” they are about actual threats, while being insistent on violating the rights of citizens.

Most are not vaccinated, many are confirmed positive, yet they are dispersed around the country and unmonitored by the same government that shut down the economy, and wants to force a vaccine on you because of a dangerous virus.

If that doesn’t make you go ”Hmmmm?” I’m not sure what will.
And they are even using military bases to disperse them around the country. So nobody is safe. But hey, sleepy Joe approves
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L4400HST, Bush Hog 276, RDTH60, Speeco PHD, etc
Oct 9, 2019
Snowdoun, AL
My niece is a Nurse Anesthetist, her husband is an RN in a covid unit. Neither one of them have been vaccinated. Tells me something!!
Tells me something too! LOL
As many of you know (I shared this on the forum) my daughter spent about 44 days in the hospital (not Covid related). I have also shared that I was one of the first to get the shot back on December 31, 2020.

Being there every day I was able to talk to a lot of workers (techs, Rns, Drs, on and on) I made it a point to ask them about the shot and, for whatever reason, Id say only about 10% of them, at most, were vaccinated. 90% or more refused to get it. Heck the two ladies that gave me the first and second refused to get it.

It certainly does make me wonder, is there something I don't know. More accurately, is there something I haven't been told. 😟
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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
He meant to say "yinz"
Hagrid...is your name AL?

Your avatar looks like a guy I used to work with...and yes, I speak your language...LOL

That guy worked in a group we called the Bull gang...because of the hard work they did...
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L3901 RCR1260
Apr 14, 2021
Yet another example of how “unserious” they are about actual threats, while being insistent on violating the rights of citizens.

Most are not vaccinated, many are confirmed positive, yet they are dispersed around the country and unmonitored by the same government that shut down the economy, and wants to force a vaccine on you because of a dangerous virus.

If that doesn’t make you go ”Hmmmm?” I’m not sure what will.
" Never let a crisis go to waste":
Rahm Emmanuel, Chief of Staff under Bill Clinton.
It's not about the virus.
It's not about the children.
It's not about the poor.
It's not about the oppressed.
It's never about what they say it's about.
It is about control.
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L4400HST, Bush Hog 276, RDTH60, Speeco PHD, etc
Oct 9, 2019
Snowdoun, AL
Being introduced implies intentional.
Wait.. Wait... When you do NOTHING to stop the spread, like say: keep people from traveling, quarantine the sick, tell other world leaders you have a problem, deny it exists to the WHO (joke organization), possibly (not yet know) made it in a lab, on and on and on.... THAT DOESN'T IMPLY INTENTIONAL IT PROVES INTENTIONAL.

If I know I have covid and come to your house anyway, refuse to tell you, deny I have it when you ask me and lie and say I've been vaccinated, when I haven't, and you and your family get covid.... did I give it to you accidentally or intentionally?
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Well lets put personal view points aside for a bit. Do you really want to know what is fueling all of this, and yes I agree it is not a nice way to die but then what is? Unless it is in your own bed at 90 with a belly fill of wine and a 20 year redhead in bed next to you,, that might work for me, but I digress.
Shall we follow the money? Where is the money coming from and going to? And we all know that something like this promotes what to the rich and powerful ruling class? MONEY AND POWER over those that do not fit into their world/class/cast what ever you wish to call it. Can I give examples that are undisputable, no I cannot, but then I am not a pharisaic accountant, and money can be hidden very easily from what I understand. Im just an old country boy that sees thing from a different view point
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BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
It is abundantly clear from reading this thread that if a virus or something like it does emerge that is particularly deadly we are all fukked


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2012 Kubota L3800 HST W/FEL and 1963 JD 2010 row crop utility
Jan 27, 2013
Southern IL.
It’s abundantly clear that this thread needs too die. Every covid thread on all the forums I’m on go this way, everyone is a expert and their side is right and yours is wrong. Ive never read were someone posted that they changed their opinion due to an Internet forum.
As the OP stated this wasn’t meant to be a political statement but that’s exactly what covid has become, political. Better get on your team while there’s still time.
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Dec 7, 2009
central ct
So it’s your right to inflict an unproven medical procedure, that is lacking any long term data on everyone else because you think they’re selfish?
Unproven? I don't know where you get you information. These vaccines were developed after decades of scientific investigation. There have been billions of doses already administered.
No vaccine (including those for smallpox, polio, diphtheria etc) is 100% 'safe' but serious adverse reactions are a miniscule %.

I do know for certain what the risks are when contracting the disease. We are still learning what the long term affects will be for those who have contracted even a mild case of covid.


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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
Not really.

“Herd immunity” can also come from natural exposure. Due to the nature of this experimental treatment (not a vaccine in the traditional sense) there is a growing understanding among virologists that variations are very likely being “bred” among the “vaccinated” more than the “unvaccinated”.
There are two routes to herd-immunity…. the slow way (let everyone naturally acquire the disease from each other ..giving it plenty of opportunity to mutate)…and risk some of us dying over it)…. or the faster and more methodical route… expose everyone in such a way that they acquire the immunity in a much less deadly fashion…. vaccination.

I’m not confused by anything except by the numbers of otherwise logical and smart people who think they’re being ”controlled” by their own popularly elected gov’t Of, By, and For the people following scientifically-acquired and sound medical advice.

“Trust….but Verify” …and I trust my Doctor (who recommended the Pfizer or Moderna as soon as I could get either). …and it’s been verified those vaccines Work in the 90-95% safe and successful range.

Yes, eventually. EVENTUALLY…. “this too shall pass”. We can get there faster and safer if fake-conspiracy-theorists would keep it to themselves and, as this thread was entitiled, “Let ‘em Die!”

But I’d prefer my friends to quit imagining the gov’t is “out to get them” if for no other reason than gov’t needs it’s people and is anxious to save them from themselves.
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  • Haha
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Gr2120, LX3310, bh77 hoe, 64 inch commercial snow blower, landpride pallet forks
Apr 16, 2021
Berks County PA
There are two routes to heard-immunity…. the slow way (let everyone naturally acquire the disease from each other ..giving it plenty of opportunity to mutate)…and risk some of us dying over it)…. or the faster and more methodical route… expose everyone in such a way that they acquire the immunity in a much less deadly fashion…. vaccination.

I’m not confused by anything except by the numbers of otherwise logical and smart people who think they’re being ”controlled” by their own popularly elected gov’t Of, By, and For the people following scientifically-acquired and sound medical advice.

“Trust….but Verify” …and I trust my Doctor (who recommended the Pfizer or Moderna as soon as I could get either). …and it’s been verified those vaccines Work in the 90-95% safe and successful range.

Yes, eventually. EVENTUALLY…. “this too shall pass”. We can get there faster and safer if fake-conspiracy-theorists would keep it to themselves and, as this thread was entitiled, “Let ‘em Die!”

But I’d prefer my friends to quit imagining the gov’t is “out to get them” if for no other reason than gov’t needs it’s people and is anxious to save them from themselves.
Fake conspiracy? Tell that to my neighbor that has had her period every day for 3 months!
Or even my Father that can’t lift his arm above his head due to pain at injection site.
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Active member

Jun 15, 2021
It is abundantly clear from reading this thread that if a virus or something like it does emerge that is particularly deadly we are all fukked
If we see one that is substantially more deadly than the ones we have seen and see every day let me know. I’ll respond differently than I did with COVID.

Since when does it make sense to quarantine the healthy?
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Jun 15, 2021
Unproven? I don't know where you get you information. These vaccines were developed after decades of scientific investigation. There have been billions of doses already administered.
No vaccine (including those for smallpox, polio, diphtheria etc) is 100% 'safe' but serious adverse reactions are a miniscule %.

I do know for certain what the risks are when contracting the disease. We are still learning what the long term affects will be for those who have contracted even a mild case of covid.
There is no long term data on mRNA treatments in humans.

Your logic here is inverted.

We know NOTHING of the long term effects of this treatment, of which the scientist who developed the technique is skeptical.

The effect of the virus was highly inflated, as were the case data as admitted to by several governmental organizations, adn the inventor of the PCR test who considers it wholly inappropriate to use PCR to confirm COVID cases.

What we do know is for most the risk from COVID is low, and the risk from mRNA therapy is completely unknown.
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