I may have been busting onthe B with out reason. It was half way warm today so I plowed out with the BX and looked at the B with disgust and distain. It felt very unstable to me and chasing down hydro leaks well that should not have been something to do on a new tractor. And I like someone else have a valve stem come off in my hand when I was going to check the tires. So like I said it was half war warm 37f and I started going over the B again and for some reason I figured I would check tire pressure. Something I should have done when I had to RE TOURQUE all the wheels and FEL sub frame and started chasing leaks. Well one tire had zip nada none empty of any sort of atmospheric pressure and that was a back tire, and when I pumped air in to it AFTER MAKING SURE THE VALVE STEM WAS TIGHT, it freekin bubbled yep one day when it warms up I will see how full it is, MAYBE NOT TO MUCH. The other 3 tires went from 30psi on a front to about 10 in the other rear. So I did 20 in all of them for right now. One would think a shop would have checked simple things like tires, right And 2 quarts of hydro, but I figure that may be due to FEL and Grapple. So we shall see how things shake here before to long again. And yeah I know the dealer reads this forum he told me as much