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  • Part II
    The money was fantastic.
    50K to sign up, all expenses paid, (transportation, lodging, food, ammo, weapons, training, medical care, 250K life insurance) 2K per week, 5K per week in combat zone, 2K per terr confirmed kill, (ears & weapons) 4 weeks in the bush, 4 weeks out.
    All monies tax free, paid when, where, & how you specified.
    Of course, it was a long time ago, and I was a lot younger then, and in shape, (I played semi pro soccer briefly) but I had just gotten married and was starting a new life with the wife.
    Had I met him & he asked a year earlier....

    I was not in the military.
    Kind of odd circumstances/coincidences brought me to that decision. I think it was 1978 to 1970?
    A friend owned a gun shop, and they had an attempted robbery when his wife was alone in the store.
    The owner (I went to HS with him) asked a few of us to do UC security when she was alone.

    While in the shop, I met a friend of his dad who, I found out later, was in the Rhodesian special forces. (the Selous Scouts)
    We hit it off right away.
    He was in the US recruiting mercs, as they were desperately short of manpower.
    We went out shooting a couple times, and I guess I impressed him.
    The owner of the shop had organized a large machine gun shoot, and we both attended, where I guess I further impressed him.
    He then made the offer that I return with him, to basically hunt terrorists, in a two to four man team with him.
    He did not care that I had no military background, said I shot as good or better than most military, and had a good head on my shoulders.

    Hey Skeets-
    You out there brother?

    We've been missing you, hope all is well with you.

    Gives us a post just to reassure us.


    Skeet how are you holding up? Sorry to just read in your messages here that your wife passed. These are tough times for all of us. I hope that some of the Brothers are keeping an eye out for you. I we have been trying to keep in touch with our members here. I don***8217;t know about you, but I am really starting to question how much I am going to be on OTT. There is a few that are really starting to ruin the site. They are acting like 2 year olds and everything is about them and no one is allowed to say anything negative about them. Take care brother and I hope you are well.
    Sorry skeets, just noticed the message. Besides your loss that's a hard pill to swallow, hard enough making ends meet sometimes. I won't forget ya if I ever win the lottery but I wouldn't hold my breath on that. Take care my friend, hope everything works out for ya.
    I am happy she is OK, that is scary waiting for the results. And I thank you , I dont think my walk about is going to happen in the next couple of days,,lol
    When my wife passed I lost her social security check, and losing 1400 bucks a month ,well things get a tab bit on the lean side. But I will get it all worked out, she didnt think twice about spending money, sooooo it is up to me.. ahh well better days are coming,,lol
    Stay warm and dry, and make sure you give your lovely bride a long warm hug, and tell her you love her.
    Take care my friend
    I am happy she is OK, that is scary waiting for the results. And I thank you , I dont think my walk about is going to happen in the next couple of days,,lol
    When my wife passed I lost her social security check, and losing 1400 bucks a month ,well things get a tab bit on the lean side. But I will get it all worked out, she didnt think twice about spending money, sooooo it is up to me.. ahh well better days are coming,,lol
    Stay warm and dry, and make sure you give your lovely bride a long warm hug, and tell her you love her.
    Take care my friend
    Yes, my wife has been sick. They thought her gallbladder was the problem so the did a scan and thought they found a spot on her pancreas but after an MRI which we got the result back yesterday everything looks fine. The hard part is the waiting to get these tests done and the waiting time to get the results.

    You're always welcome here my friend. I'll have the beer on ice and the boat fuelled up but you may want to wait a few more months, another weather warning issued for Thursday but we have more road peeking through everyday. Bad side to that is the frost coming out, good side, summer is just around the corner.
    Take care my friend, Donnie
    I can't tell ya how good it is to hear from ya my friend. Been a little worried about ya after all you've been through but wanted to give you some space to get things worked out. Been quite a roller coaster ride here, bad news then good news then back to bad and finally today great news. My little buddy got her scan results back today and she's gonna be fine. Boy did I need that after the year we've had.

    As far as the land deal goes I doubt he'll come threw but either way it'll be back on the block again this year, time to start a new chapter in our lives.

    All the best my friend, Donnie
    Pretty much the same here my friend, we still have some snow here even after the rain yesterday. Summer can't come soon enough for me. Good to hear your still on the right side of the grass, one day at a time. Keep well buddy, talk soon.
    Afternoon my friend, things are going well. We had 3 people take a look so far and 2 sound promising. Mom is doing pretty much the same and wife is doing well, she managed to get a few pictures of a doe that walked in the yard this morning so she's happy. Hope all is well with you and your lovely wife. All this rain is getting kind of depressing though, hopefully it will end later in the week and we'll be able to get the 2 wheel toy out for another run. Take care my friend and give that lovely lady a hug for us

    Afternoon skeets my friend. Beautiful day here however tonight and tomorrow don't look good. It won't be long before all this is forgotten and we'll be catching bugs in our teeth on the bikes. Hey maybe I should save them for bait.;):D Have a good one buddy and give that girl of yours a big hug for us.
    Your best bet would be Wolfman, he has access to the stuff the WSM doesnt show, and he can give you some tips too I bet.
    Sorry I could my friend, lots of things I dont know and I aint afraid to admit it,,lol
    Hey Skeets, you helped me out last summer with my BX2230 fan replacement. Much appreciated. I have a L35 with a hydraulic leak. I got a WSM but it doesn***8217;t show me what I need to do to replace some ***8220;O***8221; rings. Can you get me going in the right direction?
    I'm real sorry to hear that skeets, I sure hope things get better for you soon, this old age thing isn't what it's cracked up to be. If anything changes (for the better I hope) just let me know.
    Hey buddy, i wasn't just blowin smoke, if you ever want to come for a visit you'll have a place to stay. We retired to our camp because I had to leave work on a medical retirement however things aren't so bad. We have a 2 bedroom cottage that's pretty comfortable but not a 4 star. Bottomline, if you want to come up for a fish or site see your more than welcome.
    All the best Donnie
    Okay, I've gotta know: did Santa leave switches and ashes in your stocking? (I'm sure the traditional lumps of coal would have been received with delight, considering the climate up there.)

    And before you ask, I din't even hang a stocking this year -- I couldn't stand the thought of what would be in it! So I just sang, ***9835; I'm getting nothing for Christmas; mama and daddy are mad; I'm getting nothing for Christmas; they say that I've been bad ***9834;
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