Well since some of you feel free to post what I consider to be politically motivated drivel, let me indicate that not all of us agree. In other words, I intend to sink to the low level in posts above, posting nasty memes and cartoons too. Sparky, some posts back you asked the question, so who would be motivated to publish such things, implying it must be a conspiracy of the anti Trump dems. Well the main conspiracy going on is Russia and China seeking to destroy the US, and the easiest way is to sow dissension, and let us do it ourselves. My only remorse in posting what I really think about those of you calling people names, is that it will not help with the real problem, and you all will no doubt respond by getting even nastier and stupider.
What I see (and many other people) is a group of Trump supporters who have drunk the Trump coolaide clutching at every straw they can find to support his and your behavior, especially with regard to the pandemic. Oh its just the flu, it'll disappear. Masks? Oh I don't need one. Now who are sheeple?
The so called resources you appear to be reading are crooked. You believe MSM is slanted, because so many people affiliated with them positively loathe Trump, and make no bones out of it. Ever occur to you there are good reasons for people to feel that way? I can respect people who have views that differ from mine on abortion, government regs, gun control, best health care etc, and think we could sit down and create compromises. I can not respect those of you who continue to support a person and ideas that I think are destroying our country. Trump is a self serving crook. For the love of mike consider the possibility that he and his family and cronies are a mistake.
Here is an MSM OPINION piece. I am sure like Trump you will hate the Washington Post, but they label articles as Opinion, when it is one person's view point. Others labeled analysis include more facts and references. But it will give you some idea why many of us find the administration's recent behaviors beyond the pale. I actually think he is mentally ill. Just listen to him try to string bits of sentences together. They make no sense.