Yes, this C-19 is vastly politicized. I notice that no one contacted it from the recent street mobs but it was epidemic at the Trump rally.
Who says no one contracted from the mobs? And it is too soon to have a handle on propagation from the rally. And for Oklahoma which has a surge going on it may be hard to pick up from background bar attendance. To be fair I should also add choir practice.
But I agree it is appallingly politicized. A tragedy.
I keep wondering what if...
Someone had said to Trump the best way to get re elected is to
Make sure the pandemic response is bipartisan.
Line up the experts and first say this what we know about this virus, and this is what we don't know.
Here is what we have in the way of extra medical supplies and test material, a d here is what we don't have.
We need citizens to do this, this, and this to close the potential gap in supplies.
If plan A doesn't work, starting with closing the borders and quarantining all incoming travelers for 2 weeks, we know social distancing and masking slows the spread of all viruses, so we ask that you do your best to implement that strategy next . Etc etc.
Any chance Americans would have pitched in if it all had not gotten buried in this political junk?