I been watching a lot of videos on box blade vs land planes and while so many on here seem to recommend the land plane, I just don't think it's going to be the right tool for me. I'll admit that. the land plane does a much better job at finishing and making it really perfect, but I don't need perfect. If I had a more loosely gravel driveway then sure a land plane would be slick...but mine gets PACKED...I mean enough to the point its smooth and you can squeal your tires on it.
If I had a longer driveway, then a land plane would be worth it. Yes there's a chance I could end up resurfacing other people's driveways but nobody around here has a driveway that long where it would be worth it. I feel like the smaller size of the box blade, at least the one I am looking at...the Land Price BB1566 with the the heavy weight around 500lbs would be beneficial for the scarifiers to break up the hardpack.
I've talked to others who have a land plane and they didn't like it for dirt work, like smoothing out topsoil. They told me the box blade did a better job of it.
I just can't justify the cost of a land plane that is really a specialized tool for someone like me where it's going to sit unused most of the time.
The box blade seems to be more versatile, yes it may be more harder to learn but its not that bad. I can grade my driveway, rip up hard pack, I can even rip up soil if need me, I can level top soil, backfill, I can weld on a receiver and move trailers with it, I can use it during winter to remove hardpack snow if I had to. Its good for ballast too. It has so many more uses for me and it will fit in the garage a lot easier because its not as long as the land plane.
I really feel like the box blade is the best choice for the money.