Well-known member
L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Yeah, it’s kind of weird. Of course we don’t have the glacial till and frost heaved rocks folks up north have. Still, it’s atypical for the area to the point it’s near certain the lack of surface rock is due to human effort. Most likely the whole place was cultivated at some point in the distant past and all rocks removed but with the topography of much of it, that’s kind of hard to imagine. We know it was clear cut about 80 years ago because all the oldest trees are about 80 years old and there are remnants of numerous saw dust piles from the portable saw mill(s) that were commonly used on site at the time. Historical records indicate it was part of a several hundred acre farm throughout the 1800’s and into the early 1900’s, with the homesite and associated outbuildings on our side of the ridge where the public road runs now. I would really like to know the story behind the removal of all rock, but anyone who ever knew is long dead.No rocks on your land? You are just living in the wrong state. Try the "Granite State", New Hampshire. You can have all my rocks. Do you like digging? Lol.