Our nearest next door neighbor to the west (1/2 mile down the road) passed away about 25 years ago. Not a thing moved at her house since. Trash wasn’t take out, car never moved, nothing. A few years ago property was sold to a developer. My wife was always impressed with the daffodils in the yard. There were some nice rocks in the yard, too. Our place has virtually zero rocks on the entire 70 acres.
In a discussion with the developer's project lead a few months ago, asked him if they were planning to preserve anything at the house or flatten the whole area. He said of course they plan to remove the house and regrade the whole area. He gave us permission to take whatever we wanted from the outside of the house.
We went to get a few ornamental plants one time previously. Got a couple of rocks on that trip as well. I was on a 10lb lifting restriction after a basal cell removal so our adult son had to do the lifting to place or roll rocks into the loader bucket. For whatever reason that day, he wasn’t playing well with rocks too big to pick up that were half buried, so we mostly stuck to rehoming ornamental plants and getting smaller rocks.
Today, wife and I went back. Dusted off the SMV sign for the tractor, loaded the Mule with empty buckets, and took a short road trip. Technically, wife never got the Mule in the road, just stayed on the shoulder the whole way. I drove in the road behind her. I don’t really like roading equipment around here now that most of the farms are gone, but folks still seem to respect equipment if it’s big enough. Came back with buckets full of daffodils and hyacinths in the Mule. Loaded up a loader bucket full of rocks (4). Re-planted all the flowers. Left the rocks in the bucket to be set out tomorrow. Might get another load of rocks tomorrow as well.
Most of those remaining are liftable by hand. Three of the four we got today are more in the category of “Give me a lever and a fulcrum…” and maybe I can’t really move the world but I can move a much bigger rock than I can lift.
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