What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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LX2610HSDC, RCR1260, PFL1242, LX2963, RB1684, WC-68,Flail Mower,Grapple, Z421
Sep 26, 2021
Buckfield Maine
Not the 5" that was called for but plenty to get out and play in. I turned on pandora and listened to a mix of Alabama, Ronnie Milsap, Alan Jackson ( you get the picture) and just enjoyed. Forgot all about the crap going on in the world for a while and smiled. It doesn't get any better than that.

Hopefully by the end of the week we will have bare ground again so I can start removing hardscaping from the backside of the house in prep for an addition to give my wife a nice sewing room.


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In Utopia

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L175 FEL
Apr 21, 2013
Sometimes, a wider width can be an advantage or a hinderance.

I wished my BB was 6-12" wider when grading the patio - - would have been easier to get close to the house.

Often, I use it for a counterweight like @NCL4701 mentions. Then wider is not necessarily a good thing, especially in tight quarters if the BB is wider than your loader bucket.... :oops:
Yep, you sure can get into trouble with one that's wider than the tractor. I was using my free 7' box blade and wham, snagged a tree root and it spun me around. Getting it out wasn't fun.
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B2650, RK 60" BB, 42" tiller, 72" LP FM, Forks, Grapple, FEL
Feb 15, 2024
Warrenton VA
I bought a box blade at first, was great to bring my driveway back to life after years of neglect by the previous owner. It's also been handy around the house for other dirt-moving projects and loaning out to buddies. Last year I bought a land plane for the driveway and man it's so much easier & quicker. It's great for a quick maintenance run every few weeks. I spread out a few yards of gravel with the bucket on Friday and then spent 20-30 min going back and forth to bring the driveway back to life.


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L3560HSTC-LE LA555 FDR1672 BB1272 SoldL3301HST
Jul 12, 2024
Terry, MS
I mean the 3901 has benefit of more horsepower so it can probably pull the 72 inch box a lot better than my 2501.
You'd be surprised what that 2501 can actually pull. I bet a couple proud owners could chime in with some shocking stats.

I know my 3301 never had a problem. A couple times with the scarifires all the way down in hard ground it'd get you.

Never knew the weight of the landplane I had. It was a cat 2 and all I could do to get it hooked up. It was unusable without the loader. And even with the loader on, on one spot of my driveway that has a roundabout, if I turned slightly it would dig in and raise the front tires up.

I figured at some point a 3pt arm was going to break off or something. But that ole 3301 always handled it like a boss.
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ken erickson

Well-known member

B7100 hst, 2650 front mount snowblower, L2501 hst qa loader
Nov 21, 2010
Waupaca Wisconsin
It is normal to get wet heavy spring snows even into early April here in Central Wisconsin. We had a 4 inch snow a few days ago and waited till today to remove ( sick with a sinus infection etc). This might be the last snow removal for the 2024/2025 season.

Completely un-related but some might notice the "hazy" appearance to my LaView security camera. The camera is shaped like a light bulb and screws into my front porch light which is a carriage light fixture type. Anyways a spider made a nest in it this last summer, and due to me not being able to reach up into it to clean out the web I grabbed a can of deep woods off, (only thing I had) and sprayed up and around the camera. Obvious the camera uses a plastic lens and the Deep Woods Off must have melted or hazed the lens. Lesson learned! Good thing they are cheap, about 25 dollars.

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L2501 HST 4X4 8N
Feb 23, 2021
I hope you are right about this being the last snow removal Ken, but Spring like
weather sure isn't what we have had lately. The last snow hasn't even melted
off the hanging trees yet.
I enjoyed the 45 minutes on the tractor cleaning up the snow though.
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ken erickson

Well-known member

B7100 hst, 2650 front mount snowblower, L2501 hst qa loader
Nov 21, 2010
Waupaca Wisconsin
I hope you are right about this being the last snow removal Ken, but Spring like
weather sure isn't what we have had lately. The last snow hasn't even melted
off the hanging trees yet.
I enjoyed the 45 minutes on the tractor cleaning up the snow though.
I do not want to jinx anyone living in central Wi but here are some pictures of the 2 foot plus snow , April 15th of 2018. Yikes. lol



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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
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