Who do you let drive your tractor (unsupervised)?


Oct 25, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
When I first got my BX, I let a couple of people sit on it and drive it a couple of feet, lift and lower the loader, just to experience a moment of it. But I was was within 5 feet of the key. Wife got to drive it around the backyard without the loader. She has no interest in it. It's mine.



Carraro tgf 7800 taijfun 4,5 t winch, trailer with crane, double bl saw
Apr 17, 2015
Bavaria South Germany
The OL but then I have to let her drive it unsupervised,,, cause she wont listen to me anyway,,lol

Quite simple 3 persons:

And i.

I was driving combines for professional cutters for twelve years, if one person is responsable for his proper machine he takes good care of it, knows what is going to come up as a problem, if several people are messing around no one is responsable and things go wrong.

I would let family members drive after a period of supervision through me, but not lend t friends, neighbours or whatsoever.


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Quite simple 3 persons:

And i.

I was driving combines for professional cutters for twelve years, if one person is responsable for his proper machine he takes good care of it, knows what is going to come up as a problem, if several people are messing around no one is responsable and things go wrong.

I would let family members drive after a period of supervision through me, but not lend t friends, neighbours or whatsoever.
This speaks to an issue of personal responsibility, not really qualifications.

I can't stand it when people say "It's not my machine so I can do whatever I want with it." common with rental equipment/vehicles. It is so sad it makes me almost angry when I hear it.

If I rent or borrow something, I give it back in better condition than I got it. If I've damaged it, I repair it or replace it and keep the borrowed item giving the new one back to the person that lent it to me.

I have no idea why that's seen as being abnormal behavior these days.


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2020 L3901HST, LA525 Loader, 66" Q/A Bucket, PFL2042 Forks, Meteor SB68PT Blower
Mar 4, 2015
Cadillac, MI
I agree. I'm more careful with borrowed or rented tools (or other stuff) than I am my own.

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New member

Dec 28, 2014
I haven't had mine a year, yet, so no one but me so far. Trying to get the wife to be comfortable on it, but she's not showing a lot of interest. I'm working for some nearby close friends for free to get my experience up. Since I'm recently retired, I have enough time to help some people out while gaining hours. I guess I'd loan it to a couple people who let me borrow their machines when I had none.


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M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
After a lot of training my wife and son use mine when needed. Certain things I'm the only one who does them due to either danger or complication. I try my best to never allow them to be in a situation that's above their abilities.
Other than that I have one neighbor that I would trust with anything although I don't think he'll ever really have a need for my small tractors. His little tractor is 100 hp and they go up from that.



L3800HST 4x4,R1,FEL, 6'disc, 5'bush hog,piranhaTB,6'grader,6'rake, 48"forks
Apr 3, 2014
Mobile, AL
This speaks to an issue of personal responsibility, not really qualifications.

I can't stand it when people say "It's not my machine so I can do whatever I want with it." common with rental equipment/vehicles. It is so sad it makes me almost angry when I hear it.

If I rent or borrow something, I give it back in better condition than I got it. If I've damaged it, I repair it or replace it and keep the borrowed item giving the new one back to the person that lent it to me.

I have no idea why that's seen as being abnormal behavior these days.
This is exactly where I was going with this post. Sad but true, if someone is not responsible for the repair, maintenance or monthly payment, most won't treat it like it's theirs if no one is watching. There is a guy in my club who leaves his tractor at the camp for everyone to use. It's an incredibly tough machine but those that drive it treat it like crap. I only realized this after I bought my own tractor last year and studied the manual because I wanted to take care of it. I have never driven his tractor but those who have won't be sitting on mine.


Lifetime Member

1982 B7100HST-DT, RC60-71H MMM, 5ft. back blade
Aug 11, 2015
Pine Village, Indiana
I've let my wife drive mine once. She grew up in the city, so a tractor is very unknown to her meaning I don't have to fight for seat time. :D I want her to be able to operate it though, just in case a huge snow happens while I'm at work, or if I'm away for work she can cut the grass. But, if she's not confident in her abilities to operate it, I'll have my BIL come over and do that, since he grew up on a farm and is a heavy equipment operator.



BX2230, LA211 FEL, RCK60B Mower, GCK60BX Bagger; Ford 4000, bush hog, blade, etc
Aug 9, 2013
Chapel Hill, NC
Same here, only I drive it and my wife has driven them at times as 1) Tractors can be deadly to the uneducated in their use, 2) Only owners with their bucks invested in it, will treat it with the respect deserved.

I bought the Kubota with the hydro static transmission, good brakes, power steering, easy start diesel engine, no crazy angle drive belts on the mower that tend to come off, in part so the wife could operate it to mow the area, if I became incapacitated.

Friend of mine has a Kubota with backhoe that people have asked if they could borrow.. Liked his way of saying no... that the insurance only covers it while on his own property.

Also have an old, larger Ford tractor I had for over close to 40 years that I finally got bit by last year, illustrating the potential deadliness even to experienced people..

Was scapping the snow off our private roads that had a fair amount of ice in places frozen to the ground that resulted in extreme vibration on the rear mounted blade.. Unknown to me at some point the cotter key had broken and the vibration loosened the one large nut that holds the blade on while rotating it to a different position. When I later rotated the blade, the nut came off and dropped the blade down about 14" off the concrete floor hitting my toes and breaking three of them.. Had it hit further back on my foot it would have make a mess of it, probably for the rest of my life.

The neighbors know about that incident and will probably understand better why my answer would be no to any tractor borrow. I instead offer my tractor and myself as operator to come over to help out.
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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
I know a guy that could wreck an anvil. Ya, i dont lend him anything. Although some people think its just a little tractor so its easy to drive, its still a dangerous machine. Wreck it and then im stuck without my handy yard ape. Not to mention my home business has customers stuff everywhere, run into something or chuck a stone with a mower and im paying.


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245DT 1980 w/bucket and3ph
Aug 14, 2015
New Sharon, Maine
I let the wife use it, though all she does is move a bucket of firewood in the fall. She's slow and cautious. It's tippy on uneven ground.


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
I don't borrow, and I don't lend. I will use my tools and help someone else, but no one will take care of my stuff like I do.
Having said that, my father has used my Kubota.
No one else has ever asked, and I would kindly offer to help them, in response.

I once had a friend who wanted to borrow my ATV for bear hunting. After I stopped shivering at the thought, I told him two things- I didn't want our friendship ruined, and he didn't have the money to fix what he would surely tear up. He smiled, agreed, and understood.

My opinion is this- if it is worth borrowing (have a need), it is worth buying. I'd rather own what I need instead of borrow, and whoever needs my stuff, should do the same.

There is wisdom in what Shakespeare wrote- "neither a borrower nor a lender be". Many believe that this is in the Bible, but it isn't. Rather, Scripture instructs to be generous in lending; it also clearly states that when you borrow, you become a slave to the lender. So, I believe in the principle of lending- helping. But, to keep the person from becoming a slave, I will help by also supplying labor.
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Proverbs 22:7----King James Bible
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

"Many believe that this is in the Bible, but it isn't." Sorry Hodge, but it surely is!


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Way back in my early years, like 40 years ago, my dad painted all his garden tools orange(of all colors)
Nobody borrowed stuff anymore. Maybe its a sign....


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
Proverbs 22:7----King James Bible
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

"Many believe that this is in the Bible, but it isn't." Sorry Hodge, but it surely is!
The phrase "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" is from Hamlet.
I was referring to the specific phrase, not the concept.


Active member

BX25D, snowblower, PHD, Grapple, Snow blade, land Plane
Sep 1, 2014
N. Idaho
My wife wanted to try knocking over saplings with the FEL when we were clearing along the driveway. She stacked up about 8 in front, and started climbing up on the pile in 4WD. It scared the crap out of her and me, she watches now. got over tractor work real quick.


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Kubota L47 TLB
May 31, 2015
Wild, Wonderful West Virginia
Loaned my log splitter to my stepson four years ago. Loaned him the use of my 680 CK for one afternoon to bury a stump.

He returned the backhoe with all the hydraulic lines to the hoe sheared (he ran over a stump trying to push it in the hole with the hoe) and out of fluid. Why he didn't use the front bucket to push is anyone's guess....he works with heavy equipment in his job.

Four hoses sheared, 15 gallons of oil gone, hydraulic pump scored AND the cheap bastard used all but a gallon of diesel in the backhoe. "I'll pay for the hoses" I'm told. I'm still waiting. It's been 2 years and I finally fixed them myself.

The log splitter was used for 4 years and never had an oil change. No oil showed on the dipstick. Drained out 7 ounces of black sludge thicker than 90 wt gear oil in the winter out of an 8 hp Briggs engine. Oil capacity is 18 ounces or a bit more.

New piston, rings, connecting rod, bored the cylinder and replaced the valves. Had to lap the carburetor halves on a lapping plate because someone believed that you can fix a carb leak by tightening screws almost to the point of stripping...which warped the carb.

I loan him nothing and haven't spoken to him in two years. There's 2 people I loan tools or equipment, both are neighbors. Everything is always returned in the condition it was loaned and full of fuel, along with a case of beer to sweeten the deal.


New member

Aug 2, 2015
mill village
I'd let anyone drive it, let almost anyone borrow it. If u are at my house looking at it, that means that I trust u enough for u to see where I live so borrowing my tractor (after some explicit instructions) really wouldn't be a big deal to me. Sure, some things require an experienced operator but it ain't rocket science moving buckets full of whatever or scraping up sod. I accept that accidents happen, if you don't break or bend it I probably will. If you break it and don't offer to at least help to fix it then you just blew your chance at free tractor rentals. Makes me feel neighborly I guess, helping out, helping ya save some dough or some time, especially if you only need it every so often...I will do you this favor in return for an unspecified favor to be redeemed at a time of my choosing...no questions asked, Godfather style lol.


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BX25 w/BH MMM FEL, MX47 w/ FEL, Bushhog disk, bedder, pallet forks, hay spear
Dec 1, 2015
Bedford Indiana
My son will use the BX25 pretty well and I have him learning on the MX47. At 16 he needs to know how.......