Who do you let drive your tractor (unsupervised)?


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Kubota B6200
Oct 9, 2015
Ghent, NY
I would let my son use mine he's an equipment operator so he knows the drill. I have a couple of friends who also "know the drill" but their stuff is beat to snot so I'm thinking mmmm . . . not so much.



2017 kubota L3901HST
Jul 2, 2015
West gardiner maine, USA
Only person that I would let operate or "borrow" my tractor is my step father who originally taught me how to operate his kubota. To this day he still lets me borrow his kubota since mine doesn't have a backhoe and he trusts me with his plow truck all winter to plow his accounts so I'd have no issues trusting him with my tractor. Anyone else needing a tractor can ask for my help or call the equipment rental center lol.


Lifetime Member

B2620, fel, RB1560, Piranha Tooth Bar
Jan 2, 2015
Newport, WA
A neighbor who has never asked.....he has one of everything. I needed a backhoe and asked he would come and dig out a couple of stumps (for $).
The next day he park his hoe in my drive and handed me the key, call me when you are done. It went back greased, washed, and fuel topped off. o ya I also gave him a few redundant tools and a couple of 7 gal propane tanks.
A few weeks prior I rebuilt two cabinet doors for him and helped him install new counter tops. He is a good hand.


New member

2009 BX2360TV60, RCK60B-23BX
Aug 8, 2014
Parker, SD
The one and only time I let my wife use it to mow, she managed to back up onto part of an old concrete slab that was 10'x 20', crow- barred the mower, and killed the engine. Took three of us to lift it off the concrete. Luckily, no harm done other than a slightly bent wall on the MMM, and some dull blades. Of course, that cured her of ever wanting to use it again. If mowing needs to be done when I'm not around, the wife and adult kids can use the old JD RX75 riding mower- at least I got that free. My boys have fetched my BX for me a couple of times when they get their cars stuck on the gravel roads, and they want me to come dig them out.



Mar 4, 2016
Lancaster Ohio
well the only person I would consider is off the list, I lent them a stone compacter, had to go get it, to get it back. The pull cord and throttle cable were broken upon pick up. He said if you want I can have them fixed, no thanks.

the wife does operate the 7100 and JD, she wont use the zero turn though



2000 Kubota B2710, Woods BH75 backhoe, LandPride York Rake, B2783 Snow Blower
Jan 1, 2016
Rindge, NH
I have let my two sons drive it, my brother and three friends. One son does not really care about it and really does not care about it. My other son is interested in it, has gone over how to change all the attachments and maintain them. He also understands the limitations but does not always take precautions (example while trying to maneuver to pull a stump the tractor started to tip and instead of backing up to solid ground he stepped on the pedal to make it go as fast as possible and forced the tractor forward). Eventually he will inherit the tractor so I guess you can say I am trying to teach him... He will pay for any major damage though.

Of the friends, one bent the front bucket and let his wife drive it who raised the bucket all the way up full of logs which promptly fell back on top of the hood denting it. Another was leveling his yard and while looking back at the york rake crashed into a tree knocking the FEL loader off level (i.e. one side would hit the ground before the other).

The last friend know how to use it, has repaired (welded) the backhoe frame for me when it cracked (manufacturing error and frame was eventually replaced), added chain hooks, repaired backhoe bucket that I cracked, helped repair damage caused by other friends, etc... As of right now he is the only friend I will ever let borrow it again.

My brother used it and I did not see any evidence of abuse so I guess you could say he could still borrow it, but my wife is saying I should not let him and I should go do the work...

There is a lot to be said for NOT letting people borrow your equipment even if they claim to know how to use it.


New member
Mar 23, 2016
I let my wife use it, so I can go out and fix what she doesn't do correctly. I share that because she doesn't read this forum. (I hope).

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L3200HST w/LA524 FEL, Rhino BX66 & RX5, Land Pride FDR1672
Sep 19, 2015
West Central Missouri

Today I let our son on it for the first time. He was a lil nervous but I would not let him on it "unsupervised" yet. Biggest thing he's been on since his Power Wheel truck. He's 9 y/o.

Got a while before we get there. But glad he's interested in it. Would rather see him helping out than on his electronic devices [emoji6]

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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Maybe to help him, move the seat up a tad! He'll soon become proficient...and addicted.

Be sure to teach him safety and the correct methods of using a loader and mower. It amazes me how many adults attack a rock or dirt pile with a loader and have no clue of how to do it correctly. Same with a backhoe. Folks move the bucket out and bring it to them and often never understand what they ought to be doing.

We hear the saying, "Practice makes perfect". Not necessarily true. "Perfect practice makes perfect". You practice doing something wrong, you get REAL good at doing it wrong!

I have a friend (who owned a const. co.) who's son enjoyed playing on equipment. At the age of about 11, for the son's birthday the father would rent a mini-hoe for the weekend to let his son dig. That young kid was very well versed in all types of machinery.

I had him picking up bales of hay off the field with my Deutz 6206. When we got the hay all put up, he asked if he could put all the hay back out in the field and do it again!!


New member

May 27, 2016
Gulf Coast Texas
I have a friend that has a trailer and a truck suitable to moving my tractor to the Dealership and to locations of my choosing he lets me do this at no charge but I always fill up his truck, my way of saying thanks. He runs a mower dealership mostly ZTR units and has loaned me mowers when mine was down again no charge. I would trust him with my tractor but have not told him so. If he did borrow it I would expect it to come back as it left except maybe with a full tank.:)


New member

L3200HST w/LA524 FEL, Rhino BX66 & RX5, Land Pride FDR1672
Sep 19, 2015
West Central Missouri
Maybe to help him, move the seat up a tad! He'll soon become proficient...and addicted.

Be sure to teach him safety and the correct methods of using a loader and mower. It amazes me how many adults attack a rock or dirt pile with a loader and have no clue of how to do it correctly. Same with a backhoe. Folks move the bucket out and bring it to them and often never understand what they ought to be doing.

We hear the saying, "Practice makes perfect". Not necessarily true. "Perfect practice makes perfect". You practice doing something wrong, you get REAL good at doing it wrong!

I have a friend (who owned a const. co.) who's son enjoyed playing on equipment. At the age of about 11, for the son's birthday the father would rent a mini-hoe for the weekend to let his son dig. That young kid was very well versed in all types of machinery.

I had him picking up bales of hay off the field with my Deutz 6206. When we got the hay all put up, he asked if he could put all the hay back out in the field and do it again!!
Sadly that's as far the seat will slide up. I have it all the way back when I'm on it. and the difference is only a couple inches :rolleyes:


New member

Kubota L2600, - BX 2670, - BX 25-D-1, -G3200, - RTV 900, - ZTR 121S
Nov 7, 2012
Winnsboro, Louisiana
Wife has her BX 2670 which she lets me wash, fuel and service it, and I have my BX25D but I won't even let her service mine. we share the other Kubotas.

Daren Todd

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Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Here's a good reason why I'm really particular about who uses my tractor ;)

This is the pto shaft off from a friends tractor. Was a brand spanking new shaft when he lent his tractor out to a coworker so he could bush hog a field. Guy ended up running over some 2" and 3" diameter trees with it.

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2015 BX 25D
Jun 9, 2015
Heart's Content
I don't let anyone use my tractor. If a friend needs something done, I will do it for him. As has been mentioned, they are s dangerous machine in the wrong hands, and I also paid a lot of money for it.

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