Yes, I've posted it in a couple of places.
Really like the house on the home farm! I'm at the point of dreaming up and adding little details to my diorama. Need to start thinking about that, Winter is coming...
Thanks. In real life it was added onto and remodeled a few times.
It was the stereotypical farm house. Very big and wide open it had a huge mud room, and sun room which held many wedding receptions, graduation party's, birthdays and Christmas's. I built it in sections which was easy. The roof was the worst trying to get the right cuts. This was a display I wanted to build since the 2000's when the farm got sold unfortunately due to times and size. It was a nice winter project that kept me sane when I was laid up. I plan on making a 2.0 version with more detailed buildings and landscaping. All my other displays have rail king buildings or Lazer cut buildings so this was my 1st time building by hand so I went simple with material and just stickers.
For trying to think of details I walk around a real farm and try to think what I haven't seen. A rusty retired truck or tractor in the weeds, cats by the barn, tools scattered in the shop ect. I really like your theme. Seems like most people build mega dairy farms with all new shiny equipment so it's nice to see something from the past.