Got bored yesterday and decided to roll and sort one my big compost/deadfall heaps (again) yesterday. Started by greasing the FEL, grapple and top link. Smeared a bit on all the ball joints of the 3P members. Checked oils and topped off with diesel. Checked tire pressure. 20 in the front, 18 in the back. Even with rolling tires so the valve stems were at the top, I still got some ballast squirted into my tire gauge. Those puppies are FULL. Also found the hose for my 3FV was chafing on the right lift arm when fully raised, so I loosened the banjo bolt and corrected that problem. Tightened everything up and checked for leaks and went grappling. Picked up some brush from the last storm and piled it with other stuff for chipper food. Pulled out a half dozen pieces of punky logs and put them in the other pile. Hoping to get a bit of decent top soil to use in the grassy part of my yard. I made a little trommel to strap to my cement mixer about a month ago and it should work nicely for sorting out the chunky bits. I told the missus that a new dump trailer is in our future. She agreed it was needed. Can’t get better than that.
I might give the LX a bath when I get back from vacation because I’m probably gonna have to have rotator cuff surgery a 3rd time on my right shoulder and the tractor will be sitting in the shed until I heal up enough to get back on it. Since it’s my right arm I can’t do much with the tractor for at least 8 months.

. 10 months minimum for rotator cuff recovery. Been there done that and didn’t get a tee shirt, twice on the right, once on the left. I guess I need to tell my 26 year old brain that my 66 year old body can’t do that stuff anymore. I just hate paying someone to do anything I know how to do. I’m not afraid of hard work, but all the joint injuries are telling me something has to change.