I promise this is the last post I’ll make about the continued fence post pulling project unless something spectacular happens like flipping the tractor.
Sometimes when I’m working at repetitious stuff by myself, I have some deep thoughts. Not common though, and not today.
Today when I got off to hook up a fence post that’s just past the tree line, it got me to thinking about what use those little front wheels are with the selectable front wheel assist. If you’re pulling a ripper or some tillage sort of thing on relatively flat ground, seems like the back wheels are doing about 98% of the work. Some situations, they just don’t seem to add much.
Then again, having run various 2WD tractors over the years, some with loaders some without, I can say with great confidence a 2WD tractor in the position shown in the first pic is in “phone a friend” territory even on dry ground such as this. Plus, try to lift something from there and you’re going for a ride to the closest immovable object if the rear wheels lighten up at all. 4WD, you just pull the post, back out, remove post from loader, and repeat. If you have slopes, 4WD (even selectable front wheel assist without large fronts) is the sh*t.
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