What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

trial and error

Well-known member

B7100dt manual trans. homemade FEL, 4 way hydraulic dozer blade
Feb 16, 2023
I thought about the enclosed trailer with hose from the mower thing as my homebrewed bagger fills rather fast. However when I looked at the price of the hose I changed my mind rather quickly, I'm also not fully convinced the zt would have enough push without a pony motor to make stuff go into a trailer. It might have been one of those buy once cry once moments, but if it didn't work without a pony motor for the bagger it would have been a lot of crying and that as usual wasn't in the budget.


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L6060HSTC, RTV 1100
May 15, 2022
Made a new access trail today. I have to admit the buggy crawls around pretty well. Not shown are some pretty good humps and hollows. I will chip the brush in a few days them come back in with the buggy and trailer for the wood.


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BX2230, LA211
Nov 15, 2018
Goshen, IN
PK now we are in mow the leaf's season what kind of blade is good for mulching them up? I mowed all the chest nut leaves with regular blades and it works kinda. But there has got to be a better way, so how is any one else choppin them up
Oregon Gator blades do an excellent job of chopping up leaves. I had a really thick layer of cottonwood and maple leaves in the front yard, and after a couple of passed over them with the BX you could barely tell there had been any leaves on the ground.
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In Utopia

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L175 FEL
Apr 21, 2013
Have you gotten any rain lately?
Finally been getting some rain in Utopia, 1-1/2"so far this month. About 4" since the first of last month. Light rain for the last 4 days.
Been enough rain to have the burn ban lifted. Got a burn pit overflowing with Red Oak limbs and trunks.
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
I thought about the enclosed trailer with hose from the mower thing as my homebrewed bagger fills rather fast. However when I looked at the price of the hose I changed my mind rather quickly, I'm also not fully convinced the zt would have enough push without a pony motor to make stuff go into a trailer. It might have been one of those buy once cry once moments, but if it didn't work without a pony motor for the bagger it would have been a lot of crying and that as usual wasn't in the budget.
Amazing how many champagne failures a beer budget will prevent one from making. I can afford some pretty neat toys, not that I'll buy them, though. Some would be like killing a housefly with a 20 pound sledgehammer. Kills the fly, though, if you're fast enough with it. Torn/repaired rotator cuffs tend to make me get out the spray. Some of the toys look really cool and do NOTHING. Some are for bragging rights only. I'm a modest person, probably more self-deprecating than many, but I LOVE solving problems with my head, not my wallet.

Not only am I stingy, sometimes, I just like seeing what my engineering education coupled with my redneck upbringing can bring to life. I'm a Yankee's worst nightmare, a redneck with an education. I won't go into details about any of my failures, but I have drawn more than one crowd to see what the heck I was doing, or what I was thinking when I TRIED to do it. Never been afraid of trying, though. "It can't be done" has always been a personal challenge for which the response was always "Hol' muh beer and watchiss!".
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
I thought about the enclosed trailer with hose from the mower thing as my homebrewed bagger fills rather fast. However when I looked at the price of the hose I changed my mind rather quickly, I'm also not fully convinced the zt would have enough push without a pony motor to make stuff go into a trailer. It might have been one of those buy once cry once moments, but if it didn't work without a pony motor for the bagger it would have been a lot of crying and that as usual wasn't in the budget.
Certainly have to have high lift blades. Mulching [gator] blades are exactly the opposite of high lift. They're designed to reduce the updraft so that the blades hit the leaves multiple times to chop them up. High lift blades are designed to cut once, and get rid of it. Using gator blades with a bagger (without a pony blower as you describe) can be done, just not very well. They just don't move enough air (because of the splits in the trailing edge of the blade), which is crucial to moving anything through a tube. I just stuck with the high lift blades that came with the mower, though have found some slightly heavier and more durable ones. A few of my neighbors mulch [under the guise of it being easier], but I always finish before they do because I only have to make one pass to pick them up versus the 2, 3, or sometimes even 4 passes they make to chew them up enough to sift into the grass. I've started as much as 2 hours after one neighbor with a smaller yard, and still finish before he does. Yep, there's more getting on and off the mower, but I probably burn half the fuel they do. Since my greatest discomfort is my lower back, sitting on the mower and bouncing across the yard is harder on me than getting on/off the mower. If I want the leaves shredded, I have means to do that, too, but it would take entirely too long.

I have a little 3" chipper/flail shredder that doesn't have much to do since I bought the WC-68,, It's less affected by sand and small rocks than a cutting blade on the mower. If I take out the baffle, it'll just blow larger chunks of stuff out the discharge. I thought about trying to figure out a way to adapt that as a pony or vacuum on the trailer to pick up the leaves. It moves a ton of air as evidenced by blowing chips nearly 20 feet, but I'm not sure it will with any significant restriction on the inlet. If I closed up the holes in the flywheel where the blades bolt on and covered the chipper chute, I"m sure it would move even more as a vacuum. There may be some experiments this spring to adapt it to leaf gathering/lawn vacuuming. Got too much else to do until then. I want the system to work with the trailer I already have, but not make the trailer unusable for anything else. It's a great little light trailer that's perfect for my yardwork and hauling tools/materials around. I would miss it terribly if I lose the use of it, especially in the summer. So making it easy on / easy off is important. That's the hard part.
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trial and error

Well-known member

B7100dt manual trans. homemade FEL, 4 way hydraulic dozer blade
Feb 16, 2023
Used the Bota to move the splitter around to get a jump on some. the large pile of rounds I have I also find using the splitter to "clamp" the small 2-5" diameter stuff to cut it to firewood length super helpfull and I'm sure I'm not the first person to do that. No pictures of any of that as it is "boring"

Then I had what some will call a terrible idea so of course I had to try it out, behold below the newest Christmas lights putter upper platform. Yes I will still need the ladder to get up there but no more leaning against my gutter every few feet. Ill certainly have to put the counterweight back on before I do this "for real" but in theory this Non osha aproved idea should work quite well. On a side note once I was up there I realized I gotta take the leafblower up on the roof and get the gutters done


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BX23SLSB-R-1 plus additions
Jul 25, 2023
I'm still on the Mole rampage. The effing things got good ears. On the back of the house is an 18x36 covered concrete slab. Extending from that are 4ft wide sidewalks on 3 sides. It's like they can hear the back door open and run silent/run deep. There are signs (mounds) from them surfacing. I stand there with my 12ga and dim flashlight freezing my azz off....and not a movement. 45 minutes go by, frostbite sets in and I give up and go back inside. 30 or so minutes later I'm back out there, and nothing. There are more mounds. They got an informant on the lookout. Effing things, a dirt nap is eminent....tonight!!
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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Looking at all you with rain makes me a little envious. Our last rain was October 29th and if the weather guessers are right it looks like we have a very small chance of rain on Thursday and 50/50 chance on Monday and then nothing till December. Going to be a very dry month. Have brush piles that I normally burn this time of year, but don't want to set the whole county on fire.
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Siesta Sundance

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L305DT, MX 5200, SVL 75-2, (Sold M7060))
Oct 23, 2022
Looking at all you with rain makes me a little envious. Our last rain was October 29th and if the weather guessers are right it looks like we have a very small chance of rain on Thursday and 50/50 chance on Monday and then nothing till December. Going to be a very dry month. Have brush piles that I normally burn this time of year, but don't want to set the whole county on fire.
I pray that everyone gets the rain they need!

I can positively say, you have had much more rain than I have received..
Last 2 years has been brutal with these extreme droughts. Jan 1, 2022 to Aug 22, 2022, 6.2inches of rain. Lots of folks including myself sold off all the cows in our area last May/June. This year so far, a bit over 14inches YTD, a little over half the yearly average. I got another smaller herd started in February of this year cause the Spring started off really good with rains then the moisture stopped in late May/early June. My cows have been on hay since June. Hay cost can vary from $80(last year hay, stubble or low quality) to $160 for better quality hay.

I hand pitched forked 3 round bales that were lost loads last month. 2 bales the month before. I'm trying my best this year, to keep the input costs lower than what my cows are worth at auction. This is what it looked llike last month here.

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Well-known member
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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
I pray that everyone gets the rain they need!

I can positively say, you have had much more rain than I have received..
Last 2 years has been brutal with these extreme droughts. Jan 1, 2022 to Aug 22, 2022, 6.2inches of rain. Lots of folks including myself sold off all the cows in our area last May/June. This year so far, a bit over 14inches YTD, a little over half the yearly average. I got another smaller herd started in February of this year cause the Spring started off really good with rains then the moisture stopped in late May/early June. My cows have been on hay since June. Hay cost can vary from $80(last year hay, stubble or low quality) to $160 for better quality hay.

I hand pitched forked 3 round bales that were lost loads last month. 2 bales the month before. I'm trying my best this year, to keep the input costs lower than what my cows are worth at auction. This is what it looked llike last month here.
View attachment 116234

Wow, yes you need rain more so than we do. At this point in the year, the lack of rain is more of an inconvenience for some outdoor projects and a blessing for the farms to be able to get the crops in without fighting the mud.

So, I should be more thankful and less complaining because as you pointed out, it could be a lot worse.

Hopefully, the rain will fall on you soon.
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L45 TLB, B2910 Turbo
May 20, 2016
Got my hydraulic couplers from Summit for the L45 3function. I installed them and did some testing. Since the 3f has never been used, I needed to free up the solenoids/plungers to get it working. Hooked it up to the Wicked55 and after working with it for a while everything smoothed out with the relief valves and working great. It was failing to relief on clamping down, but relief properly on open. Now it's just working great. Pulled another stump out of my wide collection of stumps that need pullin'.

I am being pretty careful with it, but this machine probably needs a bigger, tougher grapple. It's amazing how tough the EA stuff really is though.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
I pray that everyone gets the rain they need!

I can positively say, you have had much more rain than I have received..
Last 2 years has been brutal with these extreme droughts. Jan 1, 2022 to Aug 22, 2022, 6.2inches of rain. Lots of folks including myself sold off all the cows in our area last May/June. This year so far, a bit over 14inches YTD, a little over half the yearly average. I got another smaller herd started in February of this year cause the Spring started off really good with rains then the moisture stopped in late May/early June. My cows have been on hay since June. Hay cost can vary from $80(last year hay, stubble or low quality) to $160 for better quality hay.

I hand pitched forked 3 round bales that were lost loads last month. 2 bales the month before. I'm trying my best this year, to keep the input costs lower than what my cows are worth at auction. This is what it looked llike last month here.
View attachment 116234

You're pretty smooth with that grapple. I would have grabbed the far side fender getting it out of the truck!! ;) ;)

I was mowing some pasture this afternoon and there was a fair amount of weeds etc there. What I noticed is when I mow with a flail the cows are there eating before I make one lap to back where i started. I've seen it every time I mow. I think the flail chops the grass and weeds up enough they just eat it!
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M7060, L3902 HST, Farm King PT740, HLA 2500 Snowpusher, LandPride RCR1872
Oct 14, 2023
Other than loading a hydraulic plow and set of forks that I sold, today was the first real use of the new machine and pull type blower. Received 6 inches of relatively light snow this morning. 1 pass down and 1 pass up the driveway which is 300 yards approximately. A pretty good little hill in the middle but no issues with the 4 wheel drive. Picked up some chains but hope I won't be needing them. Feel a little envious of all the neat projects you folks are accomplishing with your machines. Have almost 1.5 hours, almost time to trade in for newer!:)
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I put the FEL back on and switched to the bucket, grabbed a leaf rake and started raking mulched leaves in to the bucket, stop on them a bit and put some more in,, got 4 packed buckets to the compost pile. Gawd I need a vacuum for this crap
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BX23SLSB-R-1 plus additions
Jul 25, 2023
I put the FEL back on and switched to the bucket, grabbed a leaf rake and started raking mulched leaves in to the bucket, stop on them a bit and put some more in,, got 4 packed buckets to the compost pile. Gawd I need a vacuum for this crap
I have one King Maple on my property, and hate cleaning up behind that in the Fall.

Siesta Sundance

Well-known member
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L305DT, MX 5200, SVL 75-2, (Sold M7060))
Oct 23, 2022
Other than loading a hydraulic plow and set of forks that I sold, today was the first real use of the new machine and pull type blower. Received 6 inches of relatively light snow this morning. 1 pass down and 1 pass up the driveway which is 300 yards approximately. A pretty good little hill in the middle but no issues with the 4 wheel drive. Picked up some chains but hope I won't be needing them. Feel a little envious of all the neat projects you folks are accomplishing with your machines. Have almo
st 1.5 hours, almost time to trade in for newer!:)

Great machine you got there, I sold my cab 2020 M7060 earlier this year. I do miss it on occasion.
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