I used to have the same problem with the snowblower PTO shafts and the reason it is difficult to align is that they appear to be square, but in reality, they are rectangular. I used a file to cut a notch into both mating halves, so when I need to align them, I just matched up the two notches and it went together smoothly. Don't forget to lubricate and adjust the chain on the snowblower. I had been using chain bar oil for many years, and recently a neighbor told me that he uses "fluid film" on his snowblower chain as well as his motorcycle chain and that it works well. He is the only person to mention this, so I have no idea of how well it actually works over time.This morning at 6:30am I looked out onto a white lawn! Frost not snow thankfully. I am ready for snow I guess. Yesterday I stored the FEL inside the back of the barn, got the snowblower on and lubed it up. As the whole BX1870 was new to me a couple of months ago I had to do some trial and error to get the blower attached. I didn’t know which hydraulic ports to attach the blower’s lift to and the adapter and blower’s short PTO shaft was separated in the middle so I tried to put the blower on and line up the square shafts at the same time..... no go. When I put them together before installing the blower I had better luck. The rest was easy. Now I need to adjust the skid shoes to get the scraper off the ground by a bit, mount a tool holder for a couple of wrenches and toss in the spare shear bolts I bought. The manual rotate handle was not smooth at all so I applied zinc based anti seize compound to the gears. I hope that works in snow.
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