I have a moment of smack-the-forehead "duh" BEFORE it was too late!
I was using the B77 backhoe on my B2650 and as I was setting down the outriggers, I noticed something. The footpegs you use to get up and down from the backhoe platform were bent towards the front, so that everytime the outrigger cylinder passed it, it was rubbing. It was like that on both sides of the tractor...nice shiny rub marks where the cylinders passed them. (I bought the tractor used). I decided this was bad, so set out to fix it. I was figuring I just needed to bend the footpegs back out. I went into the garage and got a logging chain and a large pipe for leverage. I was trying to figure out how I was going to attach the pipe to the footpeg with the chain so I could try to manually pull it back out....and that's when it came to me.
I'm standing right next to a machine that can exert way more force than I can, and exactly in the direction I need it.
So I looped the chain around the backhoe bucket (which was curled all the way in) and slipped the hook over the footpeg. I swung the backhoe over to the side so it would pull directly out, and then slowly extended it. Very easy, very precise, and no grunting and cursing on my part. Swung the backhoe over to the other side and did the same for that footpeg as well. Now they don't scrape against the cylinders and it was SO EASY.
I'm just kinda giddy that I figured that out BEFORE I had spent a lot of time and effort and cursing trying to manually bend those footpegs in the hot hot sun.