We finally got some snow of substance as we are really behind on snowfall this year in New England.
I started up my driveway, start getting to the top and notice the UPS guy up there, then I see a red thing where my mailbox usually is. Get closer......there is an older Ford Ranger in the ditch that clobbered my mailbox. There is a 16yo kid standing there in a sweatshirt and running shoes taking advice from the UPS guy. Kid's truck had bald tires and a busted transfer case (clearly didn't know as he thought he was in 4wd) and being in the ditch at 45 degree angle he had 1wd. Back down the driveway to get tow strap and shackles.
I get back up there and a communications crew had come by and put a truck up the road with a flasher on it so we can avoid getting killed with people coming down the hill. I hook up to his front tow hook and my tow bar and in 4wd Low pulled him out, up hill, on snow and ice with little sanding. A couple yanks, nothing strenuous on the Kubota really, Turf tires, no chains. I was really impressed.
Kid offered to pay for the mailbox.........I took a hard pass and told him to buy some tires and boots instead.
Then I went up the road to clear a neighbors drive as they were flying back from TX where his son was graduating basic training for Space Force. Neighbor captured me on his Ring camera and thanked me