Tractor Purchase Not Working Out, Getting Stressed


Well-known member

multiple and various
Apr 15, 2018
I specifically stated my concern to my dealer about getting old stock and he assured me the machine was new and had only been outside for a couple months. I do think the sun damage is much more than cosmetic - plastics get brittle with sun damage and that means they'll break sooner. I also agree that if I tried to turnaround and sell the machine right now, it's resale value would be substantially lower (thousands of dollars, probably) than an actual new machine. This is my first tractor, I've no idea how long I'll keep it. Maybe I'll want to upgrade after a bit like many other people end up doing, in which case I'll be eating that cost at time of resale.
I've bought many tractors, both new and used.

Sent it back and buy the JD.



New member
Oct 12, 2019
I'm guessing the large sticker on the frame that says "TYPE BX23S" and "SERIAL NO 22045" will be the correct number for the whole tractor. The engine and probably other parts also have their own serial numbers.

The "BX2380" on the engine is interesting, but do you really think they're deciding which BX variation the engine is going into when they manufacture it? I wonder at what point the assembly line splits and some becomes 2380's and the others become 23S's.
Any response from the dealer? have they offered to resolve the situation in any manner?


New member

2018 B2650 HST ROPS, BH77 Backhoe
May 15, 2018
Pacific Northwest US
Christ, man. Watched your video. I didn't have 20 minutes to waste watching someone complain about a new tractor, but... I couldn't stop watching. That's way worse than it sounded in print. Call that dealer, tell him to bring his trailer. He shouldn't need an explanation and I'd hope he'd have the moral compass to show up with flowers and his hat in hand and no questions asked. I'd be absolutely furious. Whoever OK'd that machine to leave their lot under the guise of "new" should be drug into the street and flogged. He's either crooked or inept.
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New member

Kubota L 3301, Farmall Cub. JD B. Ferguson TE 20
Jul 18, 2015
After the second week I would have left that dealer. Now you have this and as bad as it is no way would I accept this tractor. Just think if it is this bad now what will the future service be like



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Christ, man. Watched your video. I didn't have 20 minutes to waste watching someone complain about a new tractor, but... I couldn't stop watching. That's way worse than it sounded in print. Call that dealer, tell him to bring his trailer. He shouldn't need an explanation and I'd hope he'd have the moral compass to show up with flowers and his hat in hand and no questions asked. I'd be absolutely furious. Whoever OK'd that machine to leave their lot under the guise of "new" should be drug into the street and flogged. He's either crooked or inept.
Been following along and not commenting but I took the time to watch the video as well..

My 2002 M9000 with 3600 hours on the meter has less rust on it that your 'new' tractor does and I use mine for running hay tools. Same applies to my 2004 M9. Neither has the rust yours does.

That is appalling. What I find interesting is the apparent removal and replacement of parts like your spacers that were obviously replaced but with smaller spacers. Something stinks there.

They do fade, my fenders on my M9Cab have faded to a nice shade of pink and the controls on the open station have also faded but my tractors are 15 years old.

If I were you, I'd circumvent the dealer and contact Kubota directly and send them a link to your video. Let them see what you have and let them make a decision.

Have to agree with SDT, buy a JD and give that one back. I believe Kubota will make you whole, one way or another though.



FEL, 60" mower, 60" plow, Pallet Forks, 50" snowblower Front mount
Oct 8, 2018
Wow... Your complaints are Legit.
Man I think my wife would leave me for a couple days until they came back to get the tractor. Id be so Pissed.

That thing looks like it sat on the lot for 2 years. I had to go out and give mine the once over half way though your video to compare mine.

I got my BX new in Sept. 7 2017 . Motor says ..May 2017
Looks twice as clean. With No rust like yours (very min. in spots) and no fading. And something doesn't seem right with you FEL like you said. Mine are differently more centered were the arms meets the tractor then yours.
Ive only rinsed it off few times when it gets real dusty. But the only time it lived outside was at the dealer. She's had a roof over her head since the day it got dropped off here.

Like others have said. I'd be telling them to come and get it and looking elsewhere. I can't believe they let that leave the lot.
Hopefully they're coming to get it in the morning ??

I'm glad my local dealer is great to deal with
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Oct 24, 2019
The dealer offered to come look at it this afternoon but I was too busy with other things, so we'll see about tomorrow. He said he might be able to "freshen some of that up" with detailing products, so I think he isn't getting it. I did not send him a link to the video as I didn't want him to think I was trying to publicly embarrass him, and I'd rather show him everything in person to get his reaction. He did say that he noticed some of the sun damage and that the other dealer may have misrepresented the tractor.

I also sent a letter to Kubota USA explaining everything.

To the people telling me to drop the dealer and go elsewhere: The next closest Kubota dealer is an hour away, and I have no proof that they're better. Funny story about that: my backhoe bucket has a shipping sticker on it from that other dealer. For all I know, that's the dealer that pawned off the old tractor in the first place, or maybe it was just the quickest way to get a 12" bucket. Switching to John Deere may be the right thing to do, but I'd have to pour some more time into that first. I looked into their stuff, but I didn't do a deep dive to the point where I'd just stumble in there today and sign a $30k sales agreement. For the Kubota deal, I spent a lot of time researching every single implement. I read most of the owners manual online. Some people are putting out these comments as though buying a tractor is as simple as picking up a gallon of milk, and if one store is out of milk you just go to the next one. Maybe I'm too detail-oriented and want to understand everything better before making a big decision.


New member

2018 B2650 HST ROPS, BH77 Backhoe
May 15, 2018
Pacific Northwest US
I don't think everyone is offhandedly suggesting that this dealer is bad so go to the one down the street... My closest dealer is a 10 minute drive away. The next closest one is 35 miles. For a $30k purchase, 90 or 120 or 240+ minutes of travel is not superfluous. And I'd (like to) think the dealer would probably be able to work with you on the delivery fee with that substantial of a purchase.


Dec 19, 2018
Honestly, this dealer Birkey's ought to be ashamed of themselves. That tractor is a mess. From the rust, filthy motor, wires dangling of the FEL, the FEL clearly doesn't fit, the frame has been taken apart, the leaking back hoe.
Buying a new tractor is supposed to be a good experience, he made it disgraceful. Chimpy, you got to insist they come back and take it away. Don't let them talk you out of it.
Oct 24, 2019
I don't think everyone is offhandedly suggesting that this dealer is bad so go to the one down the street... My closest dealer is a 10 minute drive away. The next closest one is 35 miles. For a $30k purchase, 90 or 120 or 240+ minutes of travel is not superfluous. And I'd (like to) think the dealer would probably be able to work with you on the delivery fee with that substantial of a purchase.
If it was simply a one-time $30k purchase, I'd go out hundreds of miles for the best deal and best product. What about getting parts and stuff later?
I think the next closest Kubota dealer quoted like $1k just for delivery, and I don't yet have the means to transport a tractor. How are service calls supposed to work? What if that dealer from 240 miles away ended up delivering a bad tractor? Now my headache is multiplied.
So, we figure maybe service at the local dealer is going to be crappy, and now what, I trade that for impossible to get service at the far-away dealer? I'm having trouble understanding what I'm gaining here.

I should also mention that I wasn't entirely impressed with the local John Deere dealer and my Kubota dealer was more knowledgeable on a lot of things. Both the Kubota and the JD dealers have good online reviews.

The situation seems crappy on all ends. I don't see any slam-dunk solutions yet.
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Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
There's no easy answer.

It'd have been easier if you'd noticed before he delivered, you didn't, that can't be changed.

On the question of buying from other dealers, they'll all service tractors bought elsewhere. Plenty of people buy a second hand tractor or tractors under other arrangements, and I believe all Kubota dealers are obligated to honour Kubota's warranty. Sure, he's probably gonna remember you now, and if you return his tractor then turn up with a new one, he'll know what happened. And you might be back of the queue for any service work you ask for. But let's be honest, there's good odds you're back of the queue already. Mostly you can service it yourself, and they don't break that often, so you're really just talking about buying fluids and filters, maybe new implements. No reason you'd get worse service than anyone else in doing that. So I wouldn't rule out going elsewhere, but I also agree I'd give him a chance to sort it first.

On other tractors (such as a green one). There's nothing wrong with green tractors. I wouldn't buy one, because I know Kubota. But that's just like being a Ford guy or a Chev guy. I could get over that if I had reason to, I currently don't, maybe you do. My feel is that the problem you have isn't a Kubota problem, the problem you have is this specific tractor, so I wouldn't say this means rush off to the JD dealer, again it's still worth time to try to fix it, and then your next step is a different Kubota dealer, not a different tractor.

Although in no way would I want to excuse the dealer - I think the dealership has done a bad thing here - I'd also think it through from his perspective. You ordered a tractor, he couldn't get a new one in because Kubota had a hold on deliveries. He (or his guys) did extra work to get you in one from another dealer, to make you happy. They worked through a bunch of stuff with you on implements, they spent time and effort to prep this tractor for you. Now you maybe don't want it, all that time, effort and what he may perceive as trying to meet your needs goes to waste.

For the dealership owner (who I think is your key guy here), he probably hasn't seen the tractor and for all he knows you're being picky. His guys haven't told him it was a shambles - they didn't notice or didn't care. He didn't supervise them well, that's his fault, but he doesn't know that yet because he hasn't been to look at it. So it's still an unknown quantity for him, I wouldn't write him off yet. It's possible he doesn't yet know/understand, he thinks you've got a couple rust spots and need a cut and polish on the hood, and you'll be fine. So he's thinking "OK, I've got a couple thousand in this sale already moving the tractor around and prepping it, but a bit of time with a polisher and we're all good, I'm keeping the sale."

The real question is what happens when he comes out and sees it. Is he going to make excuses, say that the tractor's fine and really just needs a tidy and you should be happy? He'll do that initially, because he's got money in it, the question is how hard he pushes.

If it were me I'd let him do that, and calmly work him through it. The tractor's in a state you might not buy if it was second hand. You definitely wouldn't buy it new that way. Cleaning it up won't address that, because as you say the plastics may be brittle, the rusted pins won't really just buff out, the rusted powder coat will just rust again if you buff it off. And there's real question how the thing was stored - was it in a salt environment? That's a lot of rust. Do you want a tractor in that state? Work him through it, and your statement that you may need to trade on a B2601 or some other model at a later date. Taking this tractor will directly impact your trade in value. Ask him if you kept it for a week then brought it to him second hand, what price would he give you for a low hour machine that's actually nearly 2 years old, and with that condition? Pretty sure it'd be nothing like new price.

It's possible he'll see that and say yep, I'll take that back, we'll put the order in, we'll get you a new one. Then he sorts it with Kubota or the dealer who gave it to him, and sure, he'll be out of pocket the prep expenses (he'll have to prep the new one). It's possible he'll not be willing to do that, and that's when I think you need to tell him you don't want it, and you'll be shopping elsewhere. In that situation, a green one is an option, so is an orange one from another dealer. It's not personal, it's that you'll be unhappy with that tractor as long as you own it.

He may offer you a discount to keep it. Realistically it's going to cost him $1-2K to take that tractor back and get you a new one. He might get some of that back from Kubota and he might not. Doesn't matter that it's his fault or not, that's the reality for him. So he might offer you $1K off, or similar. You need to have made your mind up what you do in that situation before it happens - don't be put in a spot where you have to decide without thinking first. Would you be happy with that tractor if it was $1K cheaper? I suggest not, so you need to be ready to say "no, I want a different one". You also need to know whether you're prepared to put any money in - he's been offering you deals on implements etc, are you prepared to give some of that up (whether buying from him, or with another dealer)? How much is it worth to you to have this sorted, in time and/or money? If he says "I can get you a new stock one, it'll be a month and some of the discount I gave you on this tractor I have to take back" - would that be OK? If it were me I'd probably give $500-$1,000 extra to be out of the situation and have the tractor I wanted, even though it's not really my fault.
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Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
On a couple things in your video.

The shift from high to low will always need a nudge on the pedal. No synchromesh, so needs a bit of a wriggle to go in on all of them.

Those newer build date tractors look real pretty.

The things around the backhoe frame are kinda suspicious. Like the backhoe was swapped onto that tractor. Maybe some guy had a problem with his loader or backhoe, and they swapped them onto yours, or maybe they changed a B2380 into a BX23S? Something weird anyway.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
Man you must be chewing BOTTLES of TUMS over this and I feel for you. I see you've written KUBUSA, please email KUBJPN as well.. the topman. He won't like it, an 'embarrassment' to the name but needs to be told. All too often, prople let 'things slide', don't want to 'rock the boat' BUT if you don't standup..... sigh

My BX23S was delivered last May( my 65th /ret present to myself) and was CLEAN. I should have waxed it before 'testing it out'....oh well. With over 240hrs on it, I haven't been too gentle and super happy with it and the dealer. Only 2 issues, both front tires krapped out(KUBCDA replaced freely after I sent email..) and both of the armrest caps fell out(common). I thought they were other guys truck parts, tossed them out, oopsy, $10 each, oh, 3rd issue. The left seatbelt sleeve split, replaced under warranty.I never used it, replacements still in the bag.

Looking at the video is does seem yours was NOT a proper factory build. Too many clues like missing stuff, rust, etc. NOT up to KUBJPNs attention to details.

Whether you keep it( I wouldn't), get another KUB or yuck...'green', remember 'colour' doesn't matter, quality and service does.

I'm confident the owner of the dealership WILL 'make you whole'. He could loose his dealership otherwise.


New member
Lifetime Member

L3301 - loader, tiller, mower
Jan 15, 2019
I see only 3 options at this point -
A) Local dealer gives you a nice $ back to keep it
B) Return to local dealer and he replaces
C) Return to local dealer and buy green/orange elsewhere

That is all I'd settle for.

I hope it gets worked out.


Lifetime Member

Kubota B2650
Nov 7, 2019
Eliot, Maine
Chipy wrench I am so sorry you are going through this. Lesson for people is to look at the machine before accepting it. It is a lot easier to not accept a tractor than to regret doing so.

I finally told the dealer I had been buying a B2650 from to cancel the sale. It took a bit, but the pictures I sent said a lot. I also contacted Kubota and they got involved. I also threatened if my money was not returned, I’d take the dealer to court, put an article in the newspaper and show the pictures to the public. That got things moving.

I am upset because I bought from a local company and they took advantage of me. I have contacted another dealer about 45 minutes away, and the difference between dealers is amazing.

I hope you have a successful resolution.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Kubota L6060, KX040-4, M7060, RTV X1100C, M62 (sold)
Oct 28, 2018
Red Feather Lakes, CO
I have 3 people, (two who work for me, and one very close friend friend/neighbor) who will definitely be using it. I know them to be careful and conscientious. Maybe they won't be running the tiller or doing stressful things, but the basic functions are easy to show to someone. I think a novice can probably do a lot, so long as you draw the line at engaging the PTO. Maybe explain to them how not to drag/stress the loader bucket. I don't see myself 'loaning it out', where I don't have any oversight. If you have more to say about it, I'd sure like to hear it.
Your machine, just be prepared to get it back broken. They might pay to fix it, but you will be without while that happens. As mentioned this is a fully functional tractor. Those that do not read the manual multiple times and thoroughly understand operation will likely cause issues.

I would also agree at this point stick with the dealer and work out the best deal you can on the implements.


New member

Kubota L 3301, Farmall Cub. JD B. Ferguson TE 20
Jul 18, 2015
When that dealer started jacking yo around right at first I would have been checking with people that bought tractors from them on the type of service they got. My tractor will be 5 years old in Sept has always been kept inside and as far as I can see very little rust on it. When I bought mine the tractor was there but the box blade and forks were not. As soon as I told him I would take it he called while I was there to there other location and the forks and bucket was on the way. He said it could take 4 or 5 days to prep the tractor as they had to put the loader on it and add rear remotes. This was on Mon. Tuesday afternoon they called and wanted to deliver the tractor. Once off the truck the service manger was the one who delivered it and he walked me thru operation and we looked it all over for damage like yours. Then he was on his way. I checked many different brands out and took my time before buying but I found out after the sale the service where I got mine from is not the greatest. This came from 2 farms that are close by and they use the other dealer which is the same distance. One farm as 5 big Kubota's and the other has 3 so I guess they would know. You don't know what a nightmare is until your tractor goes in the shop and sits there for maybe a month or so only to get it back and find they did nothing to it. This is what the one farm told me about the service. After it went to the other dealer Kubota sent him out a brand new tractor. Good luck on your purchase and hope you get it all fixed up

North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
Lifetime Member

L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
If it was simply a one-time $30k purchase, I'd go out hundreds of miles for the best deal and best product. What about getting parts and stuff later?
Online is a great option, I don't use local dealers!

I think the next closest Kubota dealer quoted like $1k just for delivery, and I don't yet have the means to transport a tractor. How are service calls supposed to work?
You could have rented a trailer, or a truck and trailer. ;)

I think you need to look at the Service part of your warranty a little closer, you have to deliver it to the dealer for warranty work, they are not required to come to you!
If the dealer said that they would come to you, you better have it in writing!
and they still probably try and hit you with service call fees.

I've done a ton of service work over the years and bought a lot of equipment.
Sorry to tell you but everyone that said the dealer is trying to pass on crap is 100% right.
Detailing a turd will get you just that a detailed turd! :D

FYI: I ran the serial number you gave me and it doesn't even come up in kubota's system, so either the serial number you gave is wrong, or something else is amiss! :(

It's simple, tell the dealer, come get the unit and bring me a NEW unit that I agreed to buy! ;)
Oct 24, 2019
Man you must be chewing BOTTLES of TUMS over this and I feel for you. I see you've written KUBUSA, please email KUBJPN as well.. the topman. He won't like it, an 'embarrassment' to the name but needs to be told.
Can you help me with specifics? What email address should I use?

For Kubota USA, I just used their online contact form, but maybe I should get more aggressive.