The loader joystick controls the FEL ordinarily...except when the selector-knob is pulled... when it then controls my toplink. I adjust the position I want my toplink...then DE-select it, which returns my joystick control to the FEL.So if I understand correctly, you can’t use your loader and the rear remotes simultaneously?
I cannot imagine why one would want to move the FEL and a Toplink “simultaneously”.
The Toplink I chose has check-valves incorporated.... which ”freezes” the toplink exactly where I leave it....until I select it again to move it again.
The only thing I would change (if I had to do it all over again) would be to utilize 1/4” hoses to connect the toplink to the rear remote Pioneer couplings..... to slow down the movement of that toplink. My M4700 can move 11 gals/min of hyd fluid.... so very little movement of the joystick produces a quick-reaction of the toplink. It’s not uncontrollable.... the joystick has “fine” movement capability.... It’s just capable of much faster toplink movement than I can imagine will ever be necessary. (I suppose a restrictor in the toplink hoses might work.... but it’s only a refinement I’m discussing... not a defect at all.)
The only drawback I’ve experienced is my forgetfulness.... I sometimes adjust the toplink, then forget to DE-select it....and later absent-mindedly decide to raise the bucket for better forward view or other reason.... and move that joystick.... see the bucket not move at-all..... Then it will “DONG” on me that I just changed my toplink!
I re-set my toplink and make a mental-note to return the selector-knob back to the FEL position whenever I set the toplink where I wish. Doh. (Don’t leave it in toplink position once I’ve put toplink where I want it.)
Hope that makes sense.
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