I was visiting a customer in Southington, CT. We were standing in his parking lot bsing when I looked up and saw this. At that time I carried my camera with me all the time
Gotta say, I had to google Dairy barMarcus Dairy is a dairy bar in Danbury CT. Years ago they had their milk processing plant and storage tanks there. It was a great place to stop at as it was under the exit ramp from rt84. Bikers had been stopping there for years on Sunday mornings. Every type of bike and every type of rider could be found there on Sundays. Riders would come, walk around the parking lot and take in the more interesting bikes, have breakfast, another tour of the lot and then off riding in Northwest CT or into NY.
I starting going to the 'Dairy' in the 70's and started taking pix in the 2000's. Sadly the building was torn down for a strip mall in 2011.
A couple from 2004
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