Let'm die!

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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
However, there is risk in both sides of it. To simply say “you’re foolish if you don’t get vaccinated” and “you’re selfish by putting others at rush if you don’t get vaccinated” is a very narrow minded and dangerous stance.

The freedom to make informed decisions is very important to me and to a lot of people. The fact that mainstream media and social media won’t even acknowledge and adverse side effects of the vaccinated is disturbing. The idea that the White House is monitoring and giving social media companies, with the intent to have them “deplatformed”, names of people that simply suggest or talk about side effects of the vaccine is very very disturbing.
If it were so perfect of a vaccine then why can’t people give first hand accounts of adverse side effects? Their posts are removed and if they continue, their accounts are shut down. Simply for talking about personal experiences.

Free speech is no longer a guarantee.
YES! Absolutley! There’s a RISK in GETTING VACCINATED! You’ll have to leave the security of your home and might get RUN OVER BY A BUS!


In the USA we value freedom over safety. It used to be 100% of us which is what made us great and strong. Now its about 50% which is why we are divided over these issues and losing our freedoms on a daily basis.
Yes… 100% we believed in Freedom!…. Freedom for the Native Americans, for instance…. hmmmnn. :unsure:
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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
In the USA we value freedom over safety. It used to be 100% of us which is what made us great and strong. Now its about 50% which is why we are divided over these issues and losing our freedoms on a daily basis.
I think you are right about our valuing personal freedom over safety of the group...really do.

Works for me as long as it is someone else's safety that is compromised!

LOL (actually thinking about it, not really LOL at all)

Tughill Tom

Well-known member

Dec 23, 2013
Turin, NY
I just have to say, Sidecar Flip would have this thread locked down by the 2nd page..... Carry on, I'm enjoying it!
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Kubota L6060, KX040-4, M7060, RTV X1100C, M62 (sold)
Oct 28, 2018
Red Feather Lakes, CO
Not sure where or which subset of cases you are considering, but number of vaccinated versus unvaccinated is a bigger number in this outbreak, 346/ 469 = 74%. Those sequenced and identified as delta are from only 133 cases, 89%.

Not a cast of thousands, but coupled with estimates of viral density in the nasal swabs of vaccinated versus unvaccinated, enough to get their attention.
Not enough to make policy for the entire US though...in my opinion.


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Lx2610 HSDC. BH77 backhoe
Jan 1, 2021
New jersey
Fascism is a form of far-right authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy, which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Hmmm... So...
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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
I think you are right about our valuing personal freedom over safety of the group...really do.

Works for me as long as it is someone else's safety that is compromised!

LOL (actually thinking about it, not really LOL at all)
Thats the thing nobody elses personal safety is ACTUALLY compromised. Only the POSSIBILITY of it. And freedom wont stand if we take away freedoms based on possibilities.


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b2650 tlb
Aug 16, 2018
Knoxville, TN
I really only got 3 pages in before giving up. Soo much ignorance going on hear it's sad. The good thing is ignorance is easily fixed by educating. Pick a reputable medical journal and read the pertinent covid related articles from the past year. Pick up a virology text, study up on epidemiology, look at vaccine phase studies for various past treatment protocols. Once the ignorance is replaced by understanding, THEN enjoy your freedom to choose to get it or not. Problem is, very few folks are willing to do that. Might I suggest that folks consider talking to an educated doctor 'that they trust' that is up to date on the medical facts and have them help make that decision.
Ignorance is fixable, stupidity ... now that's a whole other story.
Make informed decisions, stop spreading false information, and stay safe out there.
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BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
I really only got 3 pages in before giving up. Soo much ignorance going on hear it's sad. The good thing is ignorance is easily fixed by educating. Pick a reputable medical journal and read the pertinent covid related articles from the past year. Pick up a virology text, study up on epidemiology, look at vaccine phase studies for various past treatment protocols. Once the ignorance is replaced by understanding, THEN enjoy your freedom to choose to get it or not. Problem is, very few folks are willing to do that. Might I suggest that folks consider talking to an educated doctor 'that they trust' that is up to date on the medical facts and have them help make that decision.
Ignorance is fixable, stupidity ... now that's a whole other story.
Make informed decisions, stop spreading false information, and stay safe out there.
That'll fix this thread. I bet no-one will wade in now! LOL


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Not sure where or which subset of cases you are considering, but number of vaccinated versus unvaccinated is a bigger number in this outbreak, 346/ 469 = 74%. Those sequenced and identified as delta are from only 133 cases, 89%.

Not a cast of thousands, but coupled with estimates of viral density in the nasal swabs of vaccinated versus unvaccinated, enough to get their attention.
sheep - as you know a sample doesn’t have to be a cast of thousands for statistical significance.

Not sure it meets the sample size requirements here, but does say something for sure.

Wasn’t it the “Dewey Elected President” headline in the 1940’s where the predictors should have taken at least a lesson or two in Statistics? 😎


New member
Aug 3, 2021
This is not meant to be any kind of political statement or anything besides an observation...

So my take on the current situation, is kind of like "let'm die". I mean, anyone that wants to get vaccinated can. Unlike at the beginning of the year, when getting vaccinated was a struggle.

That is except for my grandkids that are under 12. Unvaccinated people threaten them.
It seems that most people are swimming in ignorance over this subject, because they refuse to listen to key voices of dissent on the matter -- experts who, five minutes before they "spoke out", were highly respected among their peers. Experts who speak out at great risk to their well being.

Some facts.

Anyone under 20 is at greater risk from the common flu that COVID-19. The data show that as clearly as anything. According to the vaers database, young people are at far greater risk from the covid shots.

This is not a new virus. It was patented before it was released. See the interview Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich, on bitchute (or utube, before it's deleted). I'd link to it, but I don't know the policy on links here.

The emergency use authorization was and is only viable (legal) in the absence of treatments. There are, and have been, low risk, off-patent, highly effective treatments for COVID-19, known and used since 2020. See C-Span, December 8, 2020, "Medical Response to COVID-19". An exasperated Dr. Pierre Kory, representing a group of experts, goes into detail about the efficacy of Ivermectin and related treatments. Dr. Peter McCullough, and the group of experts he represents, also have well established treatment protocols for treating covid (Ivermectin and Fluxoxamine). Hospitals do not, which is why they either send you home or, if you call, tell you to come in if you get really sick (so they can put you on oxygen and, likely, a ventilator. Good luck with that).

Listen to Dr. Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccine technology. He's increasingly moving into the "avoid the shots" camp -- and he took one because he travels and works for the DoD.

Listen to the ex Pfizer VP and Chief Science Officer, Dr Michael Yeadon. He'll convince you that what has happened, and continues to happen, has little to do with health or ending a pandemic.

Open your eyes, before it's too late. If you lack the wherewithal to do so, and you're planning on a third shot, please write your will first.
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Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
I just have to say, Sidecar Flip would have this thread locked down by the 2nd page..... Carry on, I'm enjoying it!
Tughill, I gave you a like, but must add, hey Flip, if you are reading this, we miss you!

Some might say "kinda," but having met Flip in person years ago, at both his place and mine, I mean it...


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
Was thinking...how can we believe anything? I mean really.

So why not just ignore everything and just live our lives like we used to. I mean, there is no way to verify any reports about anything, even a natural disaster like flooding caused by heavy rains, and so on. If you are not there to see it with your own eyes, did it happen or not? No way to know if you do not trust the messenger.

So why not just live life like we are used to. Ignore news reports because they are likely, or might be, fabricated anyway. AND why believe lies rather than the truth.

Probably works for most of us to some degree.

BUT once we unfortunately have a family member die from SOMETHING, well that's life really. We all die anyway at some point. It probably was just a normal occurrence, nothing that could be prevented, right?

Glad aside from wasting gas and time to go get the free vaccination, it did not cost me more...I hate wasting...


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Kubota L2501 with R4 tires
Jan 29, 2021
Western MT
Might I suggest that folks consider talking to an educated doctor 'that they trust' that is up to date on the medical facts and have them help make that decision.
Ignorance is fixable, stupidity ... now that's a whole other story.
Make informed decisions, stop spreading false information, and stay safe out there.
The problem is most doctors know little about this particular new illness. They aren’t specialists, but even if they were, they’ve only had a short amount of time to understand what’s going on.

It’s interesting reading “Ignorance is fixable”. It’s not when information is hidden. As far as “stop spreading false information” goes. It’s clear the “experts” are doing that. The only difference is that the ones who agree with those in charge aren’t censored.

That’s what makes this a difficult problem. The experts have reversed themselves to “misinformation” positions that was “misinformation” some time ago. Was misinformation … now it’s not. Some of us are starting to think they are as accurate as weather forecasters who also went to school. Of course, in that case, if you want to know the weather, you just look outside.


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Kubota L6060, KX040-4, M7060, RTV X1100C, M62 (sold)
Oct 28, 2018
Red Feather Lakes, CO
Good read on a systematic review of evidence for the use of masks.

In short, evidence is supportive, but not inconclusive. Meaning the worlds scientists really can’t tell if masks are making that much of a difference. We have had no good controlled trials that address the masks specifically while removing other variables (distancing, hand hygiene, etc).

To be clear, I do not support requiring mask wearing outside of a healthcare setting.


Well-known member
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Kubota L6060, KX040-4, M7060, RTV X1100C, M62 (sold)
Oct 28, 2018
Red Feather Lakes, CO
I really only got 3 pages in before giving up. Soo much ignorance going on hear it's sad. The good thing is ignorance is easily fixed by educating. Pick a reputable medical journal and read the pertinent covid related articles from the past year. Pick up a virology text, study up on epidemiology, look at vaccine phase studies for various past treatment protocols. Once the ignorance is replaced by understanding, THEN enjoy your freedom to choose to get it or not. Problem is, very few folks are willing to do that. Might I suggest that folks consider talking to an educated doctor 'that they trust' that is up to date on the medical facts and have them help make that decision.
Ignorance is fixable, stupidity ... now that's a whole other story.
Make informed decisions, stop spreading false information, and stay safe out there.
OMG don’t get em started.
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Deleted member 47704

Have him tell that to my daughter that got breast cancer last year.
What a moron.
Hospitals were not reporting deaths from anything other than covid so they got the federal money, it was a comment on shady hospital practices.
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Well-known member
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Kubota L6060, KX040-4, M7060, RTV X1100C, M62 (sold)
Oct 28, 2018
Red Feather Lakes, CO
The problem is most doctors know little about this particular new illness. They aren’t specialists, but even if they were, they’ve only had a short amount of time to understand what’s going on.

It’s interesting reading “Ignorance is fixable”. It’s not when information is hidden. As far as “stop spreading false information” goes. It’s clear the “experts” are doing that. The only difference is that the ones who agree with those in charge aren’t censored.

That’s what makes this a difficult problem. The experts have reversed themselves to “misinformation” positions that was “misinformation” some time ago. Was misinformation … now it’s not. Some of us are starting to think they are as accurate as weather forecasters who also went to school. Of course, in that case, if you want to know the weather, you just look outside.
Jim this is a novel virus, medical science is still learning about it. From a public health perspective we haven’t had to deal with something like this for over 100 years. Science is about discovery…but we also have to make decisions with the best information we have at the time. That will always mean something can change, recommendations can change. I’m not defending CDC or government entities…no excuse for some of their poor decisions on guidance. However if we do our own research from primary medical literature we can make informed decisions…or speak to someone that is informed to help.

Deleted member 47704

Well, what his boss said was “supposed to be dark humor”.
Dark humor and a comment on shady hospitals going after federal money, I thought everyone knew they were doing this.


New member
Aug 3, 2021
OMG don’t get em started.
A shill? That's not the word that comes to mind. He's simply recommending that we:

1. Find an educated doctor (as opposed to an uneducated one).
2. Pick a "reputable" medical journal (recall how the Lancet had to retract their article that referenced a fake, anti-HCQ study -- are they reputable?).
3. Study epidemiology (because we have time and would certainly acquire enough knowledge to surpass what is being offered by those who specialize in it).
4. Look at vaccine phase studies for past treatment protocols (because there aren't experts, such as Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Peter McCullough, and many others who have already done so).

Makes perfect sense.


New member
Aug 3, 2021
Jim this is a novel virus, medical science is still learning about it. From a public health perspective we haven’t had to deal with something like this for over 100 years. Science is about discovery…but we also have to make decisions with the best information we have at the time. That will always mean something can change, recommendations can change. I’m not defending CDC or government entities…no excuse for some of their poor decisions on guidance. However if we do our own research from primary medical literature we can make informed decisions…or speak to someone that is informed to help.
It's not novel. It was patented before it was released on humanity. The patents are publicly available. Again, watch the interview of Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich, on bitchute.
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