Let'm die!

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Well-known member
May 7, 2019
This is why threads like this end up locked, and discussions of certain topics blocked. I've responded here and tried to follow the thread some. So many of the posts here on this topic are quite honestly just so low brow, so driven by politics, conspiracy theory garbage, and complete ignorance that its just impossible to have a decent discussion on the topic at hand. Once again, as is seemingly the norm for society today, ignorance is dominating the air space. Everyone is so locked into this black and white view of everything, so one dimensional, so narrow minded. The ignorant are always the loudest in the room. The ignorant dominate the debate. Those with any intelligence view the chaos from afar and just walk away, realizing that even engaging with this is a massive waste of time. Trying to follow this thread is just annoying for these reasons, so this is my last visit on this topic. I will spare the rest of my rant, as I could go on for some time. Enjoy the bickering.
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L2900, rear blade, finish mower, 200l sprayer, landscape rake
Feb 9, 2017
North Okanagan, British Columbia
That is super funny.

The facts so far.
The death numbers have been fabricated and faked (how much we will probably never know).
The infected numbers have been faked and inflated.
The hospital numbers have been faked and inflated.
MILLIONS of the tests have been defective.
People that took the experimental gene therapy (not a vaccine) are still getting it and still dying from Covid as well as the shot (AND THOSE NUMBERS ARE BEING MANIPULATED).

We have been lied to or misled through the whole thing by the gov.

You call that believing in science - ROFLMAO, I don't think you mean science like the rest of the world means science. You believe in political science.

Quick question for clearity. Do you have a "we believe in science" poster on your lawn?
675K dead Americans and an estimated 8M dead people across the world might take issue with your “faked and inflated” assertion. Hospitals beds across North America are max’d out with new cases daily.…and the numbers are unequivocally skewed in the direction of the unvaccinated occupying those beds.
I can forgive a person’s ignorance - that just means they don’t know any better.
i can forgive a person’s stupidity - that just means they can’t learn.
But willful ignorance and a refusal to accept the data is akin to standing outside and insisting the sky is green.


Well-known member

L4400HST, Bush Hog 276, RDTH60, Speeco PHD, etc
Oct 9, 2019
Snowdoun, AL
The facts so far.
The death numbers have been fabricated and faked (how much we will probably never know).
The infected numbers have been faked and inflated.
The hospital numbers have been faked and inflated.
MILLIONS of the tests have been defective.
People that took the experimental gene therapy (not a vaccine) are still getting it and still dying from Covid as well as the shot (AND THOSE NUMBERS ARE BEING MANIPULATED).

We have been lied to or misled through the whole thing by the gov.
Most everything you have stated is true, without question. However, we do know that vaccinated folks are FAR less likely to end up hospitalized, like 90% are not vaccinated (I cited a study from UAB earlier).

For your benefit I will post the definition of a vaccine.....
A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

It seems like you have a bit of anger toward vaccinated folks. Why? How does it adversely (or at all) effect you? If anything it benefits you in case you, a family member or friend need a hospital bed. Perhaps there will be one available because a vaccinated person does not need it.

Let me also remind you that doctors 'practice medicine'. Most all treatments are experimental. If you have cancer they experiment with different combinations of drugs that have, in the past, worked for some folks with the same or similar cancer. Sometimes it will work for you and in rare events it will kill you. And yes, you may have side effects that are not pleasant.

How about pig valves being put into a human heart? Are you under the impression that wasn't experimental?

ALL FDA approved drugs were at one point experimental. Thankfully all of us think differently or (if you had your way) there would be no drugs. I, for one, am grateful to all the guinea pigs before me that have allowed us to live longer, healthier lives. Maybe you should have the same mindset.
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2012 Kubota L3800 HST W/FEL and 1963 JD 2010 row crop utility
Jan 27, 2013
Southern IL.
I certainly wouldn't trust his doctors, that's for sure.
Knowing what I do about Rogan, I doubt he was sick to begin with, so it's all moot.
what is it that you know about rogan that would make you think that? Just curious.


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
You know, this thread has been a learning experience for me, and one would think after 74 years on the planet there would not be much left to be surprised by.

What surprises me is that it seems difficult for those posting in this thread to agree on ANYTHING.

For example, a simple thing like the following has been stated previously, and has been either ignored or disputed:

We all make decisions in life, and we have no choice but to accept the results.

This applies to life in general, not just a vaccine. If something as simple as this cannot be agreed upon, we sure seem to be wasting our time addressing anything even slightly more complex...

Is there even a small chance we can agree on this simple statement?
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Well-known member

L4400HST, Bush Hog 276, RDTH60, Speeco PHD, etc
Oct 9, 2019
Snowdoun, AL
But once you lose that freedom to decide for yourself….
That will never happen, never--at least with the vaccination.

You will always have the freedom to not take the vaccination. It may come with costs (which I COMPLETELY disagree with) like losing a job if an employer mandates you get it (which I COMPLETELY disagree with), but you have that freedom. That is the definition of freedom--the same as an employer requiring the shot to keep your job.

No one can make you take the shot. No one can make you wear a mask--they may refuse to allow you into their store--which their right, the same as you not wanting to wear it.

I don't understand this whole "they are taking away my freedom". That has never been true. I have come to work every day since March 15, 2020 (even when my truck was held hostage for 8 weeks) without a mask and unvaccinated until January 2021.

I have the freedom to get vaccinated or not, mask or not, come to work, quit, require my 25 employees to wear a mask, get the vaccination (which I would never do) and they have the freedom to do the same.

We all make decisions in life, and we have no choice but to accept the results.
If you do in fact agree with this you have that freedom as well but you have to accept the results.


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
That will never happen, never--at least with the vaccination.

You will always have the freedom to not take the vaccination. It may come with costs (which I COMPLETELY disagree with) like losing a job if an employer mandates you get it (which I COMPLETELY disagree with), but you have that freedom. That is the definition of freedom--the same as an employer requiring the shot to keep your job.

No one can make you take the shot. No one can make you wear a mask--they may refuse to allow you into their store--which their right, the same as you not wanting to wear it.

I don't understand this whole "they are taking away my freedom". That has never been true. I have come to work every day since March 15, 2020 (even when my truck was held hostage for 8 weeks) without a mask and unvaccinated until January 2021.

I have the freedom to get vaccinated or not, mask or not, come to work, quit, require my 25 employees to wear a mask, get the vaccination (which I would never do) and they have the freedom to do the same.

If you do in fact agree with this you have that freedom as well but you have to accept the results.
You know, I’ve been trying to come up with something that in this country takes away our free choice. I’m having difficulty doing that.

I think passports for international travel may fall along those lines, but in most cases because foreign countries demand a passport before they let one enter. I’m not sure but, I think this country still lets you leave if you don’t have a passport.

I believe this country does require a passport as proof of citizenship when you return.

Granted, there are rules, which if you don’t obey and you are caught, you will have to pay some consequence. But are there any rules or restrictions that limit free choice in this country?

I mean rules that counter that thought that “you make your decision and accept the results?”

I can’t think of any but I don’t dispute that I’m not the sharpest tool in the box…


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Aug 7, 2018

People who believe this stuff likely are also members of the flat earth society. And probably believe the sun revolves around the earth.

I assume you you posted this link in jest?
Its a satire website.

And should have be posted in the chuckle thread if anything.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Aug 7, 2018
That will never happen, never--at least with the vaccination.

You will always have the freedom to not take the vaccination. It may come with costs (which I COMPLETELY disagree with) like losing a job if an employer mandates you get it (which I COMPLETELY disagree with), but you have that freedom. That is the definition of freedom--the same as an employer requiring the shot to keep your job.

No one can make you take the shot. No one can make you wear a mask--they may refuse to allow you into their store--which their right, the same as you not wanting to wear it.

I don't understand this whole "they are taking away my freedom". That has never been true. I have come to work every day since March 15, 2020 (even when my truck was held hostage for 8 weeks) without a mask and unvaccinated until January 2021.

I have the freedom to get vaccinated or not, mask or not, come to work, quit, require my 25 employees to wear a mask, get the vaccination (which I would never do) and they have the freedom to do the same.

If you do in fact agree with this you have that freedom as well but you have to accept the results.
Didn’t mean to imply that they have yet
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L2501DT, LA525, R14's, Bison NVHA210 84" RB, Allied 60" SB, Diamond C 10k Dump
Jun 15, 2021
Northern NV
covid, vaccines, election fraud the truth will be known before 2022 vote.
Crazy stuff, crazy times...

FWIW, I went to High School with John Hannink and his twin brother...they were a year behind me...good people, good athletes, wicked smart. Even had his mother as my Spanish teacher...she was very tough no BS, even came over to the house the day after my knee surgery to make sure I didn't fall behind in class! Also spent almost 90 days total at NSGB (Gitmo) working on a base-wide Energy project...

Very small world...


Active member

Kubota L3301, MX5100, RTV 1140, ZD331, KX-71, MX5400
Dec 22, 2020
Blue Ridge Mountains
That is super funny.

The facts so far.
The death numbers have been fabricated and faked (how much we will probably never know).
The infected numbers have been faked and inflated.
The hospital numbers have been faked and inflated.
MILLIONS of the tests have been defective.
People that took the experimental gene therapy (not a vaccine) are still getting it and still dying from Covid as well as the shot (AND THOSE NUMBERS ARE BEING MANIPULATED).

We have been lied to or misled through the whole thing by the gov.

You call that believing in science - ROFLMAO, I don't think you mean science like the rest of the world means science. You believe in political science.

Quick question for clearity. Do you have a "we believe in science" poster on your lawn?
Like I will fall for your lies... Duh...


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BX2230, LA211
Nov 15, 2018
Goshen, IN
At least Rogan’s Dr(s) patient lived, that’s more than what 650,000 people did in the US if you believe the numbers. But, trust those Drs who’s patients died if you want.
Maybe they would have if they were all rich, privileged white guys with four doctors.


New member

May 26, 2021
This is not meant to be any kind of political statement or anything besides an observation and feeling that I cannot express to the people around me (as they think the way I do) and expect to get unbiased feedback...almost a LOL statement I guess.

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R), who expressed frustration with those who refused to get their shots, wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post — later reprinted in her home state newspapers — urging constituents to embrace a vaccine developed under former President Trump.

But even in Ivey’s state, where only 34 percent of adults are fully vaccinated — the lowest rate in the country — the governor said she would not take additional steps to encourage vaccination.

So my take on the current situation, is kind of like "let'm die". I mean, anyone that wants to get vaccinated can. Unlike at the beginning of the year, when getting vaccinated was a struggle.

I can't say I have any objection to Governor Ivey's approach.

That is except for my grandkids that are under 12. Unvaccinated people threaten them.

So my feeling is I agree with the governor of Alabama. If one chooses to take the chance and contracts the virus because he did not choose to get vaccinated when he easily could, that's the way it goes.

EXCEPT that they are probably driving up my future health care premiums, which are already crazy high.
How about resisting the urge to spread your propaganda? This is a good site for Kubota users and I have no interest in your "expert" medical opinions on anything. Take a a break!


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Kubota L2501 with R4 tires
Jan 29, 2021
Western MT
675K dead Americans and an estimated 8M dead people across the world might take issue with your “faked and inflated” assertion.
You can’t use inflated numbers to explain inflated numbers. We do know some numbers were inflated. We just don’t know by how much.

I heard today that in Montana, for instance, there were 0 influenza cases in 2021. Last year, there were 11K. I don’t think you have to be a conspiracy theorist to determine that the numbers for the flu are probably very off.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Kubota L2501 with R4 tires
Jan 29, 2021
Western MT
Maybe they would have if they were all rich, privileged white guys with four doctors.
Or, even had their been any emphasis on treatment instead of masking, and treatement instead of vaxing.
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