No one taught me me to pull up to the proper pump when I started driving, I just figured it out one day. While it does make me shake my head I try to keep that in mind when others don’t use the correct pump. The scenario posted a couple times about someone pulling away after youve started pumping happens all the time as well.
Also, there’s regular “gas” station pumps like in the pic above and “truck stop” style for large trucks. I used to fill il our delivery trucks at the truck stop. Those were one way in and one way out. It would annoy me to no end when those guys would leave their trucks parked at the Pumps then go into the truck stop, it can take forever to get checked out at times not to mention shopping around. Most but not all would pull up too allow the next truck to fill up and pull around if needed.
Same with peoples driving skills. I believe I was taught how to operate a vehicle with others in mind while driving, the old man just forgot about the gas pump thing. Or it could be that out small town only had one pump on each side so it wasn’t a thought. Once I was criticizing a gals driving skills and she informed me that she didn’t have a father figure around growing up to teach her proper common sense driving techniques. So I try and keep that in mind as well.
However, I do agree with the overall sentiment here. As I find most people too wrapped up in themselves to be worried about anyone else and that does drive me crazy. When I’ve complained about this with my gal she says, not everyone thinks like you do, I usually say, well there’s your problem....