Fixing hole in side of block

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L47 305DT JD500C
Dec 16, 2021
Frazier Park Ca
Hey Joe, this is going to go on and on with your welts breaking, till you get a MIG or arc welder you can get Harbor freight cheapest for around $125 plus a helmet and you’ll do much better, much stronger. Watch a YouTube on welding.
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Hey Joe, this is going to go on and on with your welts breaking, till you get a MIG or arc welder you can get Harbor freight cheapest for around $125 plus a helmet and you’ll do much better, much stronger. Watch a YouTube on welding.
You have to remember, this project is not about doing it correctly or quickly..... it's a version of Saturday Night Live for OTT. It's pure entertainment. Only come to this thread when you're bored. ;) ;)
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1987 L2850 w/ LA650
Dec 17, 2024
Maine, USA
@joesmith123 If you want to use your torches to weld, try to bevel the edges you're joining, so the filler material can penetrate better, and use a smaller/tighter neutral flame. Also make sure everything is as clean as possible (bright shiny metal), including your filler rod. Be sure to remove any galvanization if you're using nails as you can get zinc poisoning from the fumes. Once you're done welding, clean the weld up and check that it actually worked. Looking at the backside of the weld can often tell you if you did a good job.

I've read this entire amazing thread, and I don't think Joe is doing this for performative reasons, he just has a very different budget and attitude to many people who can afford to own a tractor. I've enjoyed seeing how far he has been able to come on pure determination.
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L295DT, BX1500
Mar 18, 2023
made a mistake, experiment with even bigger flame




articulate mistake: you didnt have to introduce those thin plates, that added height, messing with the bolts/placement/everything

no, take off those plates and just mate the 2 massive thick plates using crazy flame

a bit nervous: but turn up the acetylene even higher at the tank control, turn thick steel into molten with insane flame

current problem: to get it to molten would be an hour of holding still that flame, you get tired about 4 hours of holding still

slowly turn up acetylene and experimenting with making it work

make some effort to capture magic trick in video


i show you what you did: put the entire bracket complex back on the chassis, put you in the bolts, put you a clamp to hold it perfectly,


get you that entire steel complex onto the cinderblock,

calm you down and clear your mind, zero clenching of heart, make you some molten for a few hour

do each side using gravity, always where you want the puddle to form, do one side, twist 90 degrees, until the entire thing is all one entity


yes thank you for tip on acetylene below 15

right now I am at 5 psi acytelene, might take it up to 7-8 psi

and yes, the trick is to move super slow, with a crazy flame, along a path so that your area you hit is always molton/close to it

very good statement


grind you down all area you want magic down to bare metal


hillbilly filler: put you some nails where you want filler, gravity will melt it right where you need it

its nicer to not have to deal with the filler so you can have both arms on flame control



declare you some key point:

the flame has to be way bigger than you think, as big as possible, strong flame

the less clench your heart, the better control you have of the puddle

hit the high spots dead center very close, make you a puddle, spread the high points,

sometimes a hole forms and its hard to push molten into it, sometimes it fills the hole

you rise the molten in the direction opposite of the flame, use this trick to control how you want the molten to rise and connect with the surrounding area

by the end of your weld, you are fully grounded, barely holding yourself up from fatigue,

flame searing steel instantly turning it to molten

narrative keep revealing itself: when you turn the two entities into molten and they become one,

your brain also experience similar feeling,

something in your brain also melt and reconnect with another side it has been separated for long time

keep you errupting that molten, and keep you an eye on that narrative
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Orange: B7100 Std and Woodmizer; Green/yellow JD Buck, Gator and 410j.
Apr 26, 2016
Wahkiacus, Washington
You have to remember, this project is not about doing it correctly or quickly..... it's a version of Saturday Night Live for OTT. It's pure entertainment. Only come to this thread when you're bored. ;) ;)
The above is the only possible reason that this thread keeps going.
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1987 L2850 w/ LA650
Dec 17, 2024
Maine, USA
@joesmith123 remember to keep your acetylene pressure under 15PSI on the regulator or the acetylene can become unstable and explosive. Just get your flame neutral and take your time getting the material hot, once you get one spot hot enough, the adjacent areas are going to be much closer to working temperature anyway.
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Kioti CK2620SE cab, RTV-X, BX2360, Z726XKW-3-60
Jul 29, 2023
For what your spending on acetylene probably could find a mobile welder that would come to your place and do it right. All that extra heat you add can change the metal strength causing more problems later. But on the other hand, sounds like it will just be used to play in your sandbox so let's see if your way works. Maybe a big magnifying glass would work to preheat the metal with all your sunshine.
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Hugo Habicht

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Jun 24, 2024
Hey Joe, this is going to go on and on with your welts breaking, till you get a MIG or arc welder you can get Harbor freight cheapest for around $125 plus a helmet and you’ll do much better, much stronger.
I think he mentioned somewhere that he does not have mains electricity. But an engine driven mobile welder should work.
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L295DT, BX1500
Mar 18, 2023
melt rebar where the tear was on your bracket


i show you what you fixing to do:

cut you a piece of rebar where your tear was on your bracket, clean it real good hit grinding wheel

flux the area you want it to sit and set the bracket using gravity to even out the puddle in the shape you want

give it INSANE direct flame for dedicated 30-40 minute

see if you can get your tear to strengthen using rebar

(I looked around the shop could not find any thick steel plates, in the background search you for tons of steel plate for good deal, scrap metal)


cut your rebar to size, grind your rebar with grinding wheel

setup where you want your puddle to go down with gravity, aiming where it goes

point you the most insane flame downward for long duration


melt half of your rebar onto the bracket with insane flame

bend down the rebar while it is molten with hammer to accomodate shape of your bracket

flame keeps shutting off, aceteylene valve open, something off with your adjustment at the cylinder

one side done, flip bracket 90 degree and do the other side,

sear the high point into molten and let it fall into the other crevice


there is nothing wrong with your adjustment, your just running out of acetylene

thats the best you got it with the low aceytelene pressure


your all out of aceteylene, thats the best you got it

arrange to get acetylene, give the bracket a shot the way it is, expecting it to break

when acetylene flowing, you have immense power turning thick steel into molten, you using magic to change your reality

when aceytelene not flowing, superman lose his superpower, you can't do the magic trick, you are deflated

fill you up that aceytelene tank asap

this new challenge is fatiguing you, your heart/mind turning to molten to accommodate the challenge, let your heart and mind turn to molten temporarily while it rearranges your skill,

just like the molten erupting, letting go of its strength when it is liquid so it can connect with the other entity
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Orange: B7100 Std and Woodmizer; Green/yellow JD Buck, Gator and 410j.
Apr 26, 2016
Wahkiacus, Washington
Somewhere down the road these problem areas are gonna be a real mess to repair properly. Or if you call someone they'll say "Ain't no way I'll try to fix that."
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1987 L2850 w/ LA650
Dec 17, 2024
Maine, USA
Somewhere down the road these problem areas are gonna be a real mess to repair properly. Or if you call someone they'll say "Ain't no way I'll try to fix that."
Pretty sure this is a stage 4 case of "previous owner syndrome" anyway.
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Kubota L2501DT BH77 VIRNIG URG60-CT 1950 8N
Mar 26, 2021
central ny
It has been a few years, maybe 15, since I have done brazing or O/A welding. I don't recall using brazing flux for steel welding. Just the properly set neutral flame. Am I wrong?
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Orange: B7100 Std and Woodmizer; Green/yellow JD Buck, Gator and 410j.
Apr 26, 2016
Wahkiacus, Washington
It has been a few years, maybe 15, since I have done brazing or O/A welding. I don't recall using brazing flux for steel welding. Just the properly set neutral flame. Am I wrong?
No, you are not wrong. Don't you remember overheating brazing flux and it impleaded the flow? And that was for brazing....
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Kubota L2850DT-GST
Dec 5, 2024
Northern Idaho
No not true, the head can be swapped without changing the block.
The rods are not specific to the block, the only requirement is that the rod and rod cap need to stay matched and in the right orientation and installed in the block in the proper direction.

You're not going to be able to easily or cheaply get new bolts.
used bolts are still tough to get.
You are going to need at minimum a new (used) connecting rod and cap, and 2 connecting rod bolts.
and rod bearings.
You can't do any of the mains with the engine in the tractor.
You can do rings, but if there is too much wear you will either need to have the sleeves replaced or hone the block and use oversized pistons and rings.
HUGE gamble that the mains are not damaged or that the rod journal (that threw the rod) will be in good enough shape to even accept a bearing, let alone run it without failure.

Forget Acetylene, use a mig welder with nickel wire.
Ridiculously expensive, but made for this job. I have not tried it but I’m sure I will someday. Maybe glue it in with JB and tack it with Crown Royal:


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L295DT, BX1500
Mar 18, 2023
You need welding gases, try bracket as it is


your massive welding tanks are showing 0 on the main gauge but still putting out tiny gas



you see 0 on acetylene and oxygen


will your rebar welding massive bracket complex hold? definitely no

you point: the magic trick successfully binded them but the heating/cooling formed a crack in your magic trick


melted on rebar hit it with some grinding wheel


mock bracket back onto your tractor, and you can see:

you can melt a massive piece of steel along the path of the socket extension later once you get gas that would not interfere with the bolt holes

for now: put it back together and move you your realm a bit since you cant get gas for few days


put you on all the fender, big bolts onto your bracket contraption


you shape realm for 30 minute, woah, somehow your bracket molten contraption holding, unbelieveable


but another major tear forming now, this was welded 10-20 year ago and now it is kaputt

once one tear closes in your steel another tear open


40 minute of lugging around your realm, your molten bracket rebar contraption break
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L295DT, BX1500
Mar 18, 2023
tire finally throw a white flag, one weld break and your entire japan robot out of service


tire finally come off the bead, still run it til your on bare metal


this weld holding on for dear life, once it break,

both major connections of left side of loader completely disconnected from tractor,

making your robot completely out of commission

have you wondered if its possible to make big thick steel come back together permamently?

you've come to right channel, your fixing to test with crazy flame if you can make molten out of thick steel and it hold permamently

the segment of this thread is brought to you nobody, because

if they told you how to do this, you would gather gold and that would harm the corporate profit/bottom line


lug around your realm with your diesel robot barely held together

steel molten level land connection:

where you point that big flame is similar to where you lug around your big steel bucket, in that

point your flame at the high spot make molten and it fall and even your weld out,

lug around big steel bucket on the high point of your realm, and they will fall and plain you out your realm

you thought those two skills werent connected, wrong


ride your 45 year old tractor til the wheel fall off, and you still keep going


lug your diesel robot back to your shop

list of all things wrong: busted weld at front support, major bracket on back left, front major support tearing, and busted weld at FEL valve,

loader cylinders still leaking not being used


install you another busted tire and fix none of those problems,

churn you more earth 🌎
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L295DT, BX1500
Mar 18, 2023
The narrative of all narrative

in this thread so far, we took you back to 1970 something, when

L295DT awaken from the dead, lug around your realm, swinging big steel bucket

Now, we fixing to you back to 1680 something, before english language,

Ignite memory of your ancestor on a cold dreary day in some mountain village shop, where

your ancestor was making molton out of big steel, shaping and fabricating the steel to meet your customer need

you thought you got all that good popcorn, and made a special trip to get the perfect fatty meat,

and there would not be a show?

your wait is over, today is the day

Arguably the most important narrative that this whole thread been barreling toward

the narrative you been wondering since your childhood:

"Can we get a big flame, turn steel into molton, and it hold successfully?"


fill you up two massive tanks of the magic gas


The weld that lasted about 40 minute of earth moving:

notice on this side the rebar did not melt into the other half of bracket


on other side: you can see rebar successfully melted into bracket

articulate the event:

Hit all area with grinding wheel, put them all close together firm

set them exactly how you want them to hold

heat you up both entities with more aceteylene and less oxygen for 5-10 minute

once everything hot,

turn you up that aceteylene slowly and test out how you feel about it, get comfortable with it without any hurry or pressure

then melt you serious molten along the path of the tears, have you maybe some nails close by to use as filler

test out the theories where you stay on one area, errupting it into moulton,

waiting for it to heal/close, your not in a hurry, your heart NOT clench

name one reason you need to clench your heart? you cant


setup bracket properly, melt it back together where it tear, then later do the other side with the rebar


spend you some time with your adjustment:

turn valve you point to all the way loose, open main tank valve, then turn this valve clockwise/tight to engage the gas into your torch

put both pressures at around 11 psi when running full

anytime you dont feel like making moulton, do not forget narrative:

make you some moulton and your brain will also become moulton and bind better with your heart


you might've done it

it really was the flame, it needs an insane flame, scary

hit you that thick steel with that big flame, take you back to your ancestor, forget you about english language

when your gas run out, superman lose his superpower

when those tanks full, you cut through thick steel like butter,

unclench your heart, forget you about all your issue, go you deep deep into that moulton

feel you that power of that big flame

at this stage in your journey, experiment you with different angle to see the nature of the lava

to understand how to manipulate it, sometimes it does not want to go where you want it,

be patient with it and give a second for the narrative to come in using your natural instinct

experiment you with that big flame, try new angles and areas to get the narrative on the moulton manipulation


flip bracket other side, get you ready bind rebar and bracket


yes, turn you that steel into moulton, bind your two entity


the angle you point that big flame matter

sign that your two entity binding:

When you are pushing molten successfully into your other entity,

It will have a resistance since it is binding two different temperature metals, and

sparks will start to fly of a differen color, giving you the knod that you

are successfully binding the two entity


low spot and you want the lava to puddle there:

point the flame at the high point at an angle pushing lava into your lower area where you wanted the lava to go

learning narrative appear to you after 4/5 hour of playing with moulton

you learn best when there is no pressure on you and there is no deadline

when you are lost in the lava, studying how to manipulate it

with a clear mind and suspension of time/worry/hunger/clench heart/all statement

when you are with your ancestor, in that dreary shop, conducting magic trick

english language not in sight
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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Ditch the gas welding, it's not going to do it!

You need arc or Mig, either will do it.
You can get a 110/120 Volt mig welder that will weld that.
A 220/240 volt welder would be better if you have the service for it.
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