If someone says oils are oils..........well .....walk away!
It is a discussion that comes up here more than .....well, I think it tops the cake!
Nothing wrong with any of them that you pick - make sure it is for diesel not gasoline - however, not that a gasoline oil would be bad, it does NOT have the things needed for diesels engines.
Synthetic oils are a "better" construction of oil, I use the word construction because the molecules are designed and "built" more uniform and consistent thus allowing those molecules to get into tighter places and last longer than a conventional oil.
Many don't feel that synthetics are worth the price - they do not see nor wish to see or understand the "workings" of synthetic oils. And the arguments is "why pay more for something that does not help the engine?" People have been pumping 30 weight oil in machines for 50 years and feel that it worked then, it will work now! I understand their argument, but do not agree with it!
Today's oils are much like today's medicine - very sophisticated.
Brand specific is only that - a specific of name and mix. All oils have to pass certain ratings to get their seal or stamp approval. Some go beyond their ratings too.
Most like to go to wally world - get a gallon of Shell Rotella 15w-40 or 5w-40. It is synthetic and fairly inexpensive when you look at the large - long range picture. Mobile 1 makes and good oil and Amsoil makes and excellent oil too.
You get what you wish and can afford - but before you do, stop and read info on the ol net about oil vs oil and conventional oils vs synthetics and make up your own mind. I'll go out on a limb and say conventional oils will be a thing of the past in the next 20 years......they will develop a newer "synthetic" oil that will be better.....and longer lasting and yup - more expensive!