It doesn't really depend on your point of view, but your education.Depends on your point of view.
A tool vendor and friend once asked why I could not read and write Japanese as many of my tool sets were from Japan? He could read and write in several languages. Humbled me very quickly.
あなたはこれを読むことができます - Translated to, "Can you read this" according to my app.
The reverse is also true as my teenage grand kid has often asked why grand ma is so phone app ignorant. She does ask to be mean, she just can not understand why we do not accept the change as readily as she does.
If you're around something that is used constantly when young it becomes "normal". Doesn't matter if it's using a phone, learning another language, or using drugs.
I HEAR and I forget,
I SEE and I remember,
I DO and I understand.