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  1. Sidekick

    What's cookin' boys?

    Perfect comfort food for this weather.
  2. Sidekick

    2x Snowplow

    The Flintstones used plows that looked just like that 😀. Without angle wouldn't it just be a snow pusher 🤔.
  3. Sidekick

    What's cookin' boys?

    We did a winter turkey. Every Thanksgiving we get a fresh bird and get one of the 50 cents a pound frozen ones at Wegmans for February. I make my favorite sausage stuffing to go with it Perfect day for comfort food with the crap weather outside.
  4. Sidekick

    Fixing hole in side of block

    Usually steel cutting blades are rated for lower rpm then a standard miter saw turns requiring a low speed saw like evolution makes. I have 3 cold cut saws and they cut good but are 1/2 the rpm of a wood cutting saw. Be careful of any recycled steel that has a hardness because it will destroy...
  5. Sidekick

    Fixing hole in side of block

    And it's the original that's not waterproof 😁. Probably out of date also. I think it's time to dig a hole and bury it.
  6. Sidekick

    What's cookin' boys?

    We just made some comfort food last night. A macaroni / beef casserole with last years tomatoes. Good food for our nasty weather
  7. Sidekick

    Computer Experts - - yet again.....

    Just be careful if you're left handed. The extra buttons on this one are on the other side. Bluetooth is definitely a good choice for a laptop with limited ports.
  8. Sidekick

    What's cookin' boys?

    Pork cube steaks with caramelized Alisa Craig onions and Strike Beans from last summers garden. Plus a batch of airfryer sweet potato fries. Enjoying the garden taste year round.
  9. Sidekick

    Computer Experts - - yet again.....

    If you're plugging in a USB3 item be sure to use a USB3 rated cable or you will see an error. The older USB2 cables and charging cables only have 4 leads and USB3 have 9 leads.
  10. Sidekick

    Thread size bolt holes L6060

    Metric is soo easy to work with.
  11. Sidekick

    Thread size bolt holes L6060

    I would guess it's an even 100mm (3.937) spacing on a metric tractor. Grab a metric ruler.
  12. Sidekick

    29 pto hp from a BX

    It wouldn't raise the transaxle pressure on the machine at the same rpm so I wouldn't worry. The pto shaft may be in trouble though.
  13. Sidekick

    29 pto hp from a BX

    I watched with CC on sound off.
  14. Sidekick

    29 pto hp from a BX

    Not until it explodes 💥. I see people putting turbos on l2501s without a problem and that's a lighter drive train then the 35s and 40s.
  15. Sidekick

    29 pto hp from a BX

    Just watched a video about a company developing a BX turbo. Should be for sale soon.
  16. Sidekick

    BX for only mowing

    I used my BX 2360 for years just for mowing. Had to put a suspension seat on it because they ride like crap if your lawn isn't perfectly flat. Just maintenence, no major problems. Worked good until I bought a zero turn that cut mowing time in half with a better cut. Still use the BX on my hill...
  17. Sidekick

    What's cookin' boys?

    Loaf of 8 grain bread fresh out of the Zojirushi. Cracked Emmer, Spelt, Rye, soft white, Groats, Barley, hard red, Einkorn, plus whole sunflower seeds to add to the dough made with 75% hard red / 25% hard white wheat berries.
  18. Sidekick

    What's cookin' boys?

    Made some sausage & spinach calazones tonight. Didn't come out pretty but they were good. Used some of our homemade sauce for dipping 😋.
  19. Sidekick

    BX guys

    I keep losing the thumbscrews off my BX mower deck plastic shields. They were 8 bucks a shot from Kubota so bought 10 from Amazon a couple years ago for 6 bucks.
  20. Sidekick

    LX2610 vs Bobcat CT2025

    Sounds like you haven't determined exactly how much tractor you need and should figure that out first. Looking at online pictures of tractors can't determine the value. Inspection, maintenance records, and test driving will be part of the process on older and beat looking machines. Spending...