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  1. Torinodan

    GR2120 - Excessive Rear wheel spin??

    Wow, never knew they had so many issues with these. Thanks for the enlightenment lugbolt.
  2. Torinodan

    GR2120 - Excessive Rear wheel spin??

    Check Level on the deck Tire pressures Get the back end off the ground and turn one of the wheels. See if they both spin the same or different directions.
  3. Torinodan

    2017 Chevy Silverado A/C

    Glove box and upper storage. They packed it in there behind a bunch of other modules. This brings up a good point if dual climate control. Is it not cooling on just one side? Both would be the main blend door. Because of the variable displacement pump the suction will not always be frosty. It's...
  4. Torinodan

    2017 Chevy Silverado A/C

    My leak also led to the pump locking up, shredding the belt, and sending chunks of hot rubber everywhere. If you do have to replace the condenser (or any parts) insist on getting genuine AC Delco or GM parts. Way too many knock offs out there.
  5. Torinodan

    2017 Chevy Silverado A/C

    I forgot, these are variable displacement pumps with a solenoid on the back bottom. The wiring is real tasty to rodents. The controls will add displacement on demand to put more refrigerant in the system. My wires were chewed as well and the cooling was intermittent at first. Bad connection...
  6. Torinodan

    2017 Chevy Silverado A/C

    Find a black light and glasses as said before. Condensers are know know for failing (cracking at the welds) and I just replaced my whole system twice due bogus counterfeit parts. 3 weeks of twice the warranty claims. Most condenser leaks can be seen without black lights and glasses. Google it...
  7. Torinodan

    TG1860 PTO issue

    Sounds like the anti rotation pin for yhe PTO broke loose and it spun around. This also would unplug it and make it not turn back on. This is an electric PTO correct? Or, the bearing on the PTO froze and the outcome is the same but you have to buy a new electric PTO as well.
  8. Torinodan

    G1800 Lawn Tractor idles rough

    If it was water it wouldn't restart so easy. Sounds like you have a chunk of crud in you tank. I suggest removing it and flushing it out. I have a spare 1600 tank that the bottom was full of black sludge and wouldn't drain.
  9. Torinodan

    AC issue

    Do you have a friend with AC gauges?
  10. Torinodan

    G5200 clogged block?

    Battery is way to close. Tie that thing back centered to the steering column. Overheat central right there! Fix that drain before it magically opens itself up. Hey, things happen!
  11. Torinodan

    G5200 clogged block?

    Easiest way to find any point of failure on an old G series mower with poor cooling. I agree and water hose followed with distilled water flush. Mine was heavily rusted and a failure was going to happen anyway so I went the fastest way to find them.
  12. Torinodan

    G5200 clogged block?

    I flushed first to remove loose sediment then some CLR. Have to get the loose stuff out first, check your temps, then move to chemicals if needed. Flush the radiator as well. BTW, CLR can help you find small leaks you didn't know about.
  13. Torinodan

    G5200 clogged block?

    Broke mine as well. The drain is made if really soft metal that eventually seems to rot away from the inside out. Small drill bits twisting by hand to clean or a small bore brush in a drill. Take it easy. There was enough material left from the old drain to tap some threads in it and install a...
  14. Torinodan

    G1800s Front wheel removal, How to?

    Don't know if yours would still have that ring I mentioned. It was used to keep the bearings from being pressed too far in.
  15. Torinodan

    G1800s Front wheel removal, How to?

    Yeah, had one like that too. Just don't beat the axel because it will mushroom just looking at it. Do you have a heat gun? The one I had stuck I also removed the spiral clip ring from the outboard bearing and that gave the wheel some moving room back and forth. Once you get started your...
  16. Torinodan

    G1800s Front wheel removal, How to?

    Remover cotter pin and clean any grease. Small file or sandpaper and re-taper the end. This should help get rid of rust and where someone innits past used a hammer on it and flattened it out.
  17. Torinodan

    LB400 electricial wire fire. Need to fix

    Judging from the pile of blue electrical tape and the household wire nut it looks like someone has already tried to fix that. Unless you deal with cutting and replacing wires all day (I do) get a harness and take it to someone. Or like he said above take lots of pictures and be careful hooking...
  18. Torinodan

    Things you'd never seen

    What's wrapped around your front tires? Was it to keep from scuffing the concrete or chewing up grass in tight turns? BTW, nice counter weight.
  19. Torinodan

    Nylon protective sleeve

    This was my #1 understanding as well. Had a line blow on a zero turn and this helped control the high pressure release. Seen it
  20. Torinodan


    Went to the dermatologist today, she wanted to know why my primary care didn't give me Doxycycline. She ordered that script and burned off several pre cancerous spots on my head at the same time. You all be safe out there.