Search results

  1. FTG-05

    Hook/spanner wrench for XG850 shock adjustment?

    Anyone know the actual size of the wrench? The nut appears to be about 4" in diameter +/-. I found a hook wrench on the Messicks site (07015-00038), but it's been discontinued.
  2. FTG-05

    Beware Scammers!

    I had someone PM for my e-mail address so he "could ask more questions" for something I had in the OTT Classifieds. 1st question: What is the price? Price was listed in the ad. o_O 2nd question: "I want it, will you take Zelle (wtf-ever that is) to "secure" it?" Answer: "FTF and cash...
  3. FTG-05

    SOLD: EA 7' Land Plane/Leveler

    Everything Attachments Land Plane/Leveler, 7' wide. Perfect for maintaining and smoothing gravel roads and parking lots. I don't use it enough, so it's up for sale. Shows signs of use, but in very good condition -see pics. It fits both Cat1 and Cat2 tractors. I can load onto your trailer. 10...
  4. FTG-05

    What goes behind this cover on a Harlie Rake?

    I rented a Harlie rake from my local equipment rental places. Made a pretty good circle around and found the gearbox/chain cover on the ground. See the "York" cover in the first few minutes of this video*: I'm going to reattach it this morning. Is it supposed to be full of grease? Just...
  5. FTG-05

    Anyone made/installed aftermarket Option headlights in RTV-XG850?

    The XG850 comes with two headlights with an option to add another light next to the OEM headlights. Without the 2nd headlight option, there is just a reflector plate sitting in the headlight space. See pic below. In this pic, you can see the OEM headlights on the outside of the light...
  6. FTG-05

    RTV-XG850 Utility Vehicles Recall Alert And Mandatory Safety Campaign

    RTV-XG850 Utility Vehicles Recall Alert And Mandatory Safety Campaign Name of Product: RTV-XG850 “Sidekick” Utility Vehicles "Hazard: The utility vehicle’s steering shaft can shear at or near the electric power steering housing, and cause the rider to lose steering control, posing an injury...
  7. FTG-05

    Anyone have an OPC* Timer fail?

    Apparently mine has. Intermittent fail to start (cranks fine), then went hard failure. Traced the electrons from the key stop solenoid to the key stop relay then to the OPC timer. I could not reliably test the OPC timer as described in the WSM. Hence, I decided to bypass it and see if the...
  8. FTG-05

    Can you buy individual plugs and connectors for Kubota tractors?

    I'm currently chasing an electrical gremlin with my Kubota L4330. Somewhere between the key switch and fuse panel and the stop solenoid is an intermittent disconnect. I've checked the fuse and the seat switch - one of the many safety switches between the fuse panel and SS - and still no joy...
  9. FTG-05

    Request for Help: Lost all Forward, Reverse and Power Steering

    Copied from TBN: I spent 2 hours +/- bushhogging my neighbor's hill and had just got done. Transferred from one gear to another to ride up the hill and go home. There was soft thump or click and all power going forward went away. It was if the transmission had accidentally got shifted into...
  10. FTG-05

    Anyone add an aux cooler to L4330?

    I want to add a Hayden 457 aux cooler to my L4330 for engine coolant. The 457 is usually an oil or tranny fluid cooler. I've had this since since the mid-80's or so and it's been on several vehicles. the last use was as a wort cooler when I brewed beer. I *assume* I can use the same engine...
  11. FTG-05

    Moving engine for greasing the engine drive shaft?

    Moving ZD326 ZTR diesel engine for greasing the engine drive shaft? I've been going over and greasing all the joints on my ZD326 and found the three grease fittings on the engine drive shaft. They can only accessed/greased while the drive shaft is pointing the fittings almost straight down. I...
  12. FTG-05

    R&R Deck belt for ZD326, First Step: Remove the Deck

    It looks like my belt is slipping on my ZD326, so it looks like it needs to be replaced. Never mind the $85 cost (from Messicks). The first step in replacing it is: Remove the deck! Anyone done this before? Any hints, tips and tricks? Anyone know the cost if the dealership did it? Thanks,
  13. FTG-05

    Rear Remote Parker Series 4200 Couplers and Mount needed

    I'm adding rear remotes to my L4330 and I want to use the Parker/Pioneer 4200 two way sleeve connectors, plus I need the mount/bulkhead to mount them to the rear of my tractor. Anyone know where I can get either one?
  14. FTG-05

    Concrete, steel and lead wheel weigh build pics

    Concrete, steel and lead wheel weight build pics I made some concrete, steel and lead wheel weights for my L4330 several months ago after looking, unsuccessfully for fairly cheap cast iron or steel wheel weights. I may as well have been looking for gold plate weights while I was at it for the...
  15. FTG-05

    L4330 3PH won't drop!

    Went out to the property today, one to drop off my hog trap/goat transporter cage, the other to see if my L4330 with it's forks would reach my 2nd floor mezzanine in the shop (it does!). However, while showing me the basic controls of the tractor, my BIL lifted then tried to drop the 3PH and it...
  16. FTG-05

    Finally got to ride my L4330 today, what does the "wrench" symbol mean?

    Hopefully nothing as drastic as the warp core is getting ready to self-eject or the fusion reactor has gone into self-destruct mode.... :) There was also the following words just above the 513.X hours reading: "Service Inspect". I don't have the manual yet (assuming the owner has it) and...
  17. FTG-05

    My brand spanking new (to me) L4330 tractor, what bushhog do I want?

    I've read a number of "what size bushhog for my tractor?" threads and think I understand the (5hp (PTO) per foot" rule of thumb. But what I really want to know is what is the sweet spot for the L4330 specifically? On the scale of light duty to heavy duty, I want the heavier duty. I plan to go...
  18. FTG-05

    What are the big differences between the L5XXX and M5XXX models?

    I'll be looking to buy my first tractor later this year. Bushhogging and gravel driveway maintenance will be it's primary use among other things. I prefer slightly used and somewhere between 45 and 50 HP +/-. A FEL is a must, as-is 4WD. In revieweing the various L5XXX and M5XXX models on...