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    Front end loader uses

    I'd recommend something that you can place it on to be stable, like 48" clamp on bucket forks (found inexpensively on ebay w free shipping) or skid steer pallet forks. You could certainly block one side from moving and use to bucket to tilt the mower up enough to comfortably get under it and...

    l3800 tractor lift arms

    I have a similar set up as Bluegill and have no problem placing the LP cutter on the ground and lifting it off. Consider using your loader (if you have one) and lifting the rear cutter on a pallet. This should give you enough height from the ground to help overcome the concern. Additionally...

    Someone Must Know ???

    Last year, in Idaho, we had an outpouring of yellow jackets in August. It was unreal and very unpleasant. Locals stated that it meant that we were going to have a terrible winter. As it was, winter was fairly benign by Idaho standards (Latah county that is). The Farmer's Almanac lists winter...

    Why would you need a back-hoe for typical non-comercial owner.

    We have the L3800 with BH77. We certainly could have done without the backhoe but the price was right for me and it works for our small ranch property- dug out 2 acres of wild rose that had been growing for 20+ years, I use it to move certain items. My job makes it difficult to rent equipment...

    L3800 overheating

    Just recently had to figure out why the l3800 was getting hot. The radiator screen and fins were the problem. This post helped with cleaning the fins. All better now, was super filthy:o. I appreciate this old post. IDK

    Fueling my L3800 sucks !

    Little late on the discussion, but for those following the initial question, I have the no spill cans and I don't like them. I have been using Scribner cans- 5 gallons-purchased white cans so I could see the red dye in them so no-one puts diesel in the dirt bikes. I use them for fueling our...

    Future Farmer...

    That seems expensive. One can purchase good soil in Idaho for that price. A farmer down the road rents him and his equipment out for 70 per hour.

    craigslist for those interested

    With all the items on this L3800- top and tilt, implements, HST, FEL- good price.

    craigslist for those interested

    Greetings all, I was viewing CL and ran across this pretty nice package. Cheers, IDK

    old dearborn 10-161 plow

    Im looking forward to using it. It is replacing an older modified for tractor use horse drawn JD 2 bottom plow with a broken mold board. I was thinking about either removing the mold board and make it a trencher or turning into a mailbox holder. cheers, idk


    2.54 cm per inch or 25.4 mm per inch

    old dearborn 10-161 plow

    Maybe I can help... I haven't used this just yet. I will be using it when the ground dries enough to get the L3800 up the hill for reseeding prep work.

    Land Pride Rear Blade 3784

    Well, it is the weekend... Looked at the barn and discovered that there is not a lot that I can do while it is so wet outside without destroying the rest of the ground/driveway around the barn. The trenching that I did this past week was helpful but is not enough at this time. I need more...

    Can I install a BH77 Backhoe myself?

    I'd let them put it on. They do all the plumbing, put it together, and then you can have the easy part- unhooking and putting it back on. If it goes wrong, it's their doing and covered under warranty. Consider this, you just bought a brand new tractor will a dealer installed fel. Your probably...

    Land Pride Rear Blade 3784

    Received the LP RB 3784 today after trading up from the RB1684. It's about 2x as heavy, super beefy, and the swing out offset is great. I used it tonight to trench some ice/mud to divert runoff from the snow that was flowing into the barn. I think that we are going to become good friends...

    Just bought L3800

    Congratulations! I have the same set up of the 2012 variety. You'll enjoy it. Quit second guessing yourself. It felt good when you bought it so that should be enough. Cheers.

    gear grinding

    Greettings. After more than a year of l3800 dt use I still find I am grinding gears. If the rpms are up and I shift gears it grinds until I locate the sweet spot.if I use the high low shifter it grinds if the rim are up. Even at low rpms it hits and takes some clutching. Allegedly the linkage...

    the challenge....

    I can put up a pole building and repair sunken posts, but I don't know that I have the requisite skills to pour the needed pad for weight distribution even in small sections-given the need for rebar and our frost line depth-at least 3'. It needs to be able to withstand at least 10K lbs weight...

    the challenge....

    I agree you can't have too many sheds. We are going to have 2 built this year, an 18 x 18 ft for 2 years of firewood storage and another for implements and a trailer.


    I use a pair of clamp on forks I found on eBay for 149 w free shipping made by Titan. I use them often and used them several times to move brush/limbs. I too use a pallet to place the limbs on and carry them to their final resting place. I think a purpose built fork attachment would be better...