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    Ag tire CL add from Sand Point ID

    Greetings, I was on CL this AM and ran across this add for those so inclined. Regards, IDK

    Adjusting side to side movement on 3 point

    Hodge, The BH77 was subframe mounted. The subframe is still mounted to the frame and I was planning on leaving it that way. IDK

    Adjusting side to side movement on 3 point

    Hodge, In regards to side to side motion, I am using the kubota telescopic stabilizers for a L3800. I seems that I am not able to level the lift arms when on a flat surface and the stabilizers do not line up in the same pin holes. When I first got my troctor, it had the BH77 on it. We took it...

    Tire chain problem

    Greetings. I am a new tractor owner with a L3800 from the local dealer. I asked about chains and the R1 tire and the dealer sold me 2-link tire chains for $450 and they installed them for me as a courtesy for buying the tractor. I asked about returning them as they are ineffective for the R1...

    L3200 QA snow plow blade

    I like it. What was the material cost?

    waxing the loader

    I was talking w someone about snow building up in the bucket while plowing. He suggested waxing the bucket. Simple suggestion and the snow comes out of the loader completely. Waxed the rear blade too, snow comes off of that clean. Pretty simple thing to do and now there is no snow build up...

    What is a fair price on a new L3800HST tractor?

    The website does give the MSRP on all the components, but the dealer will do their best at charging you for freight and labor for putting together you tractor. When I purchased mine, I was told that it is a "good 10 hours of labor to put together your tractor..." Sounds like hogwash to me, but...

    L3800 and rb1684

    Used the L3800 today for the first time. Attached the rear blade and put away the other implements in a dry spot for Spring/Summer. Cleaned up the drive. The float position on the FEL is a little trickier to use than suspected- kept digging in and raising the front wheels or rolled the...

    new L3800 and 1st tractor.

    I have looked at the specs on the RB 26/36/35 blades. Hydraulic would be nice, but probably not necessary. The hydraulic kit looks interesting and isn't too expensive. Maybe next Christmas. For my needs, 1/4" steel will likely satisfy the existing drainage ditches for repair. Dealer is...

    new L3800 and 1st tractor.

    The mower is for the upper field, back pasture, and the like (mostly cause I wanted it it). I have a JD LT155tractor for the lawn .

    new L3800 and 1st tractor.

    Thanks for the welcome. I have Ag tires and I purchased chains for them. I thought about industrial tires, but it gets very icy in the main part of the property and chains don't seem to fit the R4 tires without spacers for the rims at least as I could tell. I will be in muddy work in the...

    3 Point Hitch Mounted Splitter

    I would think that a tow along 22 ton (or greater) splitter would be handier... less expensive to run (gas v diesel), runs independant of the tractor- no wear and tear on the tractor, sets up for use so that the tractor can be used for other things- like skidding logs to the bucking area, Briggs...

    new L3800 and 1st tractor.

    Greetings All, I have yet to have it delivered, but I will be the owner of a L3800 with QA FEL, R1 tires w Rimguard & chains, Auger 9", 60" rotary cutter, and a 84" rear blade (LP RB1684). The dealer suggested the blade length, but I am wondering if perhaps it should be 72" (which is the max...