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  1. J

    Chugging L245

    Well, for all of those who posted to my question or anyone who might be intrested here is what I learned...... I bought this tractor from my brother in law. He sold it because he said it didnt have enough power to mow his seven acers with a five foot bush hog excecpt in low 2. As advised by...
  2. J

    My Kubota was a dirtbag!

    I Have bender envy.
  3. J

    Cold Start question

    Thanks for the info. Next time i'm at the property i'll pull the valve cover and check it out. I'll also check the ignition switch JWB
  4. J

    Cold Start question

    I have an L245 that has the same no/start/ pause as well. The decompression lever is stuck/frozen at the valve cover. The next time i'm at the property to work, I can tell I'll get no work done. You guys have given me so many ideas that I'll have to work on the tractor all day.........I love it...
  5. J

    Chugging L245

    What I mean by chugging is that the engine rev's slowly as if it is trying to accelerate with a huge load behind it (like a very heavy flywheel). When you Stab the accelerator or advance the hand throttle it lags and "chuggs" to catch up. I had a Miller Trailblazer 350 D (engine driven welder)...
  6. J

    Chugging L245

    I recently purchased a L245 with only 400 hrs on it. It runs and functions well. The only issue I am noticing is the engine is slow to rev up when the throttle is advanced. From an idle the engine "chugs" till it reaches rpm. The previous owner bought it with less than 200 hrs on it and says it...
  7. J

    I recently purchased a L245 with only 400 hrs on it. It runs and functions well. The only issue...

    I recently purchased a L245 with only 400 hrs on it. It runs and functions well. The only issue I am noticing is the engine is slow to rev up when the throttle is advanced. From an idle the engine "chugs" till it reaches rpm. The previous owner bought it with less than 200 hrs on it and says it...