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  1. J

    Help with Kubota B1700

    Meandyou, I had a similar problem last weekend. Radiator looked clean, good antifreeze, new cap....... still got hot after 20 minutes of work. I removed the radiator thinking it needed rodding out. When I looked through the radiator (the direction the air flows through) 75 percent of the air...
  2. J

    M59 Pin Noise - Grease Type

    Pin chatter is caused from one of two things. Over stress or lack of lubrication. Usually the latter. Take the pins out and clean up any galling. Be sure to check the pin bushings also. Check that the zirk fitting are clear of dirt/paint. Grease manually, including the bushings. With troublesome...
  3. J

    Dead B5200

    Heres a little trick. Take a piece of wire, attach one end to the positive batt. Post, touch the other end to the small connector on the starter. This will be the one the small gauge wire connects to. If the starter engages and tries to turn the tractor over then you know that the problem is...
  4. J

    Dead B5200

    The alternator/rectifier has nothing to do with starting. It only replaces the energy that you us out of the battery. Look for a bad/dirty electrical connection. Start at the battery posts and then check the. Groung to the chassis. Good luck. JWB
  5. J

    No RPM past 1500 without dying

    Just an educated guess but I would bet that the fuel system (tank, lines, filter holder ) have algae/sludge partially restricting the fuel system. Check the tank nipple for restriction. It sounds like its starving for fuel at higher rpms. Try a cleaner like CRC or stanadine. I have drained the...
  6. J

    L245dt brake repair

    Your 245 should have wet disc brakes. They are under the roundish cover in front of and above the rear axle. One on each side of the transmission. JWB
  7. J

    posting pix of my tractor

    Don't mind him he's just being an old grumpy, fuddy duddy:). The tractor looks sweet!
  8. J

    B6100 Overhaul Problems

    Its not uncommon for the pressure senders to go bad. Double check with a manual gauge to be sure. JWB
  9. J

    Still have serious issues with my B6100

    Harbor crap has a multi meter for four dollars. Cheapo but will work for what u are doing. When you get mad and throw it you won't be out a lot of money. JWB
  10. J

    Still have serious issues with my B6100

    Eric, Just a thought......Have you removed the batt. and checked the voltage? I have seen the buss bars break inside the batt. and create a short circut situation inside the batt. In this instance it would be like short circuting the donor vehicle when you try to jumb start. If the batt has an...
  11. J

    help with sick B6100

    Just a thought..... see my prior post. Chugging l 245. Sounds like what you decribe. ....try cracking the steel fuel line at each fuel injector while its running one at a time make sure the pump is getting fuel to each cylinder. Mine would run on one cylinder and drag the other two. The fix was...
  12. J

    new to the fourm

    Never give up! Someone will come along that knows what you need to know......good bunch of knowledgeable guys, be patient. JWB
  13. J


    Oldphil, I gotta agree with bulldog. Fwd is the way to go. Two wd is very hard to get stuck, however I was moving heavy stuff the other day with my M6040 and the back tires started to spin in soft ground. Fwd got the job done. I realized a little while later that the back tires were lifting in...
  14. J

    Skid Steer Attachment Plate

    If you are coming to disney world bring it with you. I live 30 min from there. Ill weld it for you.
  15. J

    Little info

    Nice work Josh, very interesting.
  16. J

    new to forum - l225 brakes and hydraulic fluid questions

    Welcome to the forum, rotella oil is also a very good oil and less pricey. Try heat (mild heat) at the connection between the shaft and drum followed by a quick shot of lube then vibration. Like from a burp gun (air chisel ) with a flat bit. I find some vibrations to the end of the shaft help...
  17. J

    Homemade SPOT Welder~!

    Dude, I love it, gotta make one. I will start looking for a big transformer when I'm scavenging. Big cap. Too. JWB
  18. J

    Why it was a great weekend

    I agree. Luckily those guys don't know how. To fix brakes, fuel pumps, starters, carburetors, and master cylinders. I had to do all that to get the mule fixed. The Guy wanted it fixed BAD. Kinda crazy but I guess another man junk is another's treasure. JWB
  19. J

    Why it was a great weekend

    Not that this has anything to do with maint. or repair but a fiew of you will appreciate this: I went over to my brother in laws and harrowed about 2 acers of his property for him........So what? You say......Well let me set the stage; it's Florida, 72 degrees, sunny, a slight breeze and not a...