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  1. J

    CUB CADET 1572 Kubota 16HP Issue

    Hey Evan, Know its frustrating when people are incompetent. Just a thought but did you check the air filter and air horn for obstructions. You probably did. Sounds like its to much fuel or not enough air. Hope that helps, JWB
  2. J

    new to the fourm

    WOW!, Now this is a case of someone taking something the wrong way. I was just trying NOT to hijack the thread. Just wanted to learn from Handy. The guy knows all kinds of GREAT stuff! On a few of the job sites I work on there are "plumbers" who have been welders since before the wheel was...
  3. J

    new to the fourm

    Handy, can you start a new thread about your "trick" for cast? I am also a welder and LOVE learning new ways to get the job done that others who "know it all" on the job sites never thought of. JWB
  4. J

    How to get more Power

    That is so funny! I did the same thing. I made the pulley to big. With all that speed and no suspension I would bounce right out of the seat. Man was it fun:).
  5. J

    Kubota's for Work or Play?

    Nice! Wish u were closer to ever try strawberries?
  6. J

    Welders and welding

    Skeets, I bought my first welder with my lawn mowing money when I was 13 years old. It was a Lincoln 225 AC welder. I still have it to this day (24 years later). Man did I burn up a lot of welding rod messing around. You can weld a whole lot of things with one of these jewels. If I had to pick...
  7. J

    MIG welding question. (CO2 canister)

    Hi guys, Sometimes fluorescent lights will trigger the eye on even the expensive helments. The eye gets confused because a fluorescent bulb turns on and off 60 times a second. Try turning flourecent lights off. Usually any type of incandescent (hallogen, Edison, etc.) Wont trick the eye unless...
  8. J

    MIG welding question. (CO2 canister)

    Joe, Those fume extractors that Lincoln sells are awsome, but way expensive. For a hobby welder all you need is good ventilation. A shop vac does not have the proper filters to remove the heavy metals and fume so they just discharge them right back in the room again. One of the correct...
  9. J

    MIG welding question. (CO2 canister)

    Guys, Good safety equipment is always a great investment. Try buying a helment from a company like Jackson, speedglass, Miller, or Lincoln. Those company's will make sure the helment meets safety specs. I use speedglass but they are expensive. I also have a couple of Lincoln helments and they...
  10. J

    MIG welding question. (CO2 canister)

    Ok guys, Let me se if I can put my 2 cents worth in and answer some questions. Welding bottles are rated buy there storage capacity usually in cubic feel ( in the US ). Most people can't remember what size they have. They are commonly refered to by the designation 1R, 2R, etc. The one...
  11. J

    My B8200 has new clothes!

    Nice damn job! You should be proud.
  12. J

    B8200-Tie rod??

    Dusty, Ever think about a heim joint? They come in all thread counts, male, female and weld on blanks. The taper could be drilled out and a grade 8 bolt put through. Just a thought. We do it all the time when building big truck suspensions. JWB
  13. J

    MIG welding question. (CO2 canister)

    Hi all, Sorry for the confusion, I said earlier that straight argon gave more penetration.....What I MENT to say was less....I responded before the coffee had started to work. Straight CO2 will give more penetration for a given Voltage setting than argon. It will splatter more than blended...
  14. J

    MIG welding question. (CO2 canister)

    Hi guys, let me see if I can help answer your questions. Yes you can use your paintball co2 cartridge. Miller makes a suitcase welder called the passport that uses paintball cylinders. It is designed for repair work inside plants, Fluxcore welding will give you the most...
  15. J

    Kubota's for Work or Play?

    If I have to move a large pile of dirt (say 5 yards) with a shovel and a wheelbarrow, that's a LOT of work. If I move it with my FEL on the. Tractor that's a lot of fun! .......I like fun.
  16. J

    OffTopic: How to make Flywheels?

    Hi, Try a wheel from a rail car or the trucks of a locomotive. These come in different sizes. When the wheels get worn down they replace the wheels. These wheels are balanced and quite heavy. One can be purchased for scrap prices at a local train repair yard. Good luck. JWB
  17. J

    Had a blast Tuesday & Wednesday!!!

    Hey guys, Let me say this much about that. Just keep doing good. If you keep casting your bread on the water it will roll back on the waves. You never know how your acts of kindness REALLY affect others. Just keep doin' and have fun while doin'. Besides they are probably just jelous that they...
  18. J

    Chugging L245

    Unfortunately it is not 4WD. I have a brand new M6040 that is 4wd with a FEL. It does the work when I need 4WD. I plan on using the L245 mainly for I don't have to keep changing impliments or scratch the paint in my new tractor:). Im not sure what engine is in it? If you need to...
  19. J

    Chugging L245

    OK , if you are intrested I got the photo to upload.....Finally! The loose fitting was the one the wrench is pointing to.
  20. J

    Chugging L245

    Yes, I am refering to the fuel line to the injector. Sorry the picture won't upload.