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  1. KubotaTech

    Coolant Type, Dex-Cool OK?

    I guess you dont use the heat a whole lot in Georgia. Yeah if you are changing the coolant every 2 years, you could use dex cool but whats the point if you are gonna change it every 2 years? Dexcool can clog in less than 5 years, which is its maintenance interval, and plug smaller coolant...
  2. KubotaTech

    B2910HSD front axel leak

    I 've had many Kubota hubs apart for seal leaks, the best thing I found to do is get a parts breakdown diagram and it will show you where all of the snaprings are and what they hold in place.
  3. KubotaTech

    BX1800 Hydraulic Lines

    Not sure, the ones I had replaced have not shown up leaking again. Check to be sure the routing of the hoses is correct- be sure they are not rubbing anything, and be sure to use the sleeve that covers the hoses.
  4. KubotaTech

    BX1800 Hydraulic Lines

    If you are patient and dont mind getting oily, it isnt too bad of a job. In the shop I usually put the tractor on jackstands to make it a little easier. Remove the mower and loader if equipped. I usually replace both lines that run together from the steering controller, one to the front, and...
  5. KubotaTech

    3240 50-hour service

    Both filters are approximately the same size, one on each side of the tractor. One filters all the hydraulic fluid, the other filters the fluid going into the HST finer than the rest. There is no suction strainer on this model. You can spin the filters on and not lose a ton of fluid just use...
  6. KubotaTech

    farm diesel

    Red diesel is high sulfur 50 PPM or more Low sulfur is 15-50 PPM of sulfur Ultra low is less than 15 PPM of sulfur Red is untaxed off road and not recommended in tractors that are serviced with the latest API certified oils because the new oil does not have additives to break down the high...
  7. KubotaTech

    Coolant Type, Dex-Cool OK?

    I'm with Marty. I have seen of a lot of people with GM cars and trucks that have had heater cores and thermostats clogged up because of the orange coolant. I wouldnt run it in a pushmower (if it used it). Kubota says use green and change it every 2 years.
  8. KubotaTech

    New B3200 smokes on cold start

    Yep, sounds like the timing is off, seen this one time on a tractor with about 150 hours on it.
  9. KubotaTech

    M7040 shuttle shift question

    Does it act this way all the time or just when it is cold? This condition is normal if the ambient temp is low and the tractor is not warmed up. The shuttle cable can be adjusted, they rec. hooking up a pressure gauge and setting the adjustment according to the forward and rev. clutch pressures.
  10. KubotaTech

    bucket wont curl

    If you have quick couplers to hookup the loader you can switch the couplers from the bucket to the boom and see if it makes a difference. That would help you figure out if it is a hose and cylinder problem or a valve problem.
  11. KubotaTech

    ZD21 Leaking Tranny Fluid from relief valve

    What exactly do you mean? Where is it leaking, and what are you trying to fix?
  12. KubotaTech

    B2320 Starter

    If desired, you can wire in a remote toggle kill switch under the floor or somewhere like that. Then you are the only one that knows it is there.
  13. KubotaTech

    2006 B7510 Transmission Filter Location

    Both of those filters filter the transmission oil, but the HST filters just filters it finer before going into the HST unit. If you get both filters, they should only fit one way, so they should not get mixed up even if you arent 100% sure which one goes where. Pull the strainer bolt out in...
  14. KubotaTech

    No Start - Wiring problem - MICE!

    There is a customer that we regularly service their tractor, and EVERYTIME I have been there I find a nest. Always one in the air filter, in back of the battery, and last time there was one under the shroud covering the fuel tank. Follow thew wiring from the solenoid and you will prob. find...
  15. KubotaTech

    3 point hitch leak down

    After you put the hitch at the desired height,turn the lowering speed valve closed. This is the knob located between your knees when sitting on the tractor. Turn it all the way clockwise and see if it still drops.
  16. KubotaTech


    That is usually how I test the system, if you ground it and it works, the circuit is ok and it only leaves the sensor
  17. KubotaTech

    Loader drifting down

    Is it the bucket or boom that is leaking down? I have seen several bucket cylinders that leak down. The threads on the hyd. cylinder's rod actually stretch causing the piston to be loose, leaking oil past the piston. I have replaced rods and also whole cylinders for this concern. If you do...
  18. KubotaTech

    B7800 No Start

    Kuboman you may be right, I was just assuming it was like some of the others. Sorry for the bad info, if that is the case.
  19. KubotaTech

    zd28 trans problem

    If the other things are ok, Drain the fluid, and check the strainer in the bottom of the transmission. If there is any metal shavings. You can also cut open the filter and see if there is excessive metal in it. If there is evidence of an HST failure, there are 2 kits available for an HST...