Search results

  1. sheepfarmer

    Ice Crystals in the Diesel

    Well if anyone had any doubts about using the Mr Funnel to filter fuel as it goes into the tank, today I could actually see the water that wasn't going to end up in the tank. When I got done filling up the tanks on the two tractors I could see particles in the sump and along the sides of the...
  2. sheepfarmer

    DPF operating hints: calling all owners of new tractors

    After reading lots of posts where people were not sure what was involved in managing a new Tier IV tractor outfitted with the emissions reduction equipment, and remembering that I had a lot of trouble making sense out of the directions in the operator's manual, I started a thread (see sticky in...
  3. sheepfarmer


    My neighbor and her husband came over today to look at the snowblower and the new B2650. She is trying to solve two problems. Due to arthritis in her hands hanging onto a walk behind snowblower is no longer an attractive proposition, and she has to make paths into and around her barns for...
  4. sheepfarmer

    Naked driveshaft/pto for front mounted snow blower?

    :eek: considering all the guards on all of the rest of the pto hookups I was surprised to find on my new front mounted snowblower that there is a long stretch of stainless steel shaft ending in a naked spline that connects the mid pto to the snow blower. Seems odd to me, I looked in the parts...
  5. sheepfarmer

    Question for owners of new L--60 tractors

    I would like to be able to clarify the regen process for the Grand L's for new owners. Between the model I have and maybe 2014 Kubota changed the default for the Auto Regeneration button from off, or inhibit, to on or allow auto regeneration. So when I want to allow auto regen I push this...
  6. sheepfarmer

    Has anyone invented a multipurpose lifting device....

    The other day I wanted to lift a Briggs and Stratton engine onto the chassis of a Cyclone Rake (some assembly required :eek:). The directions advised that one ought to find a helper to do this, and it has two handles. I kept looking at the tractor and looking at this engine, which had to be...
  7. sheepfarmer

    2003 Silverado Duramax injectors

    Well I think I should give up on trekking off to Detroit so often, and I should be thanking more lucky stars, but my trusty truck just shut off out of a clear blue right AFTER I pulled off the freeway onto Telegraph. No steering and I was in the middle of 5 lanes one way. The good news is I...
  8. sheepfarmer

    B2650 or other B's front snowblower mount compatibility with MMM & FEL

    I am needing to replace my old Ingersoll which mows and snowblows. I covet a cab for winter so have been looking at B2650's, and not getting clear answers from dealers about best way to go to plan ahead if I want to eventually mow as well as snowblow. And to plan way ahead, if I need to sell...
  9. sheepfarmer

    old tractors restored on PBS

    If anyone is still up, there is a special on our local PBS station which I think can also be seen using your computer. Ours is WKAR, and the program is called Timeless Tractors or something like that, and it is all about old tractors, pretty ones, and ones still working.
  10. sheepfarmer

    Pallet-box for pickup bed?

    Has anyone built a box which is easily picked up with pallet forks, and which is easy to unload from a truck, and easy to unload items from after transport? I often pick up 8 or 10 50 lb bags of feed at the elevator, as well as other odd shaped or bulky things that are too heavy to lift by one...
  11. sheepfarmer

    How old is too old if you're a tire?

    Well to continue the saga after going off roading unintentionally in my truck, and having the local Chev dealership tell me I needed all kinds of expensive steering components (pitman, idler arms, tie rods, lower ball joints) not due to the slide off, but general wear and tear, I went to the...
  12. sheepfarmer

    more lucky stars...

    I hit a patch of black ice on the fwy today and, even though I did my best, no brake, no accelerator, steer into the skid, I went off roading in my truck. I think it was my tractor driving, keep the nose pointed down hill, no driving on sidehills instinct that saved me. I "drove" about 50...
  13. sheepfarmer

    New Kubotas delivered with Super UDT-2 in front axle case?

    I was inspired by the warm weather to check the level in the front axle case, and no oil was evident. Manual says either S UDT-2 or SAE80, 90 gear oil. Since I don't want to change it just now, just top it off, the question is which is likely to be in it now? Or does it matter if you mix...
  14. sheepfarmer

    carpentry advice needed: square hole problem

    If you remember my thread on putting something plastic on my back blade so as not to gouge up the new concrete? Well I decided to try the trex approach first before spending money on the stuff designed for the job, and today stopped by a new builder's supply place. Turned out they didn't...
  15. sheepfarmer

    Secondary air filter--composition?

    According to the check list in my owner's manual, both the primary and secondary air filters are to be replaced at one year or sooner if you have to clean the primary a lot. So I went by the dealer's to pick up one of each, and the gal who does the parts says "practically no one changes the...
  16. sheepfarmer

    surface saver for back blade? Anyone try anything like these on their tractor? The problem I am trying to solve is that there is now a concrete "alley" between two of my barns that has had the concrete carefully sloped to carry water away from the two barns...
  17. sheepfarmer

    Biocides/algaecides--to use or not to use?

    I puzzled for a long time about buying yet another thing for my tractor, and ran into a couple of questions I didn't find very good answers, so I'd be interested in other people's experiences and expertise. The biocides are very toxic, not the sort of thing you want to either handle or have...
  18. sheepfarmer

    L4200 GST in mid Michigan

    Stopped by Michigan State University, East Lansing surplus and salvage store and they had a Kubota L4200 GST outfitted for snow plowing, front blade with hydraulic angle controls in the lot. Nice cab. Didn't see a price and didn't have time to stay to ask about it. Looked like it had some...
  19. sheepfarmer

    a winter project?

    Several of you could do this, easy!'motorised-picnic-table'-drivers/6949832
  20. sheepfarmer

    Sky Hooks?

    They are building a new freeway interchange near Detroit, 96 to 23, and I drive through there once a week, so have been watching with interest. Much of the new road is pretty elevated, and I have seen dozers piling up dirt at angles that you couldn't pay me enough to navigate. Yesterday I...