Search results

  1. sheepfarmer

    New type of injectors

    I thought this sounded interesting.
  2. sheepfarmer

    Cleaning chaff off radiators

    I could be solving a problem that doesn't need to be solved, but I like this one. Both my L3560 and B2650 have other coolers in front of the radiator, and various other things in the way of accessing the...
  3. sheepfarmer

    No place like home!

    This also could be titled thank God for good neighbors!! I am finally home after 2 weeks in a hospital, and I cant tell you how great it is to be sitting in my favorite lazy boy chair with an English muffin with peanut butter and jam and a cup of tea. The floor is carpeted with dogs ( small...
  4. sheepfarmer

    Non hardening gasket sealant for oil drain plug?

    My Troy bilt rototiller needs its gear oil changed, looks disgusting. I suppose after 26 years its not surprising, but the manual says "rarely needs changing". :eek: I read the directions in the manual, which generally are wonderfully clear, as far as drain it and went off and collected 90W...
  5. sheepfarmer

    Computer geeks: read it and weep

    I have started reading the Mueller report, and the first few sections are the ways that the Russian organizations hacked servers, infiltrated networks, created personas to make posts on Facebook and so forth. The expression taking candy from a baby comes to mind. There are too many of us, me...
  6. sheepfarmer

    My iPhone is creeping me out!

    Help! I have no clue how this thing works, but here's what happened: I came home and set my iPhone 7 down on a table. It was off in the sense it had been left on the home screen, which goes off after about 10 seconds, and therefore it was automatically logged out. I made a call from my...
  7. sheepfarmer

    Wow 7 independent decks!

    Never seen anything quite like this, would be fun to drive, but I'd hate to be in charge of sharpening all the blades. Kubota engine.
  8. sheepfarmer

    Now what?

    Starting yesterday or so, when I pull up a thread to view the individual posts, the right hand half of the page is black and the left side has the post albeit in teeny tiny print. I am viewing on an android tablet, fairly new. I am suspicious of the ads, since any list of the threads from...
  9. sheepfarmer

    Recall on Kubota zero turn mowers

    The latest issue of Consumer Reports says that Kubota zero turn mowers sold from Nov 2017 through Sept 2018 for $6500 to $10,000 are being recalled for a ROPS defect that causes them to get loose and fail. The article doesn't specify the model. Contact your dealer or Kubota Corporation at...
  10. sheepfarmer

    Utility trailer rental: advice needed

    I would like to rent a trailer with low or no sides to go and pick up a load of lumber that was rough sawn from my black walnut trees and take it to a place that will make it into flooring. I am assuming it will be loaded and unloaded with a forklift (but that might not be true). The boards...
  11. sheepfarmer

    Fencing Project: Saws and fasteners

    After getting an estimate on some fencing repairs, I have decided to settle for patching up what I've got. I want to put up a 2 x 6 top rail on a section that has woven wire on the bottom and an electric wire on the top. The deer and the falling tree branches are always messing up the hot...
  12. sheepfarmer

    Labor charges

    I am generally happy with the work and charges from my dealer, but my most recent bill made my hair curl. One small part of it was a sudden 25% increase in the per hour rate for labor, from $80/ hr to $100/hr. This was for routine work, oil change, fuel filter change, swap mower deck for...
  13. sheepfarmer

    MSU Surplus Store

    Surplus and Salvage was an old building where you went and scrounged for office or lab furniture for your office when I still worked there, and when you left or retired that was where it went back to. Some of those desks were a hundred years old. Well after a while they started selling...
  14. sheepfarmer

    Anyone looking for snow plowing rig in mid Michigan?

    Went to MSU recycling today and there was a lonely looking orange tractor behind the fence. Looking at the website it is an L5030, 2006, 2475 hours, front mount hydraulic blade, cab. Minimum bid 18K, bidding closes Oct 2. Might be worth a look...
  15. sheepfarmer

    Caroni Flail mowers: changing belts and tensioning?

    I have a Caroni TM1600BSC flail that is great for mowing pastures. Was all set to take out my aggressions on some wild rose bushes etc and after my usual fight with hooking up the PTO thought I should check the tension on the belts. First you should know that the manual only says adjust the...
  16. sheepfarmer

    Another argument for ROPs plus seatbelt use

    Don't know if these zero turn mowers are outfitted with ROPs or not, but if yours is, consider using them and the seatbelt. Thinking maybe his chest would not have been crushed if the ROPS held. Not sure if this is same accident, but a tractor/mower was found upside down by a UPS driver also...
  17. sheepfarmer

    Fertilizer: correct application?

    My knickers are in a knot.:eek: I was out in my veggie patch putting in seed, and realized my eyes were burning and the inside of my nose. I figured out that there was some correlation to a JD tractor with a spray rig in my neighbors field about 300 yards away. He went away but after a while...
  18. sheepfarmer

    Foam fill for gage wheels on landscape rake?

    My trusty landscape rake has one tire that leaks air, and it is a pain to get the tire to seat well enough against the rim to fill. It is actually a pain to even get to the valve and get anything hooked on it snugly so air goes in. Tire stores no longer work on anything except car tires, I took...
  19. sheepfarmer

    Elderly standby generator: repair or replace?

    I have a 1992 Dayton 8kW propane generator that has run perfectly when needed for 16 yrs until last Friday when I thought I heard it start and stop when it started its weekly exercise cycle. By the time I got outside it was running fine. Friday night after I heard the weather forecast I...
  20. sheepfarmer

    Dissing the new Tier 4 tractors

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and diverse opinions are helpful here. However I think that it is NOT helpful if someone with a new Tier 4 tractor writes in for assistance to hear from a bunch of folks that it is a PITA, that the new stuff sucks, that the EPA and the gubmint suck, and...