Search results

  1. sheepfarmer

    Questions on the care of the fuel systems in new common rail L tractors

    There are a couple of themes that keep showing up on the forum, one is bleeding fuel lines, and the other is use of fuel additives. Bleeding especially is tractor specific, and I wanted to understand how mine worked, and I have some questions. I waded through a bunch of the parts diagrams, and...
  2. sheepfarmer

    Fun Facts

    In time for the start of the Winter Olympics, other than those involving sliding the tractor down a snow bank, I just ran across the fun fact that the speed at which a skater like Nathan Chen is rotating in the air during a quad jump is about 400 rpm, close to 75% of PTO speed....:eek: I can't...
  3. sheepfarmer

    Recalls Kubota RTV-X, also JD Gator

    To my surprise the issue of Consumer Reports that arrived yesterday announced a recall of RTV-X s sold between June 2015 and June 2017 due to a seatbelt defect, and to call 800 752 0290 for a free repair or contact local dealer. They recommend people stop using their vehicle immediately. The...
  4. sheepfarmer

    The new seed catalogues have arrived!

    Some OTT members have quite phenomenal gardens! I'd be interested in hearing about particular varieties and seed or plant sources that are wildly successful (or not!!!). I used to be happy with Burpee and whatever the local...
  5. sheepfarmer


    Yesterday was the second day of firearm deer season in my part of Michigan, and when I went out to feed found one of my lambs on the ground in the run in shed where it had died with a small hole in its muzzle and a pool of blood. Two neighbors heard a really loud gunshot around dawn, their...
  6. sheepfarmer

    Snowblower Dryer and Polebarn Heater?

    Last week the terms "polar" and "vortex" were used in the same paragraph by the weather gurus, bringing back memories of the 2013-14 winter. Lots of snow and spells of bitter cold. :eek::eek: One of the chores I don't like is getting the packed in snow out of the corners of the snowblower...
  7. sheepfarmer

    What happens to this structure when it snows?

    I have been driving past this parking lot all summer as the construction has been taking place, and while I am thinking it is a dandy idea to make the acres of parking lots that the university owns do something useful, and more user friendly, I can't figure out how these inverted V roofs are...
  8. sheepfarmer

    Distributing "playground" wood chips with tractors

    I have 300 yards of "playground mulch" coming Monday to refurbish my riding arena. It will arrive in roughly 9 35 yard truck loads, assuming it doesn't rain. My question is what would be the optimal directions to give to the truck drivers as to how to distribute the loads in the arena, and...
  9. sheepfarmer

    Fascia repair project: how should it have been done and where do I go from here?

    I know among the forum members are many professional and amateur house fixers, so I am asking for help. I was just going to get up on the roof and slop some paint over this one strip of fascia board that is peeling and call it good, but it is so far rotted that my OCD has set in, and I would...
  10. sheepfarmer

    In Luck?

    So are some of you ready to watch the eclipse? D2Cat I think you get to see it as total, us Michiganders not so much.
  11. sheepfarmer

    Choke on shutting down gas engine?

    Idle curiosity here, but there is a guy that works for me occasionally, of the general sort that could break an anvil so he doesn't have a lot of credibility, and every time he goes to stop the old Ingersoll he shoves the choke lever all the way on. I have asked him why he did that, and the...
  12. sheepfarmer

    Hydraulic draw bar

    We have had lots of threads dealing with ways to tow trailers safely with tractors, and a draw bar is safest for heavy trailers especially around hills, but a tow bar attached to the 3 pt hitch is convenient because of the ease of adjusting the height, but can be dangerous. My neighbor has a...
  13. sheepfarmer

    FEL bucket operating tips needed

    I could use some tips on how to efficiently scoop up shredded pine mulch. I have tried varying the bucket angle from horizontal to edge down a few degrees, and entering the pile at the very bottom as well as part way up. However when I think it is fairly full and lift and curl, it sticks to...
  14. sheepfarmer

    Protective cover for mid pto for B2650?

    Snowblower is finally off, and I am wondering if there is supposed to be a rubber cap for the mid PTO to protect the splines the way there is on rear PTOs?
  15. sheepfarmer

    Kubota L3560 hstc

    L3560 hstc (not mine) on the road nearby. 2013, 400 hrs,includes loader and bucket with center hook welded on, and land pride mower. $28,000. This looks to be a nice tractor, good price since it includes cab. Turf tires. If interested PM me, I copied down the phone number on the sign.
  16. sheepfarmer

    Are some transmissions "dirtier" than others?

    I got to wondering about the different kinds of new Kubota transmissions the other day after reading several threads regarding the typical time interval between regenerations. Within the L series, some folks have intervals around 10 or 15 hours, some are up in the 30 to 40 hour range. The...
  17. sheepfarmer

    Glue for mailbox?

    I have heard several of you talk about JB Weld and assorted other substances to patch up engines, and so I am wondering about something for my mailbox. Google provides an array of epoxies, but I don't know if anything will work for my purpose, preferably not too elaborate. The object is to...
  18. sheepfarmer

    Tinfoil Hat Club

    Ok I've officially gone ballistic over not big brother, the gubmint, or any other foreign country, but rather the local electric company. I'm joining the tinfoil hat club. Found a notice in the bushes that they'd stopped by to install a new upgraded meter, but found my gates "locked", and...
  19. sheepfarmer

    Ad woes?

    I like cows and all, but there is a box with a picture of them eating hay that keeps popping up over the text. Occasionally it changes to a picture of a girl looking scenic. I swear I haven't touched any of the ads when scrolling with my tablet. Don't anyone remind me about Adblocker, that...
  20. sheepfarmer

    Motorized Toolbox

    TJ, Daren, this is for you guys. Just saw a snippet of what's showing at the Chicago Car Show, and Mercedes now makes a car/ van/ truck with built in drawers, cubbies etc accessible from the side, stainless steel? Looked pretty cool...