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  1. T

    L275 clutch is shot

    Sounds like you need a new friend! I'd just split that bad boy and fix it up.
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    New user - what to look out for B8200 tractor

    One other thing, the hour meter is kind of useless, as it only goes to 999 then turns back to zero, so unless the tractor was only used as a "gentleman's" farm tractor, the meter has likely turned over at least once.
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    New user - what to look out for B8200 tractor

    I think the B8200 is a great little tractor. I have the HST model and really like it. Fluids are key here. On the right hand side of the tractor, just under the foot rest, you will see a large hydraulic return line. If the owner is kind enough to let you take out that bolt to inspect the...
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    Maximum RPM's

    You can check your owners manual for the proper break-in procedure.
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    B7100HST PTO Question

    I'm not sure if they ever did. All the ones I have seen are 2 speed. I don't know if it matters, but I can't recall any implements that run on anything other than 540 RPM.....
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    What HST Fuild

    A quality oil from Exxon, Chevron, Shell etc will be compatible with the "UDT" Kubota stuff. It will say on the bucket if it is compatible. Kubota does not make oil. It is contracted out by one of the big boys. Personally I'd avoid the really cheap stuff from brands you haven't heard of.
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    To fuel or not to fuel

    That stuff doesn't have the lubricity of diesel fuel either. Use caution, you don't want to ruin your motor.
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    Govenor not working

    The governor is there to keep the motor from running too many RPMS. It sounds more like a carburetor problem, like a clogged jet, or water in the float, or a clogged fuel/air filter to me.
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    Hyd Leaking out of dip stick opening

    Yeah, what Bruce said.
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    Can't be of much help on the tiller, sorry. As far as oil goes, get yourself some good synthetic diesel oil that is recommended for your climate. Those original manuals are old, and are no longer applicable with today's superior oils. A lot of people will use the Rotella, some spend a little...
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    new owner-- used L3400 HST-- first maintenance once over

    I'd ballast the tires no matter what kind of work you do. It will give you more down pressure, thus more traction. It will keep your center of gravity lower, thus making the tractor less likely to turn over. Well worth the investment. I took mine to a local tire shop for the bio ballast...
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    L2800D won't start

    Sounds like a switch to me as well. If you ask me, the US has gone overboard on "safety" switches. You will need a multi meter to test continuity across the switches. An "open" switch has no continuity across it. That means the connection isn't being made. When the switch "closes" the...
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    Will Not Start Now

    OE stands for Original Equipment. The battery cables may be going bad.
  14. T

    Tipping over sideways?

    I agree with the the others, however, if you are feeling confident in your manufacturing abilities, you could fab up a stabilizer bar with a large pad, like ones on backhoes, that sits 6 inches off the ground to catch you when it starts to go. Then you can see on your inclometer the degrees she...
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    B series

    I doubt you'd go wrong with a perkins motor. They've been building them for a long time! I used to have a '66 Ford TLB that had a 3cyl perkins, that thing was rode hard and put away wet many times. The motor ran pretty darn good, although it was just about due for a rebuild when I sold it. I...
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    Kubota diesel motors will go a long time with the proper maintenance, so I wouldn't worry about that. Finding out how many hours on it is the first thing to find out. If it is gear driven, plan on changing the clutch, this is just regular maintenance. If it is HST, make sure the filters are...
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    bx2230 hydro leak

    I recall reading several times about hydraulic issues with the BX. It may have something to do with the way the return line is plumbed. I even recall that Kubota has a bulletin about it. I think a kit is available to re-route the return line. Maybe I'm wrong, I dont' have a BX so I just kind...
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    bx2230 hydro leak

    How much does it leak? I doubt the pump is the problem. i don't know if there is a check valve on the vent, if there is, maybe it is malfunctioning.
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    head gasket leak help

    Sounds like you have a crack in one of your water jackets that is allowing coolant to enter the cylinder. If that is the case, you will likely have to replace the block.
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    BX23 & Land Pride Tiller

    Land Pride makes both forward and reverse cutters, definitely go with the reverse cutter. Their forward cutters are models that start with RTA. I think you'll do great with the 50 incher. Mine came with the slip clutch, but my tractor doesn't have as much horse power, so when the tiller...