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  1. T

    cranks and runs fine but no power

    Any change in the color of the exhaust? Especially under load? You may also want to check your decompression lever...small and simple, but sometimes gets pushed open, and is easy to overlook when you are thinking of all the bad stuff that can go wrong, like a blown head gasket, fuel pump...
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    Water In Oil

    If you are lucky, you just have a bad head gasket, not a big project. If you are not so lucky, one of your cooling channels is cracked and leaking into your crank case. Let us know what you find out.
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    Piston Ring replacement on D950 Engine

    If you are just replacing the rings...which I've never done on a diesel, you will also need a cylinder hone. Like the ones you put on a drill, nothing fancy, and hone those walls before you put in new rings.
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    New Kubota ZG 222 Z And custom bumper

    Most excellent work! Cool to see the progress with the picture collage.
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    Losing fuel prime

    I'm not familiar with how the fuel pump on that tractor, so it may be an issue in the pump. I think I'd go through the system and check/tighten each connection just to make sure there isn't some tiny leak of air into the system.
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    Can 4x4 be dis-engaged on B8200 non-hydro?

    Too bad you couldn't have gotten your hands on that one. The good ones do go quick! Great price as well.
  7. T

    ZD21-60 Engine Noise warning to owners

    A failed U-joint on the crank to hydraulic pump shaft!!! Not even sure if your model has that, but I have a 66 Ford 3500 that threw one of those...not a pretty sound or sight.
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    G5200 Overheating

    I'm assuming you have done a good radiator flush during this whole process. Also assuming you are mixing your antifreeze to a 50/50 ratio. If both assumptions are correct, you may have an obstruction in your water channels of your engine block. One thing you can try, and I know this doesn't...
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    kubota engine trouble

    Nice to hear you finally got her back in shape! I guess there are drawbacks to not having the old manual fuel shutoff tractors. Silly electronics.
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    Cheap Tractor Storage

    Way to go on a great little storage shed. Heck a guy I used to work for built a very large (150X150) shop/shed out of old navy crates...that thing looks like a pile, but it has been around for 50 plus years!
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    1984 B8200E Fluid Changes

    It's a genuine Kubota owners manual for the B8200. I have the HST and have no need for the manual, however from what I have seen there is no difference in what is printed in the manual for the HST vs the manual.
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    Kubota Orange

    Dang man, that looks sharp! Very nice work indeed!
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    1984 B8200E Fluid Changes

    The recommended engine oil viscosity it 10W-30 (get the heavy duty tractor stuff). That applies to all temperature ranges. I personally have made the switch to synthetic oil, and have been pleased thus far. It has better lubricity, and doesn't break down like conventional dinosaur juice can...