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  1. T

    B7100 glow plug indicator

    I'm not sure what the voltage should be, but the element is likely burned out. It is a fairly common problem for them to stop working after a period of time. Fortunately the part is pretty inexpensive and not too hard to replace.
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    B7100 hydraulics for loader / plow

    All OEM nuts/bolts/fittings on your Kubota tractor will be metric...I'm not familiar with the BSP nomenclature.
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    FEL on L245DT

    I don't know much about the older FEL's, but a 48" sounds a little small for your tractor. I would think a 54" would be a little more appropriate. Kubota brand loaders are built nicer than some of the aftermarket crap out there. My dad has a 2950DT and some kind of "EZ-loader" on it, and it...
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    Front Cab Lights

    Very nice work.
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    B6200 starts/ won't run

    Very likely your fuel injection pump. Either that or a small air leak in the line allowing a vapor lock.
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    Troubleshooting RPM Meter

    Many times you will find the cable going into the alternator/Generator housing, or very near to it. I've seen the little gearbox break at the alternator as well. Easiest way to tell is take the cable off, then spin the inner cable. That will tell you if it is the cable or the grears.
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    Is a B6100E worth $600?

    If it is in good running order, I'd say that is a bargain. You should be able to find decent used 3pt setup for not a ton of cash. I'd take it if I were you.
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    Power Steering Add on for the B8200, Part 2(picture heavy)

    I told him about the mounting bracket, but have not had a chance to talk to Rick about the transfer blocks. I'll be calling him this week on that one. I think you could get a system put together for your DT model tractor. If you end up doing it, let us know how it goes.
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    Power Steering Add on for the B8200, Part 2(picture heavy)

    Now it’s time to install the hydraulics to get this bad boy all fired up! You will notice that there are 2 hydraulic transfer blocks to hook up your hoses to. First remove the block on top of the aux hydraulic transfer thing-a-ma-jig on the RH side of the tractor. Then install the provided...
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    Power Steering Add on for the B8200, Part 1(picture heavy)

    Not sure if this is better here, in under the implement section, but here it is anyways. My little Orange Tractor is a 1988 B8200 HST equipped with a factory FEL. So far it has been a great little tractor. I’m always looking for ways to tinker with it, so adding power steering was a good...
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    Water in tranny fluid question

    I'd also disconnect your FEL before you start the process. Do the tractor first, then before you reconnect the loader, drain all of the cylinders manually, or you will be recontaminating your whole system when you use the loader!
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    Water in tranny fluid question

    Getting all the water out of the system is a PIG! I personally don't know any tricks...just drain, fill, run...repeated hundreds of times...(well it seems like it takes that many times to purge a system of water).
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    L2050 DT Operating Question (Newbie)

    I agree with eserv. Adjusting that valve will adjust how fast the 3 point hitch drops when you lower the float lever. You can try West Kentucky Tractors for used parts, however they haven't been very prompt when responding to my requests....:(
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    What is that button in the floor?

    I was thinking it was some kind of eject button!:p
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    Built a new canopy for my kubota

    Looks like that is gonna work out really nice for ya.
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    Selfmade front mower

    I like your PS idea. Very Ghetto/Redneck, but I think it would work for ya.:)
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    Building a new B6000

    Not sure on all Kubota tractors, but the majority I have seen have the SN stamped in the top of the tranny on the right hand side of the tractor. On my 8200 it is very hard to read the numbers, as the person stamping it must have been some kind of wimp when it came time to peen in the...
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    gray market rookie questions

    Not sure why PS would be a problem with the loader. My 8200 has a factory Kubota loader and doesn't have PS (that will change soon). It does get a little tough to turn, but not something you will throw your shoulder out with. My dad owns an L295DT with a loader and no PS as well. Perhaps...
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    New B7100HSD Owner - A Few Questions

    Change the fluids you have suggested, adding to that the front diff, as well as the front wheel gear housings. Both use 80W-90 gear lube. You should also clean the hydraulic/tranny fluid screen. My 8200 has that on the drivers side just below the fwd/rev pedal. This simply is cleaned with...
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    Kubota b1600

    You can try here