Search results

  1. GlueGuy

    BX24 HST Fan Replacement

    I think the proper design would have been a slightly reinforced 2 piece fan where the mounting bolt segments overlapped. That would have maintained alignment easily and allowed much easier replacement.
  2. GlueGuy

    BX24 HST Fan Replacement

    Thanks all for the kind words! It was one of those "There's got to be a better way" moments... around 3 AM!
  3. GlueGuy

    MX5100 Hydraulic Filter

    How about a little search for a different magnet?
  4. GlueGuy

    BX24 HST Fan Replacement

    After finding out theat there were no fan blades left on my BX24, I researched the replacement of the $12.00, drive shaft mounted fan and found out these tractors (and possibly others) required disconnecting and then moving the engine forward to allow clearance to insert the fan. What a lot of...
  5. GlueGuy

    Removing BX24 3PH Speed and Mower Height Knobs

    You guys were correct! A heat gun for a minute or two and they came off. Still a tight fit! Will put them back on with some heat as well to try and reactivate the adhesive Kubota used. Thanks!
  6. GlueGuy

    Removing BX24 3PH Speed and Mower Height Knobs

    Thanks Guys, We'll try the heatgun! Jim
  7. GlueGuy

    Removing BX24 3PH Speed and Mower Height Knobs

    I need to replace the rear fender assembly on my BX24. Everything is fairly straight forward, but how do the 3PH speed control and mower height knobs come off? Thanks,