Search results

  1. K

    The first b5100 Delorean

    Wowi hav seen some resorations but this job you are doing replicating parts from stainless drillin cuttin shapping turnin parts on a lathe is one hella of a great job wow im am extremely inpressed
  2. K

    Preventative routine maint

    i would have to agree with you as most of us know orange is not cheap and any preventative maint will go a long way even with all the records show after it got delivered i changed the oil n flushed the radiater the 2 most inportant item to me
  3. K

    Preventative routine maint

    Well went down to my dealer n spoke with rich my sales guy for the past 15 yr. He looked up all his records k wait wait he had all past service n 2 repair orders n also ushured me the 1 owner prior was a very meticulous customer of his so i kinda skimmed thru them n yes 50-100-150 and all...
  4. K

    Preventative routine maint

    sorry should hav been more clear i traded in my smaller kubota 6 months ago and i got the 2000 m4900cs i hav owned it approx 6months and hav put 20 hrs on it
  5. K

    Preventative routine maint

    So have a question concerning maintenance i have had my kubota m4900cs 6 months it was purchased used it a 2000 i have put 20hr on it since i got it i chk oil , tran hyd fluids regularly is there more i shud do or start lookin at when it was delivered it had 2002 hr now its got 2022 all...
  6. K

    3pt quick att

    wow delores is like 45 minutes away well im in no hurry if u happin to talk with him see if he is still interested in sellin it . So im guessing you come up for hunting season or fishing and just get away let me know if there is anything i can do to make your visit more pleasharable thanks...
  7. K

    3pt quick att

    thank you both sorry about post being part txt such a hard habbit to break with a 17 son i will take both yor advise and try and come up with something soon if your freind sells his let me know im probably hr away from the 4 corners monumement and would hav to see how far from there to were...
  8. K

    3pt quick

    Went to local dealer recently lookin at 3pt quick att n he told me there built cheap n unless all ur atchment r from same manufacture u will hav problems with the hight width n dont work all that well any one ever build there own or hav any insight on this issue please help me im tired of...
  9. K

    3pt quick att

    Went to local dealer recently lookin at 3pt quick att n he told me there built cheap n unless all ur atchment r from same manufacture u will hav problems with the hight width n dont work all that well any one ever build there own or hav any insight on this issue please help me im tired of...
  10. K

    3pt quick att

    Went to local dealer recently lookin at 3pt quick att n he told me there built cheap n unless all ur atchment r from same manufacture u will hav problems with the hight width n dont work all that well any one ever build there own or hav any insight on this issue please help me im tired of...
  11. K

    Quick-Hitch for CAT 1

    Quick hitch 3pt Went to local dealer recently lookin at 3pt quick att n he told me there built cheap n unless all ur atchment r from same manufacture u will hav problems with the hight width n dont work all that well any one ever build there own or hav any insight on this issue please help me...
  12. K

    Wk end outage

    Wow im sur glad ott bakup n runnin now i c wen i read post that say they had withdraws it seems ev morn i get up hav my coffee n read latest post in all areas b4 work n on my daz off sometimes just for general info so sat n sun were hard without the ott thanks guz 4 gettin it bakup n runnin...
  13. K

    Category for Newbies

    ;);)im new n hav had some great advise n just reading info all together inda repairs isle oil leak isle 17 hahaha but excellent idea 4 the web page i own a kubota m 4900 n hav had great advise on how to do it yourself areas great job to every1 involved n as a newbee a special shout out to the...
  14. K


    thx skeet waz lokin all over thought i seen this cpl wks ago ill priny iy n try
  15. K


    I need help how do i post piks to this wb site im new i own a kubota m4900 wit fel im very happy with my orange beast but wud like mor info n tips on maint repairs n just general knowledge any thing that will help keep my kubota livin long n strong but i cant even get my piks to post i can get...
  16. K

    Help Posting Pics?

    posting piks to ur site i hav tried to post piks but the best i can do is links how do i post to this site tony in durango colo
  17. K

    Fel tweaked

    Got a call from jim who explained how to bend it back in place n sizel it woeked great thx to all who help n an support this web site n jim
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  20. K

    Kubota 4900 my baby