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  1. K

    My 4900

  2. K

    Fel quick attchment tweaked

    tracter mount only frame is not bent n gont know how send pik i got a txt fr kubota awner said something about puttin block wood inbtween frame n cylinder kinda cofussing
  3. K

    1st pik

    dang i followed the instructions ??????hum ill try sumthing diff
  4. K

    1st pik

  5. K

    Fel quick attchment tweaked

    hey orange lovers just a quick note to say i lov this site n reading the diff post n answers is awsum i hav a M4900 myself hav had very lil trouble i did bend the FEL quick attachment recently i have the pin style any advise on how to straitin this back out ??????
  6. K

    Ok ill try hold glow plug a lil longer to c how that duz

    Ok ill try hold glow plug a lil longer to c how that duz
  7. K

    Help me in durango colo

    Hi im new to this site i hav a kubota 4900 n i need some help wen its cold i hav to hold key to keep it started i read something about a solenoid would changing it solve my issue it starts runns great other wise just wen its cold outside it will start up after holdin in glow plug posisition run...
  8. K

    Fuel solenoid cold starting

    Hi im new to this site i hav a kubota 4900 n i need some help wen its cold i hav to hold key to keep it started i read something about a solenoid would changing it solve my issue it starts runns great other wise just wen its cold outside it will start up after holdin in glow plug posisition run...