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  1. C

    Protect mower deck

    Gosh: I have had several mower decks and might scrape off some if I turn it over, but, they have lasted and lasted. I think it is a waste of time to get too involved with a work project like that.
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    Hydraulic part

    A plumbing fitting in the near center is termed an "elbow". Looks like it is male -male. Size usually is set by the inner diameter of the openings.
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    BX23S 50hr First Service - Cost..?

    Get the book out and do it yourself. Most tractor owners do their own service.
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    bent hydraulic ram on woods backhoe

    The warning that straightening it a few times is causing fatigue is not correct. Fatigue comes from thousands of bending stressings. A few cases in going beyond yield (of course you know what that means) work hardens it, raising the yield point in that area so the next bend might be a little...
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    B2650 break in

    I'm an 89 year old graduate engineer: I've seen these warnings and advice for all sorts of equipment. Yet, I have never seen any documentation that "giving it hell" ever caused any problem. My theory, if it can't be run like I want to, I don't want ti.
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    Giving kids a ride

    One more. In our area there are plenty of Amish. We hired them for adding onto a cabin home. One day they came with a few kids, maybe 8 or 10 years old. they had them up on the steep roof. One lost his hat and grabbed for it, almost falling off. When we complained about it the reply was...
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    Giving kids a ride

    Here in south central Wisconsin a front page report of a 4 year old killed after falling off a 4 wheeler pulling a water tank, with the tank running over him. A common thing I guess, but tragic. What does it take to educate folks about kids and dangers?
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    BX25 Service video

    Even if you upgrade to a larger initial filter, you still need the second one. I guarantee that if you do install the larger initial filter, you will thank any of us that recommend it. I just did the replacements and it took all of 15 minutes at the most.
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    bent hydraulic ram on woods backhoe

    The question as to how this can happen is one that might be explained. First of all it is unlikely that the hydraulic pump could develop enough pressure to cause it. So with the control valve shut is there any pressure relief valve in the cylinder system in that case with pressure built up in...
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    bent hydraulic ram on woods backhoe

    The son needs some simple structural static rules. In a long reach of the upper arm the upper ram could would not be extended. It would have great debility to take compression force. However the longer the extension of ram, the less compression load it can withstand. The bending took place...
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    Thinking of trading for a BX23S

    If you do much fine grading with the three point, need a high lift bucket, check out the operation of the BX. The three point control is particularly cheap.
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    Newbie tipped question

    No one has commented on "tipping over" stuff. Sounds like you needed some basic information on center of gravity, etc. I'm sure if you search around here you fine some good information of precautions, etc. Next time may not be so lucky.
  13. C

    Bx25 post hole digger gets stuck

    Same methods as with a hand held post hole auger machine. Take very small bites, lift out and a slight more and lift out. I'm in Wisconsin also and they do teach what is meant by each of the three 2's. To, Too, and Two. by the way the damn BX cheap control for the three point tries to...
  14. C

    Hydro Filter Change

    To simplify: Assuming you want to only clean the screen, the book say at 50 hours. Then the book says change transmission fluid at 400 hours. You are right, if you can catch the fluid and not contaminate it while cleaning the screen, I suppose you can dump it back in. Those that write...
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    50 hours tomorrow

    Hey BotaLota: Here is a thought. Print out your post. Attach it to the rear cover of your tractor manual. Every once in a while take a look at it through the years. As you mellow it will give you nice thoughts and maybe some amusement.
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    50 hours tomorrow

    Why exactly 50 hours? I recommend you wait until a convenient time to go to the dealer. Then change the filter. You might lose a little oil,but really not a big deal when you see what abuse tractors can take with little or no maintenance. If they can't take it, you don't want them.
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    Newbie, engine almost stalls on hills?

    Is it more common with tank at half or less ? A weak fuel pump or a NG fuel pump might be the case. Disconnect power to the fuel pump and see if it won't run? With a fuel tank full you don't need the fuel pump for that tractor.
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    Won't crank

    Connections to the battery sometimes have enough play, due to alternate heating and cooling.
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    I hate my new L3901

    Hey, send a complaint to the White House. The owner there now is issuing change orders to cut back all that crap.
  20. C

    Glue for mailbox?

    It may not the just the mail person. Could be vandals. It's called mail box baseball. Solution is to install a fence post before the mail box somewhat out toward the road. A swinging bat hits that first. If it is a snow plow and the thrown snow, a heavy steel late mounts on that new fence...