Search results

  1. C

    3 point PTO Generators

    Utopia Te4xas is right. I have had both the PTE type and stand alone. The PTO is damn loud and fuel used is now running two machines. I decided to sell tractor, Pto generator and go with stand alone.
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    Fuel Filters on the BX series

    I couldn't find the Canadian with the video I referred to, but this U Tube video shows a replacement filter that solves the problems also. You probably could also find other outboard mount filters to do he same job. Sure saves a lot of grief.
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    Fuel Filters on the BX series

    I don't have my BX any more but I did the same thing as the country bumpkin and copied the work of the Canadian who put the method on U Tube. A search there likely will come up with the video also be aware that he wastes a lot of time with other stuff, but eventually tells a good story on how...
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    Box blade for BX2380?

    If you don't have the tractor yet, think about a larger one. The BX is fine for small jobs and I mean small. These would be lawn mowing and snow plowing where you don't have a heck of a lot of land. Bringing in split wood for a fire place, etc. For one thing the fuel system is pretty crude...
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    On what slope angle is excessive, likely you will find agreement here that angle is when it tips over. It's all something that is related to physics, center of gravity, etc. I'd not trust any info on the safe angle, since attachments, fuel level, etc. all influence the stability.
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    BX HST Fan

    I did the search for you and found it about 230th out of 500. copy down this thread number in case you lose it.
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    BX HST Fan

    If you do a search, perhaps via Google for someone who sells a fan in two parts. Also on this web room you might find info on it. That split fan fits around the shaft there and then two parts are secured together and saves all that grief of separating the tractor front from the back. As I...
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    BX24 cutting out under load

    This post and others of similar issues with fuel are why I traded mine in for a regular gasoline powered mower. The basic fuel design for the BX sure has faults. I've never had these kind fuel problems with other tractors I have had through the years.
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    BX1870 PTO non-functional

    I assume you mean the three point lift. Could it be you turned the slow drop to the stop knob and now it is up and won't go down
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    Best way to re-grade roadside?

    Not to throw cold water on it, your B tractor can do the job but it will be one heck of a long project time. Leaving trees and working in between is likely to kill them since roots can go a long ways. If they stay, you still will have steep sides of the mounds needed to hold the trees. I...
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    New Member, New BX2380!

    My story: Two days ago I traded off (evenly) my BX with 265 hours on it for a 50 inch Simplicity lawnmower. BX was 7 years old but continuing fuel problems, probably due to those bugs that grow in diesel. At age 89 I wasn't about to yank that fuel tank for a second time and I didn't need the...
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    This schematic may help. I Item 3 (clipped off at top) is clutch pack. 5 and 8 gears select front or rear.
  13. C

    BX 2380 loader install issue

    Here is a sketch looking at right side of tractor at the loader mount area. Tractor support is on the left. Holes A an A are where the 1" diameter pin goes, holding the mount from loader to the tractor while the "cup' B takes the welded in pin B from the loader. First step is get the...
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    BX 2380 loader install issue

    Where are those 1" diameter pins now that are a little up from the "pocket" that the loader frame sits in? I'll be one didn't get put in. If they arn't sitting in horizontal position in the frames, locking the loader to the tractor, it was your fault.
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    Mower Help

    How's about looking around for properties boutthe same and ask to see their mower? I'd bet you will get some great advice and besides meet some new friends.
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    Side-slopes: If my B2920 could do it, can my L4310?

    One more. I just now recall something about the subject with a tractor that had a loader. I did some hauling of it with a single axle trailer with tilt bed. I would set the tractor with the CG a little forward of the axle. How did I know that position? Moving it back and forth on the...
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    Side-slopes: If my B2920 could do it, can my L4310?

    I did a google search for the subject and a bunch of comments came up. To add dust in the air, take a look here/ Maybe someone really knows where he C.G. is. Since the center of gravity is not right over the rear axle and likely the...
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    Side-slopes: If my B2920 could do it, can my L4310?

    I won't try to convince you of anything but state some physical facts. Moving versus sitting still does not change the location of the center of gravity, thus stability. Hitting depressions or bumps does throw impact up or down to tractor however. One more item, a mower attached to the...
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    Side-slopes: If my B2920 could do it, can my L4310?

    Troverman: If you are on a slope that is near critical it won't take much to make it go over. With a lever, you can lift a lot more than your body can without the lever. If you can't move it when it is on the slope, you obviously have no problem. I also thought about one more test I ran...
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    Side-slopes: If my B2920 could do it, can my L4310?

    With a question like this I have run some physical tests. I park the tractor on the slope. I also park an anchor vehicle up hill. I attach a rope to the test tractor as high up as possible,as on the roll bar. The other end goes to the anchor, as at the trailer hitch with no risk of tipping...