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  1. C

    BX2230 3pt does not stay up all the way

    It's been a while since I had a BX. However, if you do run it to the top then turn the adjusting wheel (near your left heel) clockwise to the "top" position and it should stay up.
  2. C

    Hard facing rod on mower blades

    If you are not an experienced hard surfacing welder, I'd question that it will be a satisfactory job and the warnings here should be heeded. Why not invest in those blades already hardened before trying anything yourself?
  3. C

    Unusual Trail Cam Pictures

    The end of the tail shows at right side.
  4. C

    Mowing with BX1860

    Sold my BX, but, as I recall, you only turn the knob clockwise and then only with the three point control lift it to the top position. Don 't try to turn the knob if mower (via the three point) is not at full top position. Then, lower to the selected position.
  5. C

    Mowing with BX1860

    Sold my X, but, as I recall, you only turn the knob clockwise and then only with the three point control lift it to the top position. Don 't try to turn the knob if mower (via the three point) is not at full top position. Then lower to where it stops for mowing.
  6. C

    Veterans Day

    Navy 1951-54 junior officer. I don't need any thanks or praise, even though I saw some Korean War action. The Navy put this poor kid through college, paying him $50 a month (NROTC) also, with then asking the minimum requirement of service after that. Then, the GI bill put him in college...
  7. C

    Found this on the side of the road

    Som poor contractor lost it. Isn't thee some way you cam get a sign out there and it might be a way for the owner to come back and look for it. How about an ad in the lost and found?
  8. C

    Rats eaten my wires on L4060 HST

    It is not only rats. These days the plastic insulation on electric wires has vegetable oil in the plastic it make it flexible. Thus any animal that has a nose for that oil (like Crisco, etc) will chew the wires. It is not just tractors, but any place where there is that insulation. Squirrels...
  9. C

    Deer scrapping my new trees.

    To those of you with wishes and also using government programs to reduce your taxes. I ask you to consider the guy who doesn't have that opportunity. His taxes go up to make up for your benefit. In Wisconsin there is a program that is a "forest management" thing that can cut a tax bill for 20...
  10. C

    Deer scrapping my new trees.

    Hey Joseph: I am sure you feel a lot better about this and it will take of things for a long time. That sure was the right tool.
  11. C

    Deer scrapping my new trees.

    Slitting wrinkled plastic pipe. I used tin snips. However with a saber saw and metal cutting (small teeth) and a short exposed length it might be easier. On a table saw use a plywood cutting blade. How abut calling a neighbor?? If I was close, no problem. A hack saw would work, with...
  12. C

    Help log skidding

    OK here is a worse story. A friend of mine used his Christmas vacation to snake logs out of the woods for fire wood. It was a Ford I think, no roll bars. As he pulled the logs with a chain secured somewhat above the axle now and then the front end lifted slightly off the ground, but no...
  13. C

    Tree damage ?

    I put this on a similar post. It s a common way municipalities do it. Get some wrinkled corrugated plastic pipe thin walled 4" or 6" diam. and slice it lengthwise and put it around the trunk. Won't hurt the tree and can last as long as you need the protection. Black may not show as much as...
  14. C

    Deer scrapping my new trees.

    Buy some 4" and 6" diameter wrinkled (corrugated) plastic hose. Usually that is used for extending downspouts, among its many uses. Cut off a section about 4 feet if possible and make a cut from one end to the other and open up and fit it over the trunk of the tree. Leave it on until it expands...
  15. C

    PTO Shaft Education Needed

    There are some rules for PTO shafts, such as what rotate is the alignment of the yokes at each end and also the minimum overlap of the outer and inner shafts. Perhaps someone can post a diagram of these "rules".
  16. C

    Fuel Additive

    How's come you using gas in a diesel?
  17. C

    BX 25D failed fuel pump......again!

    I sold my BX but had all sorts of similar problems. I measured the pressure of the pumps and off brands gave a pressure of 6 or more psi, while factory pumps gave 3 psi and lasted longer. Placing a larger first filter gave longer life to the pumps.
  18. C

    Sitework for my Kubota dealer

    Sounds like the job went well. However, you probably know that you can do a better job if you have moisture content where best compaction occurs, called optimum moisture content. I have a question, since I don't have a cell phone that takes pictures, but use a digital camera, I often wonder...
  19. C

    digging a level base with a FEL

    Some good ideas above. One machine that I once had taught me a lesson about using a rear blade for any kind of grading, even snow. The machine was a BX with height control for the three point hitch via the simplest and cheapest sort of valve anyone could come up with; just on or off and maybe...
  20. C

    Rustproofing, tired of paint failure

    Through the years I have sprayed used engine oil inside car doors, door posts and fenders. That's getting into areas that rust from the inside.